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The Science of ARCHIE VS. SHARKNADO // Is It Possible?

I wrote yesterday about ARCHIE VS. SHARKNADO #1, a one-shot comic book by Archie Comics that ties into Syfy's "Sharknado 3" movie -- as well as the rest of the "Sharknado" franchise.

Husband Mark -- who you may or may not know is a biologist -- pointed out to me that the concept behind this franchise is flawed. The sharks would not survive their tornado trips.

I asked Mark if he's ever heard of a shark dying as a result of flying out of he office as the result of a tornado.

He tried telling me that he cloned a bunch of micro-sized sharks once and simulated a tornadic situation. He tried telling me that the micro-sharks all died.

I doubted the veracity of his story. But -- assuming that he's on the level -- I pointed out that regular sharks are surely hardier creatures than cloned micro-sharks. Surely, a regular-sized shark is likely to survive a tornado where cloned micro-sharks perish.

Husband Mark strongly disagreed.

In the spirit of marital harmony, I'm going to concede that it's highly unlikely that any shark could survive a Sharknado.

(Though not impossible...)

"Survivors" 40th Anniversary: Episode 14 ("Birth of a Hope")

This is the fourteenth in a series of blog posts dedicated to the 40th anniversary of BBC's "Survivors" television series. "Survivors"followed a core group of characters who managed to survived a devastating viral outbreak -- one which managed to kill off somewhere between 95-99% of humanity. Society has crumbled and now those who remain must relearn the old way if they have any hope of surviving much longer.

Our last episode was the final episode of Season One. Our group of survivors had settled into the Grange. Their initial group of three swelled to roughly one dozen and they were slowly learning to how raise their own livestock and grow their own crops -- with lots of stumbles along the way. Our group decided last episode that there was a need to reach out to the surrounding communities and form some sort of federation to assist with defense and trade. Meanwhile, Abby Grant learned from a doctor named Ruth that her son Peter is still alive!

And that's how Season One ended -- with a promise of community, neighborly connections, and a familial reunion!

Season Two begins elsewhere. Whitecross, to be specific. Greg Preston traveled by horse and wagon 50 miles out of his way to trade for two bags of wheat. He was reunited with an old friend, Charles Vaughan. Greg met Charles back in the first season. He and the others nearly settled there, but Abby got frightened off by Charles' emphasis on free-loving and re-population. Greg learned that Charles' first colony didn't turn out so well. Loraine lost her baby during the delivery, though Isla's baby boy survived. But a rift developed and they all went their separate ways.

Charles eventually settled at Whitecross, which appears to be a multi-house colony. He met up with a woman named Pet Simpson (played by Lorna Lewis) and the two have become a romantic couple. According to Charles, Whitecross has ten adults and five children. They all work and they all share the bounty of their work. Including some grape wine:

Charles Vaughan // Pet Simpson // Greg Preston
It turns out that Greg's group is doing better these days. They have tons of sheep, plus some cows and rabbits and chickens. They also are living well on potatoes and carrots and other vegetables. But they still need some wheat, which Charles is all too happy to share. Oh, we also learned that Abby permanently left the group in order to search full-time for Peter.

But Greg isn't just after wheat. He's also looking for Dr. Ruth. She'd come to Whitecross to assist with Charles' babies' deliveries. Ruth is currently overdue to get back to the Grange. Jenny is weeks -- if not days -- away from giving birth to her own baby! Unfortunately, Ruth isn't at Whitecross. She'd gone to another settlement to help an injured man. Hopefully she'll make her way back to the Grange in time for Jenny's delivery!

Speaking of the Grange, this happened while Greg was away:

A fire started somewhere in the building. Jenny and Paul were awake when the fire broke out. The children, John and Lizzie, awoke and raised the alarm. Arthur managed to escsape. Everyone else died in the fire. RIP Emma, Vic, Chamian, Donny, Pete, and presumably Laura and Norma and Laura's baby.

The next day, Greg left for home, leaving a puzzled Pet. It seems that Charles had told her that he wouldn't let any new travelers leave Whitecross. They needed more people, but he didn't even ask Greg about staying. Charles acknowledge what she was saying, but indicated that he and Greg would be butting heads too much. You can only have too many leaders, you know?

Greg eventually returns home and finds the remains of his group. They quickly realize that there's no way to salvage the Grange. He packs up what's left and they begin the long journey back to Whitecross.

Fortunately, they are welcomed at Whitecross. In fact, Greg, Jenny, and the kids are all given their own house and the others have been invited into the big house. It's pretty good timing. Jenny is about ready to give birth and welcomes the opportunity to lie down in an actual bed. But where's Ruth??

Fortunately, a grumpy shepherd named Hubert Goss (played by John Abineri) is there to help out with the delivery if Ruth doesn't make it back in time. Doesn't Jenny look pleased?

Hubert Goss
Charles takes off on a motorcycle and manages to track down Ruth (now played by Celia Gregory). The timing is remarkable, as Jenny is now feeling regular contractions. The baby isn't born by the end of the episode -- but you know that he's coming and Jenny is definitely liking the option of Ruth over Hubert!

Ruth Anderson
We're left with a big question mark at the end of the episode. Will Greg and the others remain at Whitecross? And if not, where will they go next? My hunch is that we'll be seeing a lot more of Charles, Pet, and Hubert over the course of Season Two!

Stay tune for next week's episode, titled "Greater Love."

Iowa City Man Arrested & Accused of Torturing Roommate's Kitten for Hours // Updated on 11/22/14: Fritz Continues to Heal! // Updated on 12/19/14: Another Arrest // Updated on 04/21/15: Nopoulos Changes Plea to Guilty // Updated on 07/27/14: Nopoulos Sentenced to 2 Years Probation Plus 30 Days in Jail

(Leo Nopoulos)
(Originally written on 10/15/14): A 21-year-old man from West Liberty, IA, was arrested and charged late last week with allegedly torturing his former roommate's 8-week-old kitten "non-stop, for a period lasting longer than three hours." Leo A. Nopoulos has been charged with animal torture, which is an aggravated misdemeanor, and faces up to two years in prison if convicted.

According to Nate Schloss*, he believed last week that his kitten Fritz was sick due to periodic incidents of bleeding from the cat's right eye and nose. Things would improve and then the bleeding would resume. He rushed the kitten to the pet hospital and received treatment last Wednesday evening the 8th. (Jon's note: For some reason, nobody -- including the hospital staff -- was able to recognize the signs of severe abuse. I'm just saying...)

Schloss decided last Thursday the 9th to set up his laptop to record his bedroom while he was away in order to get a better idea of what was going on with his cat. This is what happened over the course of nearly four hours while he was away:
I can't say it enough again, but it's simply a miracle after the extent of trauma my kitten Fritz sustained that he is even alive! There is a 3.5 HOUR VIDEO in police possession that shows the CONTINUOUS torture of my little kitten Fritz going on in my bathroom AND bedroom. The depth and details that I would need to explain involving everything that this recording shows would take me more than several hours to elaborate on. To give even the smallest idea as to what exactly happened, the video shows Leo leaving my room only a few times and for only several minutes at a time, AND brings 3 other friends total in at different times to show them my kitten Fritz and what he has done. Whether they have knowledge of what exactly happened is still not known. The first scene shows Leo searching my room, in, under, and around everything searching for Fritz as if he is on a mission. You see him take Fritz by the neck and throw him into my ceiling in my bathroom and hear all the sounds that follow along with, which in itself I cannot begin to explain enough. He is shown throwing my 8-week old KITTEN into the walls, doors, cupboards of my bathroom. He is shown bringing Fritz into my bedroom and violently with full force throwing Fritz into the walls, into corners, into my t.v. stand, beating Fritz with his own hands many many many times!He is shown grabbing a t.v. remote and full force beating Fritz in the head and face over and over and over. He is shown taking a Glade metal spray bottle and beating Fritz in the head over and over and over with NO REMORSE SHOWN. The metal bottle was obtained from my bathroom and brought to police as tangible evidence with blood spatter still being present all around the bottle in multiple places. This is only a BEGINNING as to what I can explain as to what occurred on Thursday, Oct. 9th.
The Press-Citizen included this extra bit of detail:
At one point, police said, the cat gets away, and Nopoulos is seen in the video actively looking for the cat; once he catches it, he continues to abuse it. Police said Nopoulos admitted to abusing the cat to his roommate, his parents and an officer.
According to Schloss, Fritz survived this abuse, though his left eye had to be removed yesterday. Additionally, Fritz is blind in his right eye, but hopefully he will eventually recover his vision in that eye.

Schloss communicated that Nopoulos admitted to the animal abuse several different times. He reportedly said that he was "fucked up" and that he has "bad voices in his head telling him to do terrible things."

*I feel a bit "oogy" about including the name of the cat's owner in this blog. However, he directed people to his Facebook account of the abusein the comments section of the Press-Citizen article and I believe that his account gives a lot of needed detail to this horrific story.

Updated on 11/22/14: I have had requests from others to provide an update on this situation. I don't know much, but here is what I know...

The legal case against Leo Nopolous continues to wind its way slowly through the courts. The arraignment hearing is currently scheduled for 12/04/14. In other words, it's gonna be a while.

As for Fritz, he now has his own Facebook page. For the most part, Fritz appears go be mostly healed. However, he still appears to be blind or mostly blind in his right eye. At most, he is only seeing shadows at this point. He's also learning to navigate his home and how to play again quite successfully.

Earlier this month, his owners got a second cat named Squash and the two cats appear to be getting along well.

So that's the update!

Updated on 12/19/14: It seems that Fritz's Facebook page went down within the past couple days. We had an update earlier this week and now it's gone.

I'm sure that's connected to local news that there was another arrest tangentially connected to this case. Sadly, it's not what you think. I'm still pondering how to proceed.  Read here for more information.

Updated on 04/21/15: KCJJ reported earlier today that Leo Nopoulos has changed his plea to guilty related to last year's Animal Torture charge. He faces up to two years in prison, but I would guess that a lesser sentence has been negotiated in exchange for this written plea.

Updated on 07/27/15: The Iowa City Press-Citizen reported this evening that Leo Nopoulos has been sentenced to two years of supervised probation for animal torture and 30 days in jail for drunken driving related to an arrest discussed further down in the comments thread:
In his defense, his lawyer, Joseph Moreland, emphasized Nopoulos' progress in multiple rehabilitation programs and his six months of sobriety following his first arrest, and said Nopoulos was an Eagle Scout who grew up on a farm with cats. But, he said he recognized the gravity of his client's crime...

Nopoulos himself admitted to multiple years of drug use at the sentencing, saying he had failed to recognize the extent of his addiction. "I'm completely beside myself with remorse and sorrow," Nopoulos said at the sentencing. "I'm not a violent person at all..."

At the sentencing, Moreland called Bettendorf-based substance abuse counselor Jeff Ribble, who has worked with Nopoulos, as a witness to Nopoulos' recovery... Ribble said a cocaine-induced psychosis explained Nopoulos' actions in torturing the cat, and advised against sending him to prison for an extended period of time...

Moreland did admit that a short time in jail would be motivation for Nopoulos to continue his recovery.
Nopoulos also received a two-year suspended jail sentence for the charges of animal torture and abuse. He will not serve that time unless he violates the terms of his probation. He is currently serving his 30-day drunken driving sentence.

Pat Robertson Counsels Possible Gay Teen About His Salvation

Pat Robertson was back on the "700 Club" this morning, where he participated in the show's Bring It On segment.

Co-host Terry Meeuwsen shared the following by somebody named Patrick: "I was born again originally at 13. I had a few years of peace. Then, because of sexual confusions and doubts, I have doubted if I was ever really saved. I've renewed my salvation over 500 times. Was I ever saved? Did I fall from grace? How do I know I'm really saved?"

Here is Pat's response:
Pat Robertson: The Bible gives you some standards. "By this, we know we have been born again, that we have love for the brethren." Do you love people? Do you love God? Do you want to follow His way? Do you hunger after Him? Do you desire to read the word of God?

There comes a time that you've gotta stop this being saved 500 times. That's absurd! But there are many people who don't accept what God has to say. There comes a time when you need to believe in God. God say, from his word, "This is it. You do this and I will do the other." And you have to receive Him.

Now if you said "this sexual confusion..." Again, I don't know what you're talking about. Does this mean you're into gay sex or you want to have some sex operation. I don't know what you're talking about. But you've had problems

But come to the Lord and read the Word and do what the Word says. And then, having done it, say "Thank you, Lord" and take what he's giving you.
My hunch is that Pat was correct with his third paragraph. My hunch is that Patrick is struggling with being gay -- or, for those in conservative Christian circles, those experiencing "same-sex attractions." I see this type of unending hand-wringing every week (sometimes every day) by LGBT teens over at the Gay Christian Network.

These kids spend inordinate amount of time praying to rid themselves of their same-sex attraction and then doubting their faiths and their salvation because they still experience "same-sex attraction." During this past month alone, two separate gay teens have sought 100% proof that one can be gay and a Christian in order for them to even read through the GCN boards.

It really grieves me when I see these kids. And, the sad part is, I know that there's little that I can do to help them reconcile their faith and their sexuality. Because I'm a "false teacher." How can I convince him or her that one can be both Christian and gay if I'm symbolic of the problem? So I just sit back and let these kids work things through by themselves.

Or turn to Pat Robertson for direction...

You can watch the whole segment here.

Nero at Daycare -- 07/28/15

I was a hot, rainy day yesterday. Nero came home soaking wet and ended up napping for much of the rest of the day!

Check it out:

Clinton, Trump, & Wonder Woman Winning 2015 Johnson County Fair Mock Election

I haven't been to the Johnson County Fair this week. But if I had been there, you can bet that I would vote in the 2015 County Fair Mock Election. This election has been ongoing since Monday morning. Check out the results so far:

As of 3:00 PM today, 771 people had voted in this election.

Wonder Woman (with 174 votes) is winning the nonpartisan battle against the other superheroes, followed most closely by Batman (114 votes) and Captain America (103 votes). Squirrel Girl was not an option -- but SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!

Hillary Clinton (with 169 votes) is winning against the other Democratic Party contenders, followed by Bernie Sanders (97 votes), Uncommitted Democrat (50 votes), Lincoln Chafee & Martin O'Malley (19 votes each), and Jim Webb (with 13 votes).

Donald Trump (with 44 votes) is winning against the other Republican Party contenders, followed by Scott Walker (30 votes), Bobby Jindal (28 votes), Jeb! Bush (26 votes), Uncommitted Republican (25 votes), Ben Carson (22 votes), Ted Cruz (18 votes), Rand Paul (14 votes), Mike Huckabee (13 votes), Rick Perry & Marco Rubio (12 votes each), Carly Fiorina & Lindsey Graham (11 votes each), John Kasich (10 votes), Chris Christie & Rick Santorum (8 votes each), and George Pataki (1 vote).

My understanding from speaking yesterday with one of the Board Supervisors is that there has been a concerted effort by Clinton voters to also vote for Wonder Woman.

Pat Robertson: Ex-Gay Theology Works, Gay Men Want to Be Women, & Those Who Don't Need to Start Acting Like Real Men!

Pat Robertson was at it again on CBN's "700 Club" earlier today. He was doing hisdaily Bring It On segment, where he was asked about the effectively of ex-gay theology. What followed was a random collection of thoughts involving drag queens, gender identity, masculinity, and ex-gay promotion.

Co-host Terry Meeuwsen shared the following question by somebody named Ian: "I am really in deep confusion and I really need answers. Can God take away this same-sex attraction? Can God change a homosexual to straight?"

Here is Pat's response:
Pat Robertson: We have had people on this program. There was this one guy. I’ll never forget him. We show him as a woman and as a woman he was absolutely gorgeous! I mean, gorgeous! But he was a man! And the Lord touched him, changed him, and now he is married and has some children and has a very happy life. 

Yes, God can. It’s a miracle, but God can do it. It is a tendency in your life. 

Somebody was asking me for counsel the other day and said, “I’ve got this son and he was effeminate from the time he was young and now he says he’s gay.” And I said to her, “Does he want to be a girl?” And she said, “No.” And I said, “Well, if he doesn’t want to be a girl, basically he wants to be a man. And if he wants to be a man, there’s no reason he can’t start acting like one.” 

 God can take care of this. I know that this used to be considered psychologically… that this was an aberration and so forth. But now, as a matter of fact, if someone counsels this… The school comes against you. You’re violating someone’s civil rights. But the truth is – you’ve asked me a question. Can God do it? The answer is, not only can he do it. He will. 
The emboldened parts was what you too can expect if you ever seek spiritual counseling by Pat Robertson about personal issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Here's the deal. I'm not a strong opponent of LGBT people wasting their time and money trying to change from gay to straight. I know lots of people who've spent thousands of dollars in these programs. I know lots of people who've married heterosexually because they believed this necessary to achieve transformation and salvation. I know lots of ex-gays who've crashed, burned, and completely lost their faith as a result of these ministries. And I know lots of ex-gay ministries that have shuttered their programs after admitting that they don't work.

But who am I to tell someone that they can't waste their time and money and kill their faith in a fruitless desire to become heterosexual? And, to be fair, there is always the chance that God will eventually transform somebody or that some of these folks will discover their inner bisexual.

But what is Pat smoking??

Gay men don't want to be women. We are sexually and emotionally attracted to other men. Some of us are effeminate and others aren't. But either way, we are acting like men. We are men.

Of course, why wouldn't one expect Pat or Terry or the "700 Club" in general to believe that gay men want to be women or that we are running from our adult responsibilities? God forbid that they lack the ability to recognize the nuances within the LGBT communities or observe the diversity that exists here.

Note to Ian: It's possible that you can change. But most likely you won't. Stop turning to people like Pat Robertson for a sense of security. He won't offer it to you. He will only promote misinformation and doubt. You don't have to become heterosexual to be saved. I pray that you eventually find your own personal peace.

You can watch the whole segment here.

Omaha Deejay Arrested // Accused of Attacking Trans Woman

An Omaha deejay was arrested and charged with a hate crime after he allegedly barged into a women's restroom at a bar and assaulted a trans woman:
Stephen E. Thompson, 45, was charged Monday in Douglas County Court with one count of third-degree assault that is being prosecuted as a felony hate crime. A judge set bail at $50,000. Thompson must pay 10 percent of that amount to be released from jail. 

Kara Jeslyn Barone, 27, of Omaha, said she went to the Down Under Lounge at 3630 Leavenworth St. on Friday night with friends. 

Barone, who said she has been transitioning from male to female for three years, said she and another transgender woman went into the women’s restroom shortly after arriving. Thompson’s girlfriend, an acquaintance of Barone’s, also was in the restroom. 

Barone said Thompson, listed in a police report as 6 feet tall and 160 pounds, began kicking the door and trying to force his way into the restroom. “I pushed him back outside,” Barone said Tuesday, “and locked the door.” 

Barone, who is 5 feet 8 inches tall and 150 pounds, said Thompson continued pounding on the door and screaming. Thompson’s girlfriend opened the door “and that’s when he sucker-punched me,” Barone said.
According to the police reports, Barone was bloodied and suffered a swollen lip. Her attacker reportedly called her a faggot and other anti-gay slurs. Her account of the assault was reportedly confirmed in the police report by an independent witness of the assault.

Thompson was charged with one count of 3rd degree assault, which is being prosecuted as a hate crime. He faces up to five years of prison if convicted.

The Misfits Ramp Up the Mischief in JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS #5!

I've written about being a fan of "Jem and the Holograms" in the past. I spent my teens years watching (and then re-watching) the cartoon and I'm still interested in the upcoming movie (here and here). I splurged this past Free Comic Book Day on the first two issues of a new JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS comic book series, which is being published by IDW. And I've found that I really, really, REALLY love this comic book series. So much, that it's now on my pull-list at my local comic book shop.

I recently re-watched the first season of the cartoon on Netflix and was reminded of one aspect of the program that proved most difficult to accept. I'm not talking about Synergy, the holographic computer with artificial intelligence. I'm not talking about Jerrica Benton's dual-identity as Jem, or about her crazy two-person love triangle with Rio.

No, I'm talking about the lack of consequences for the Misfits' repeated criminal acts against Jem, the Holograms, and pretty much anyone else. There was the time that they took over a yacht filled with some of this country's most rich and influential people and nearly crashed it into another ship. There was the time that they locked Aja in a bus' luggage storage unit. There were the multiple times that they very publicly assaulted Jem. But they and their manager Eric always seemed to skate out of trouble without consequence.

Of course, nobody ever actually got hurt as the result of the Misfits' actions either, which always seemed odd given some of their antics. But it was a cartoon, and we cartoon viewers are willing to give cartoon antics a bit more latitude than actual real-life antics.

That's why I actually gasped out loud when reading JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS #5, which was published this past Wednesday. Last issue, Jem and the Holograms were performing at a fundraising event for the Starlight Foundation. A Misfit wannabe named Clash infiltrated the event and sabotaged the scaffolding. Which caused the lights to fall from the ceiling. Directly over Jem.

Which gets me back to my gasp. The issue starts predictably. Somebody (AKA Aja) pushed Jem away from the falling lights. Death was averted!

I turned to page #2 and realized that things did NOT turn out okay. Jem was safe, but Aja was pretty seriously injured. She doesn't die -- hopefully that doesn't seem like a horrible spoiler for you -- but she ends up in the hospital and takes time to recover.

Of course, this event really ramps up the tension between the Holograms and the Misfits. Especially after Kimber realizes that the Misfits' assistant was directly involved with Aja's near-death experience.

I cannot tell you how much I love this book, guys! If you aren't getting IDW's JEM AND THE HOLOGRAM, you owe it to yourself to begin reading this outrageous title!

"Showtime Part Five" is written by Kelly Thompson, with art by Sophie Campbell, story by Thompson & Campbell, colors by M. Victoria Robado, and lettering by Shawn Lee.

"Survivors" 40th Anniversary: Episode 15 ("Greater Love")

This is the fifteenth in a series of blog posts dedicated to the 40th anniversary of BBC's "Survivors" television series. "Survivors"followed a core group of characters who managed to survived a devastating viral outbreak -- one which managed to kill off somewhere between 95-99% of humanity. Society has crumbled and now those who remain must relearn the old way if they have any hope of surviving much longer.

In our last episode, the Grange burned to the ground, killing several of the first season survivors. Those who survived (Greg, Jenny, Paul, Arthur, John, & Lizzie) relocated to Whitecross. This settlement is headed by Charles Vaughan. He lives there with his new wife Pet and several others adults and children. They are soon reunited with Dr. Ruth Anderson, who plans to deliver Jenny's unborn son into the world.

We are introduced to Greg and Jenny's new son towards the beginning of this latest episode (titled "Greater Love"). Funny-Face Preston appears to be healthy, though his parents have discussed the need for a kinder name. They initially settle on David. Meanwhile, Jenny is complaining of occasional headaches, but isn't too concerned.

Meanwhile, romance is brewing between Ruth and Paul. They mutually agree that their relationship would never have survived in the pre-Death world. They were too different back then. She was a doctor-in-training and he was a working class man. But things are different now. The old class distinctions no longer matter. For now, the two are enjoying each others' company, as well as this new opportunity at romance!

Sadly, their romance is interrupted. Jenny's headaches are getting worse. Ruth realizes that her blood pressure is beginning to drop. There were complications from the delivery and Ruth needs to perform surgery in order to save Jenny's life.

They don't have the surgical supplies out in the country. That means, somebody needs to travel into one of the cities and get them from the hospitals. Paul volunteers -- despite Greg's reservations. The mission is successful -- mostly. Paul manages to get all of the surgical supplies and Ruth is eventually able to perform the surgery and save Jenny's life.

But Paul also brought back some form of illness. It is noticed upon his arrival. He is quarantined to one of the outlying shelters and given a strong regimen of antibiotics and other meds. Sadly, this treatment is ineffective. Ruth believes that he has a mutant form of bubonic. Paul continues to deteriorate and eventually dies.

Ruth burns Paul's body and the building that he died within. She then goes hiding for a while so that she can mourn in privacy.

Charles, Greg, Ruth, Pet, Jenny, Arthur, and Jack later gather and use this tragedy as a learning opportunity for their group. They turn away from their initial reaction, which was to ban their group from going back to any city. Instead, they decide to build an isolation building. That way, individual members can still go to the city in the future if they need to (for medicine or for some other needed supply), but they will then have the ability to isolate themselves from the others in case they come back with something deadly in their system.

Lastly, Greg and Jenny finally decide on a permanent name for their new baby boy: Paul -- in honor of the man who sacrificed his safety and his life in order to Jenny to live on.

Baby Paul
There were a few other developments. Arthur started the task of resuming Charles' census efforts from way back in season one! It makes sense! I have often pondered the need for a census if such a Plague ever struck this world. There would be a need to know who's left and what skills those survivors possess. That way, we can make sure there are enough doctors or teachers or farmers around -- or at least know where to find them should the need arise!

Arthur's census efforts lead to an interaction, where we viewers get to meet a new cast-member, Jack Wood (played by Gordon Salkilld). He's a carpenter by trade, with experience in electric wiring and union organizing.

Jack Wood
We also get a chance to see several of the older children that live at Whitecross -- though none of them are explicitly introduced -- besides Lizzie and John, of course!

Next week, we begin the first of a pretty cool two-part episode: "Lights of London Part 1!" See you then!

Congressman Steve King: People Can Now Marry Lawnmowers!

Iowa has been a marriage equality state for well over six years now. Outside of a small handful of incidents, this has been an uneventful experience.

That didn't stop our Congressman, Rep. Steve King, from asserting that people can now marry lawnmowers:
The Supreme Court has ruled that they're not. Their ruling really says anybody can marry anybody -- and eventually it will be in any combination. I had a strong, Christian lawyer tell me yesterday (Tuesday, June 30) that, under this decision that he has read, what it brings about is: It only requires one human being in this relationship -- that you could marry your lawnmower with this decision. I think he's right.
King also anticipates legislation that will force all churches to officiate over same-sex marriage also. 

The Pet Posse Have a Spirited Adventure in ARCHIE'S FUNHOUSE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #16!

I was digging through my various comics earlier this afternoon and came across a copy of ARCHIE'S FUNHOUSE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #16 that I had purchased but forgot to read! That's too bad because it features an original lead story featuring the canine members of Riverdale's Pet Posse! I'm talking about Vegas, Hot Dog, and Runty!

It seems that a certain mogul by the name of Mr. Clump has obtained permission from the City Council to tear down the local dog park and replace it with something called Clump Plaza.

Archie and his friends try appealing to Mr. Clump's better nature, reminding him that Riverdale's dog park has been around since the Revolutionary War -- "when Percival Pickens' pack of pedigreed Patterdale Terriers protected our precious province!" Mr. Clump could care less about the spirits of the dogs who'd played in the dog park over the years.

But Vegas notices something after Mr. Clump refuses to break ground until the beginning of the week in order to avoid Friday the 13th:

It seems that Mr. Clump is very superstitious. Could the dogs take advantage of that fact and save the dog park? Vegas thinks so and figures out a plan involving Hot Dog and Runty and a package of white powdery cement! (Think "Brady Bunch!")

It's interesting to note that Runty shows up in this story, but not Reggie. Our local dog parks do not allow people to drop off their dogs unsupervised.

"Dog Walk, Don't Run" was written by Alex Simmons, penciled by Dan Parent, inked by Bob Smith, lettered by Jack Morelli, and colored by Digikore Studios!

The Fox Hunt Continues in THE FOX #3 & 4!

It's been a really long time since I've written about THE FOX: FOX HUNT. This is a sequel series to the first mini-series featuring the Fox and the second title in Archie Comics' Dark Circle line of superhero comics. The Fox is a reluctant superhero named Paul Patton, Jr. He keeps trying to retire, but learns that he has become a freak magnet of sorts. He attracted the attention of an evil corporate CEO named Mister Smile in THE FOX #1, when he fails to stop a villain named Dream-Demon from poisoning the site of a new river basin. This wouldn't have been so bad, but Dream-Demon implicated Patton. This led Mister Smile to place a $1 million bounty on the Fox's head.

This resulted in a three-way attack in THE FOX #2 on the Fox -- and his son Shinji AKA Ghost Fox -- by Brontosaurus, Elasto, and Gadgeteer. Shinji took off after Patton told him to give up his costumed identity. Now the Fox is searching Impact City for his missing son -- and inadvertently being hunted by even more super-villains!

This leads to two issues of nonstop battle between the Fox and Ghost Fox versus a bunch of Red Circle/Dark Circle villains, including Madame Satan! She is a green, tentacled villain based on a Golden Age Satanic character. She first appeared in the original THE FOX mini-series. She sought to seduce Paul Patton, Jr., but ended up getting killed. She returned in THE FOX #3, resulting in a lengthy battle to the death. Fortunately for the Fox, he ended up on the winning end of that battle -- barely!

Meanwhile, Issue #3 featured a battle between Shinji and a villain named Pneumo the Shockwave Assassin! Pneumo wears an outfit that fires lightning blasts. I scoured the web trying to figure out where I'd seen him before. It seems that Dark Circle and Archie Comics took an old character with the same name as a prominent Marvel Comics superhero (AKA Iron Fist), painted his outfit green, and gave him a new name! Pneumo used to fight against the Web, but decided to give foxhunting a try. Fortunately, a secret assist from Mae Patton (AKA She-Fox) saved Shinji's bacon and led to Pneumo's defeat!

This leads directly into THE FOX #4, where the Fox -- exhausted from his earlier battles -- finds himself on a psychedelic journey, courtesy of the Gasser (AKA Martial Law) and his gas-based gun, the Crime Clown (a villain who turned to a life of crime after a woman told him that she could never marry a clown!, and the Great Gray Owl (a criminal vaudeville performer)! This battle ends pretty quickly once Patton realizes that he's fallen under the influence of the Gasser's gas!

Finally, Issue #4 leads to the moment where the Fox discovers that Mister Smile has captured Shinji. It's now up to him and She-Fox to save their son from this crazy millionaire!

Did I mention that it appears that Mister Smile has some sort of super-suit? We readers have only captured hints of it since it first appears in Issue #3, but you can catch a better peak at it in the preview page of Issue #4. Things really don't look good for Paul Patton!

"The Devil You Know" and "The Snoring Corpse" were both written by Dean Haspiel & Mark Waid; with art by Dean Haspiel; lettering by Rachel Deering; and colors by Allen Passalaqua.

Two Attorneys Involved with SCOTUS Gay Marriage Cases Are UCC Members

Back in July 2005, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ overwhelmingly passed a resolution affirming equal marriage rights for couples regardless of gender (i.e., gay marriage, as well as traditional heterosexual marriage). The resolution affirmed marriage equality both in the church and under the law.

So it's not surprising to learn that two of the attorneys involved with the legal argument in favor of equal marriage rights in front of the U.S. Supreme Court have UCC connections:
Marriage-equality supporters throughout the United States continue to revel in the U.S. Supreme Court's June decision that legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. But before the victory came the oral arguments, delivered by teams of lawyers and legal experts representing not just the case plaintiffs, but members of the LGBTQ community everywhere. On the 10th anniversary of the United Church of Christ becoming the first mainline denomination to affirm marriage rights for all, it's serendipitous that two of the lawyers involved with the Supreme Court hearing, Douglas Hallward-Driemeier and Mary Bonauto, belong to the UCC, the church where God is still speaking...

There were four cases from each of the four states in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals (Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee), which were consolidated before the Supreme Court as Obergefell v. Hodges

Hallward-Driemeier, a member of Westmoreland Congregational UCC in Bethesda, Md., was involved with the case out of Tennessee, Tanco v. Haslam, representing couples who were married in their home states before moving to Tennessee. On behalf of plaintiffs in all four states who had been married outside their home states, he also argued that a state could not deny recognition of the marriage of a same-sex couple who had been lawfully married in another state. Hallward-Driemeier was asked to be a part of the case by a former colleague and law school friend, who was a core member of the Tanco legal team and also a representative from the National Center for Lesbian Rights...

Bonauto, a member of Woodfords Congregational Church UCC in Portland, Maine, was one of three attorneys arguing on behalf of the plaintiffs from Michigan and Kentucky about whether the Constitution requires states to allow same-sex couples to marry. Bonauto was part of the legal team in the 2013 Michigan case, DeBoer v. Snyder, on the issue of child outcomes when children are raised by same-sex parents. Her team won that case, but the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision, setting up the Supreme Court review. 
It's always fun for me to see members of my own denomination involved with historic achievements!

B-52s' Kate Pierson Marries Longtime Girlfriend

Kate Pierson of The B-52s announced that she married her longtime girlfriend, Monica Coleman:
The 67-year-old singer/songwriter took to her Facebook page on Tuesday to share photos of her and her new wife with the caption: ‘#itsofficial!’ 

A series of snaps show the happy couple post-ceremony as they don chic wedding gowns with Pierson’s in pink with a elegant Victorian style... 

A rep for Pierson told E! News: "The wedding was attended by the entire B-52s band, Sia Furler and husband Erik Anders Lang were the witnesses. 

'Sia performed the song she wrote for the couple Crush Me With You Love on Pierson's first solo album Guitars and Microphones and was accompanied by the famous Hawaii music group the Lim Family who serenaded the attendees during the event. Fred Schneider made the best man speech.'"
Congrats to the new brides!

Rep. Steve King Was Wrong // You Cannot Legally Marry a Lawnmower

Remember when Congressman Steve King said that people can now legally marry their lawnmowers now that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage? It seemed like a silly assertion, but Pat Rynard of Iowa Starting Line decided that this opportunity was too good to pass over.

He dug his lawnmower out of the garage and the two of them rushed over to the Polk County Recorder's office in Des Moines, IA. However, he ran into problems getting his marriage license processed. It seems that Congressman King forgot to tell Polk County Recorder Julie Haggerty that it was okay for people to marry objects. She ultimately turned Rynard away.

Here's a transcript of their interaction:
Rynard: Hi Julie, so I came by the Recorder’s office today because I want to get a marriage license. For myself and my lawnmower. 

Haggerty: Ok, the answer to that would be no. First of all – well, I should back up a bit and say how old is your lawnmower? 

Rynard: Maybe six or seven years. 

Haggerty: You have to be 18 years old to get a marriage license. And the other person, the other party needs to be able to sign a contract, has to have a government ID, and has to be able to have a witness who says they can enter into a contract. So I think on those counts alone you can’t marry your lawnmower. 

Rynard: Now is it because I’m already married to a woman? Would I have to divorce her first? With the stuff Steve King is saying, it seems like everything is fair game now. 

Haggerty: See, I should probably have asked that question first, are you married? Because if you’re still married, obviously you can’t enter into a contract

 Rynard: Ok, so no marriage with my lawnmower? 

Haggerty: No marriage because you’re married, and no marriage with a lawnmower because it’s an inanimate object. You cannot marry a lawnmower

Rynard: What about a snow blower? 

Haggerty: [shakes head no]
You can watch the entire video here.

Coming Soon: Archie the Musical?

This is interesting. Writer-director Adam McKay and Funny Or Die productions have teamed up with Archie Comics' Jon Goldwater and Roberto Aquirre-Sacasa to craft an Archie-themed Broadway musical:
McKay will write the book for the show, with a creative team and timing for a New York run to be announced at a later date. Funny Or Die will serve as a presenting partner. Goldwater and Aguirre-Sacasa will oversee for Archie Comics. The partnership was packaged by Triptyk Studios’ (An American In Paris) Tara Smith, B. Swibel and Adam Westbrook, who will oversee development...

“Archie represents a bygone era of America,” McKay — longtime partner with Ferrell and ex-Saturday Night Live head writer — said in announcing the deal. “And like all bygone eras, there are elements we miss and elements that should be bygone. This will be a musical that deals with both those realities in a bright, colorful and slightly demented way.”
I love Broadway musicals, but I live in Iowa. Which means that I'm dependent on traveling productions of famous programs -- if they come to Iowa City and if I'm not swamped with work. But I definitely would make the effort to watch Archie the Musical!

Iowa City Man Gets Booked for Drunk Driving // Poses for Snapchat Selfie with Arresting Officer

A 20-year-old Iowa City man is in the local news after he got arrested for drunk driving -- and then posed for a Snapchat selfie with his arresting officer.

According to the Iowa City Press-Citizen, the Iowa City man was pulled over early yesterday morning for speeding. The Iowa City Police officer noticed "an odor of ingested alcohol." According to the paper, the man admitted to smoking marijuana before driving.

The driver was being tested for alcohol and drug use when he made an usual request:
While being tested, (Officer Ben) Hektoen wrote in his report that (the driver) “requested to take a Snapchat selfie with me to which I happily obliged,” according to the complaint. Phelps then captioned the photo using a police car emoji, a passenger car emoji and a tow truck emoji, the complaint said.
The driver was charged with drunken driving.

The Fox Hunt Concludes in THE FOX #5!

I've been enjoying the latest series featuring THE FOX. This is a superhero series published as part of Archie Comics Dark Circle imprint. It features Paul Patton, Jr. He's a reluctant superhero who would love to retire his tights. Unfortunately, he's become some sort of "freak magnet." In other words, he keeps trying to avoid trouble, but trouble keeps seeking him out! His latest adventure features a rich corporate baddie by the name of Mister Smile. Mister Smile has put a $1 million bounty on the Fox's head, which means that all sorts of super villains are out to get him. What's made it worse is that Patton's son Shinji has unveiled his own Ghost Fox costumed identity -- and managed to get captured in the process.

Did I mention that Patton's wife Mae also has a costumed identity? She's sometimes known as the She-Fox. I kind of feel bad that I've barely mentioned Mae before now.

Anyway, the Fox Hunt ends with THE FOX #5. This is the big battle where the Fox confronts Mister Smile and one of the three Patton members is faced with the ultimate decision necessary to end this conflict. Ultimately, Patton realizes that he cannot retire. Bad things continue happening in Impact City and someone needs to be there to make things better -- at least until Ghost Fox gets ungrounded!

One of the things that I've most enjoyed about this "Fox Hunt" storyline is the return of several obscure MLJ/Red Circle villains! I'm sure that most of you have never heard of things characters. And while some of them are pretty lame (both in terms of costume and powers), but some are really cool! Here are the latest villains that the Fox and She-Fox had to contend with in Issue #5:

Lodestone is a super villain with magnetic powers who's battled the Mighty Crusaders. He has a history of being a member of the Eliminators (along with Dream-Demon from Issue #1 and Brontosaurus from Issue #2).

Mighty Man is a former college professor who's acquired superhuman strength.

Radiation Rogue is a scientist who became accidentally irradiated. He now has to wear a protective suit to shield others from harm -- except when he's firing bolts of radioactive energy!

Dragonfly is a martial artist who belongs to some nefarious organization called PERIL. She's mainly tangled with the Shield before now.

And then there is Bull Frog. He is a former opera singer who got fired after attacking a stagehand and his pet bullfrog (seriously). After that, he made the next logical career adjustment -- he began wearing a giant bullfrog costume and killing people! He's an opponent of my favorite: the Hangman!

This entire collection of villains (from Issues #1-5) have been an interesting mix. Some date back to the 1940s. Some date back to the 1980's. One dates back two years. But most of them are crazy wild!

I mentioned in my last piece that Mister Smile appears to be creating his own costumed identity. This is where he makes his costumed debut as Iron Fox! (Doesn't he look like something out of Image Comics??) It seems that Mister Smile has been obsessed with the Fox for a long time. His goal all along has been to track down the Fox -- and replace him with his new identity and power-suit.

I'll leave it up to you to pick up your copy of THE FOX #5 to see if THE FOX #6 will feature Paul Patton or Mister Smile.

Lastly, there is another super-villain appearance in this book. It's Roxr, Ruler of the Vegetable Planet! Roxr has primarily been an opponent of the Fly. Archie Comics doesn't own the rights to the character, but it's good to see that they still own the rights to this cool member of the Anti-Fly League! Roxr is an alien from a planet of intelligent plants. He's not a fan of humanity, as you can see!

My understanding is that there will be a brief pause between this issue and Issue #6, where they will launch a new storyline. I really encourage you to check out your local comic book store and track down these issues while you have a chance. The writing is clever and the artwork rocks. Plus -- corny villains with awesome powers! -- for the most part. Seriously, check it out!

"I, Superhero" was written by Dean Haspiel & Mark Waid; with art by Dean Haspiel; lettering by Rachel Deering; and colors by Allen Passalaqua.

"Survivors" 40th Anniversary: Episode 16 ("Lights of London Part 1")

This is the sixteenth in a series of blog posts dedicated to the 40th anniversary of BBC's "Survivors" television series. "Survivors"followed a core group of characters who managed to survived a devastating viral outbreak -- one which managed to kill off somewhere between 95-99% of humanity. Society has crumbled and now those who remain must relearn the old way if they have any hope of surviving much longer.

In our last episode, Jenny had just given birth to her baby. Unfortunately, the placenta didn't detach and she needed surgery ASAP. Ruth sent Paul into a nearby town to get supplies from the hospital. He successfully obtained what they needed -- but also contracted some nasty illness. Paul was isolated and treated with heavy doses of antibiotics, but ended up dying. Fortunately, his sacrifice was not in vain. Jenny survived her surgery. She ultimately named her baby "Paul" in his honor. It was a harsh lesson. Cities and towns are to be avoided unless there was an emergency. And they also decided to create an isolation building for those who do travel to the cities -- just in case.

Our survivors' new rule in immediately put to the test in this latest episode (titled "Lights of London Part 1"). Whitecross is approached by a couple named Amul and Penny. They were reportedly sent by Abby from a nearby settlement. Abby and her son were sick, as were others, and they needed Ruth and her medical expertise. After a bit of hesitation, Ruth agreed to travel there and help.

Penny & Amul
Of course, it was all a ruse. Penny and Amul came from London because of some new illness. They need Ruth's help to turn the tide. She initially resists, but then realizes that she's potentially been infected by whatever is affecting London. She reluctantly joins the couple as they transfer from a wagon to a car and then they take a left at the pack of rats before passing through the creepy tunnels. Don't forget to to pull through the tracks before passing even more rats and then you'll meet up with the guy with the phone who announces your arrival!

Seriously, the props budget for this two-part episode has to be astronomical!

Ruth is eventually introduced to Manny, the head of this community. He tries winning her over with fancy food, hot water, soap, upbeat music on the radio, and a local phone network. Ruth will have nothing of it. She wants to know why she was kidnapped. He finally relents and takes her to meet with the Doctor.

She eventually meets the Doctor and Nessie. They pretty much run the hospital. They are overwhelmed by a new disease called the London Sickness. Those who contract it experience strong fatigue and muscle paralysis before eventually dying. The larger community is unaware of the illness, but they are aware that London is a mess. I mean, it's organized fairly well. But something is in the atmosphere that promote illness. Even minor cuts go septic without treatment.

Ruth is being offered the choice of remaining in the community and helping them with overcoming the London Sickness, as well as the city's other problems. Plus, they want to start up some sort of medical school for the younger people so that there are people to carry on afterwards.

Personally, I think that's wise and I fully approve. Those who survived the Death need to stop thinking just about getting by, but also training the next generation to take over -- particularly when it comes to medicine.

Ruth is aggravated. She knows that it's not a simple matter of leaving if she chooses, given the complexity of getting into London in the first place! She agrees to help out in the surgery while she ponders this choice.

Ruth soon meets with Barbara. She is part of Manny's command team. Ruth inadvertently learns that there is a plan to move what's left of London's population to the Isle of Wight. And they want Ruth to be part of that initial team of settlers. They did not want Ruth to know about this big move -- but somebody forgot to tell Barbara.

Ruth is not pleased about this secret -- but once again, what can she do? She's essentially trapped in London with no way to safely escape. And none of her friends know that she's here!

Except that Greg decided that he wanted to meet up again with Abby. So he gave Ruth some time to attend to the sick and then traveled to the settlement where they were supposed to be. Except they weren't there and he quickly realized that Ruth had been taken to London!

Greg gets a map and then (after grabbing Charles) rushes off to London to rescue Ruth. Unfortunately, Charles is attacked by a pack of rats just as they enter London. Their flashlight gets knocked out and the episode ends. Which means that we've just lost two regularly cast members -- or we have to wait until the second half of this story in next week's episode!

Here are a few interesting tidbits before I go.

First, the episode is named "Lights of London" because there are fires throughout the city. It seems that all of the rotting bodies are spontaneously combusting. The smell is awful, but Penny assures us viewers that you get used to the smell -- but smoking cigarettes helps to cloak the smell.

Second, Manny and the other Londoners have consulted a major cricket field into farm grounds. That field is surrounded by electrical fencing to keep the rats away.

Third, Ruth is given a nice studio apartment, complete with a comfy bed, ugly nightshirt, radio, and shower. She immediately takes advantage of the shower and the radio. It took me a while, but it seems that they were played a muzak version of "Jingle Jangle" by the Archies. Unless the Archies stole that tune from someone else.

Lastly, I didn't write much about him but we were introduced briefly to a guy named Wally. He spent this episode skulking in the outer realms of London. He wants to get in, but was exiled by the community for reasons that will become more clear next week.

Wally is played by the late Roger Lloyd Pack. As far as I can tell, Pack is the only actor to play characters in this incarnation of Survivors, as well as the 2008 remake.

Stay tuned next week for "Lights of London Part 2."
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