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Catching Up With My Friends: Joseph Wilson Pleads Guilty to Online Child Sex Crimes (2013)

I'm having one of those mornings. I woke and began wondering about one of my old friends who used to be quite involved with the Iowa City LGBT and arts scenes and who later (May 2012) got arrested after getting caught up in an Internet child sex sting in Florida.

I met Joe back in the mid-90s when I first moved to Iowa City. Husband Mark and I used to go to his place every week to watch episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (and later Star Trek: Voyager and later the UK Queer As Folk series) with a group of friends. We went to a handful of his parties. He even hosted our commitment ceremony reception at his condo in Iowa City. Eventually, he sold the condo and moved back to the Okoboji area of Iowa and I haven't been in touch with him since.

I first learned of Joe's arrest a month or two after it happened while reading an editorial in ACCESSline, an Iowa-based GLBT paper that my friend used to write for. Basically, the editor reported the arrest and informed readers that my friend was no longer involved with the paper (and, honestly, I don't think he'd written anything for the paper for a while prior to the arrest) and that his work was being scrubbed from the paper's online records.

I did some cyber-sleuthing at the time and learned that he was accused of reaching out to a fictional parent online (i.e., a cop) and made arrangements to have sex with the fictional parent's fictional 12-year-old son (and possibly his fictional 14-year-old daughter). He was arrested while allegedly coming to meet up with these fictional folks (i.e., multiple cops). He was arrested along with 30 other men as part of this sting and ended up sitting in jail for three months while gathering bail money.

And that was the last I'd heard of Joe's arrest until this morning. I have no clue what made me think of him, but I decided to check on the status of his case. It turns out that he ended up pleading guilty on 02/12/13 to charges of "using of a computer to solicit, seduce or entice a child to commit sex acts" and "traveling to solicit, seduce or entice a child to commit sex acts." Both charges are felonies. He was sentenced to a five year prison sentence, which will be followed by five years of probation. He is also required to remain on Florida's list of sex offenders. Last thing I read indicated that he is scheduled to be released from prison in May 2017.

I have no idea what I'm trying to communicate with this post. Mainly, I find the need to process his arrest and conviction. I know that these are old charges, but the updates are still fresh for me. But a lot of this is to communicate extreme disappointment in my old friend.

I know that I haven't seen him in over a decade, but I liked the guy. I always thought he had potential. He was smart and friendly and civic-minded and had financial resources. He was great at networking amongst the various statewide LGBT groups and worked hard to provide outreach to local LGBT communities -- particularly in places like northwest Iowa, where there aren't many resources. And then he does something stupid like what he tried to do in Florida (and hopefully he never successfully carried out what he tried to do in Florida) and now every effort he made in the past to serve local LGBT populations (include, of all things, an LGBT teen outreach effort that he operated out of his home!!) are now forever suspect.

Kanye West Pauses Concert While Waiting for Disabled Audience Members to Dance

(Waving Prosthetic Leg)
Kanye West stopped an Australian concert mid-performance Friday night because there were two people in the audience who refused to stand up and dance -- because they were physically disabled:
Kanye was playing a gig at the Qantas Credit Union Arena in Sydney when he stopped rapping mid-song ... ordering the crowd to get on their feet before he'd continue. An eyewitness told the Daily Mail Australia that Kanye said, "I can't do this show until everybody stand up.  Unless you got a handicap pass and you get special parking and s**t." One person in the crowd waved their prosthetic leg in the air and Kanye said they could sit. Shortly after Kanye spotted another person in the crowd sitting down and once again stopped the show -- then sent one of his employees into the crowd to make sure the person was handicap (sic). Once the hired gun confirmed the disability ... Kanye said "it's fine" and rapped on.
I watched some video of the event. TMZ makes it seem like it was nothing. But it was several minutes of awkward micromanagement of audience members. What a diva!


14-Year-Old Boy Faces 2 Years in Prison for Simulating Oral Sex Act with Statue of Jesus

Have you heard about the 14-year-old boy from Everett, PA, who is facing two years in prison for posting pictures on Facebook of him simulating oral sex acts with a statue of Jesus?

It's true. Back in July, the boy had some pictures taken of him kneeling in front of a statue of Jesus pretending like he was getting some head. The pictures were posted on Facebook and eventually came to the attention of the local district attorney's office.

The ministry who owns the statue, Love in the Name of Christ, wasn't happy about the pictures. But they didn't want to press criminal charges. And they accepted the boy's apology. Basically, they asked folks to pray for the kid.

But Bedford County district attorney Bill Higgins had the boy arrested, charging him with "Desecration of a Venerated Object," which is a 2nd degree misdemeanor. He wants the boy tried in juvenile court as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Higgins feels pretty good that others think it's ridiculous that he has criminally charged this teen in this instance:
I guess I should take solace in the fact that the liberals are mad at me—again. As for this case, this troubled young man offended the sensibilities and morals of OUR community.… His actions constitute a violation of the law, and he will be prosecuted accordingly. If that tends to upset the 'anti-Christian, ban-school-prayer, war-on-Christmas, oppose-display-of-Ten-Commandments' crowd, I make no apologies.
You read that correctly, Bill Higgins cited Fox News' annual "War of Christmas" in support for this criminal prosecution.

Speaking of Fox News, Bill Higgins is reaching out to various Fox News personalities in an effort to bolster support for his cause:

And just because Bill Higgins is citing is conservative Christian values, it's worth noting that he came under a bit of professional heat back in 2008 for committing adultery with a woman at the Bedford County courthouse. Then again, the values of his community -- those same values that support the criminal prosecution of a 14-year-old boy for posing in a stupid photo -- re-elected Higgins. So what do I know?

The Girls Bid Farewell to Riverdale in BETTY & VERONICA #272!

It took me a while, but I finally read BETTY & VERONICA #272. It's Part One of the "Farewell Riverdale" storyline, in which our title characters head off on a months-long foreign exchange student exchange. Part One is pretty basic: Betty and Veronica are leaving and everyone is sad about it -- except for Cheryl Blossom. They have a going away ceremony. And then the girls board their flight -- after kissing their favorite redhead!

It's actually not a bad story and I'm certainly not doing it any justice with my brief summary. But I guess I'm feeling a little leery. I believe that there will be five parts to this story. This first part says "goodbye." And we'll "learn how this all began" next issue. Assuming that this doesn't happen as part of a flashback intermixed with the beginning of their new adventure... Well, it doesn't leave a lot of book-space for their new adventure.

Personally, I would have preferred that the start of their new adventure had been more condensed. Combine the "how" and the "goodbye" in a series of flashbacks as the girls fly overseas and then unload onto their new school bus or whatever. Not to mention, watching the kids at home grieve over their joint absence after they had actually been absent for a bit. It just seems like we're stretching this aspect of the story too much.

Best part of the story? Cheryl and Midge! Now that Betty and Veronica have left Riverdale, there are two new spots on the cheerleading squad. This leads to a huge fight over Cheryl's cavalier attitude about shooting up on the social totem pole. But does a fist-fight really count as a "cat fight?"

One last thing... Shades of PEP COMICS #22??:

I really hope we get to see the girls enjoying their new adventure next issue and not spending all issue thinking back on how they actually got chosen for their new adventure. This book doesn't come out often enough to get mired in the details.

"The Beginning of the End!" is written by Michael Uslan, penciled by Dan Parent, inked by Bob Smith, and lettered by Jack Morelli.

Uncle Poodle is Engaged!

Uncle Poodle & Alan
Remember back in July when we learned that Lee "Uncle Poodle" Thompson has a new boyfriend named Alan? Uncle Poodle promised at the time that there would be no gay weddings on the "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" program, but the two have been quite active together on Uncle Poodle's Facebook page and they've been referring to each other as husbands.

I guess they just decided to make it official. Mama June announced on the office "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" Facebook page today that "He said yes! Sending lots of love and happiness to Uncle Poodle!" No word on whom asked whom, or if they've set a date, or if it's going to be a camo-themed wedding, or if Alan's going to appear on future episodes of the reality TV program.

Congratulations, Uncle Poodle and Alan!

Chick-fil-A Co-Sponsoring Iowa Soul Festival this Weekend

I am totally out of it these days. I've never heard of Iowa Soul Festival and I certainly hadn't heard that they had asked Chick-fil-A to be one of their co-sponsors. But apparently it's a local controversy. Funny that I'm Facebook friends with the two women interviewed in this article and I don't recall hearing anything about it.

According to the Press-Citizen, "local members of the LGBT community" are upset that Iowa City Summer of the Arts teamed with Chick-fil-A for a co-sponsorship of this weekend's Iowa Soul Festival. Chick-fil-A became the fastfood restaurant of choice amongst anti-gay Christians and political leaders back in 2012 when their CEO began condemning families like mine and when the corporation began donating huge sums of money to anti-gay political and social groups:
Janelle Rettig, a Johnson County Supervisor who has been in a same-sex marriage for nearly 26 years, said Chick-fil-A's sponsorship makes her question whether LGBT people — those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender — are welcome at Soul Fest. "When they're a sponsor in a city that prides itself in celebrating diversity, I think we do have to question that," Rettig said Tuesday. "It's eyebrow raising, and it makes me wonder if I should even go to Soul Fest because I'm uncomfortable with it."
Jewell Amos, 44, the chairwoman of the Iowa City Pride Committee, said she has mixed feelings about the sponsorship, and questions whether Summer of the Arts knew the background of the company before partnering with them. "It is their choice, by all means, to utilize all the funds they can get to put on their festival," said Amos, who said she was sharing her personal thoughts and not speaking on behalf of the committee, which she said does not generally involve itself in political issues. "But I personally think they should have picked their sponsors a little more carefully."
Lisa Barnes, the executive director of Summer of the Arts, said in the interview that they knew they would be courting negative reactions when they partnered with Chick-fil-A. But they did it anyway. Because "open discussion" and apparently because there aren't any restaurants without nationwide anti-gay reputations in the Iowa City/Coralville area.

The Iowa City Summer of the Arts issued a statement yesterday about this controversy:
Summer of the Arts is supported by the generous sponsorships and donations of many area businesses, vendors and individuals. Those that contribute to the organization may have values or beliefs that are not embraced by everyone. Summer of the Arts has recently received some public criticism and questions regarding the Chick-fil-A sponsorship of Culinary Row at the upcoming Iowa Soul Festival.

Summer of the Arts welcomes all people to attend and participate in our festivals and events regardless of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference.

Chick-fil-A stepped forward to support the Iowa Soul Festival by investing in the available sponsorship of Culinary Row, showing their support of the arts in our community. Chick-fil-A would also like to show their support of diversity including the LGBTQ community and want to make sure to show honor, dignity, and respect to all people. We feel that it is important and appropriate to encourage that sentiment especially in Iowa City.

Summer of the Arts is a proud supporter of the LGBTQ community. We have collaborated and partnered with Iowa City Pride Festival for multiple years, as well as actively look for ways to include LGBTQ musicians, artists, vendors, movies etc. in our programming each year. This will not change.

Festival goers may choose which sponsors and vendors to patronize or visit while attending an event as there are many options available. The purpose of the Iowa Soul Festival is to celebrate and increase awareness of diversity and the positive impact it has on our community. Again, this is a welcoming and open event for all. It would be unfortunate for someone to not attend the festival or participate in all that it has to offer.
For the record, I won't be at the Iowa Soul Festival. It has nothing to do with Chick-fil-A. I just have other plans. That said, I would be less likely to follow through with my plans to attend Iowa Soul Festival if I'd have been planning on attending because of this co-sponsorship. That's my thoughts. You are free to make your own choice. And feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

"Archie: Riverdale Rescue": Clay Walker! // Update on 09/18/14: Where's Clay??

(Originally written on 06/14/14): I began writing about the "Archie: Riverdale Rescue" iOS gaming app back in October 2013. Since then, the game has expanded to PC users. It's an oddly addictive game where you are tasked with the improvement and beautification of Riverdale USA using a variety of recognizable characters, such as Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica. A big part of the game also involves building emotional bonds between the various characters, leading to romantic couples, BFFs, and overall friends. I thought it would be fun to discuss aspects of the game that I find exciting, disappointing, and/or note-worthy.

I wrote last weekend about a recent summer upgrade, which introduced three new buy-in characters (plus Caramel!). I noted in that article that an early glitch indicated that three other buy-in characters will apparently be brought into the game: Smithers, Svensson, and Clay Walker.

Clay Walker is a character from the soon-to-be canceled LIFE WITH ARCHIE. He was introduced in LIFE WITH ARCHIE #16 when he married an adult Kevin Keller. Clay later got shot in LWA #22, but he eventually got better.

(Clay Walker)
As I noted above, Clay has not yet been introduced to the game and I'm not sure why. I cannot help wondering if there might be some issue about him being introduced to the game because he's an adult character in the comics and Kevin in "Riverdale Rescue" isn't.

But last night, I was putting some work into a new house in order to upgrade to, when I skipped over a BFF-specific task. In "Riverdale Rescue," there are some joint tasks that can only be performed by Romantic Couples or by BFFs. When I clicked on that one BFF-specific task, a list of potential BFF characters were presented -- and one of those characters was Clay Walker!

When the summer upgrades occurred, there was a glitch that messed up most of the relationships. Some of these new characters were suddenly friends and BFFs with older characters. So it looks like Moose and Clay are BFFs in my own private Riverdale. Except that Clay -- despite being listed as a potential player -- isn't a player yet. I tried assigning Clay and Moose to a joint task and my game shut down!

Then this morning, an advertisement popped up encouraging players to purchase all of these new characters. Clay is among that collection of characters though you still cannot purchase him (or Smithers or Svensson).

I got to thinking that it would be interesting if Clay got introduced this month as part of a Gay Pride special, but I really don't think that's gonna happen. But I will keep my eyes open for the moment when I can finally introduce Clay Walker to my own private Riverdale and hook him up with Kevin!

Updated on 09/18/14: Not long after writing this original post, the folks at "Riverdale Rescue" told me that it would be a while before Clay was introduced to the game. They didn't quite tell it to me like this, but I read between the lines and came to the conclusion that they are struggling to introduce an adult Clay to the game and having him potentially dating a teenage Kevin! It's been a few months and there haven't been any new developments, so I just periodically check for updates and leave it at that.

Then I read the following update on Facebook from the "Riverdale Rescue" folks and decided to write the following offhand comment: Where's Clay??

I seriously didn't expect a response, but I got one:

So either the folks at "Riverdale Rescue" are putting me off, or else there will be developments soon. Maybe it will tie into the upcoming new 2015 KEVIN KELLER comic book? That would be pretty cool!

I will share more as I learn more!

Mama June & Sugar Bear from "Here Come Honey Boo Boo" Have Separated!!

I was heartbroken when I heard this bit of news coming from Mama June Shannon via TLC earlier today:
Sugar Bear and I have decided to take some time apart to figure out some things in our relationship. We are taking things day by day, but regardless of what happens, the girls will always be our number one priority. We want to thank y'all for your support.
Mama June and Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson have been together for roughly a decade. They aren't legally married, but the two celebrated their relationship last year with a commitment ceremony.

Hopefully the two will work things out soon. This is one "Hollywood" couple that I don't want to see break up!

Reminder: Mid Con Comic Show This Weekend! // Updated to Include Mid Con's Weekend Schedule!

I wrote last month about the Mid Con Comic Show. This is a brand new comic book convention that debuts later today and will continue all weekend (September 19-21, 2014) at the Clarion Highlander Hotel & Conference Center (2525 N. Dodge Street) here in Iowa City!

You can purchase tickets at the door. Here are the prices: It's $35 for a three-day weekend pass. It's $10 for a one-day pass on Friday or Sunday. And it's $25 for a one-day pass on Saturday.

Here is a rough schedule of events (not including the roughly 26 panels spaced out throughout the weekend):
Dealers Room/ Artist Alley Hours
Friday 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm

Event Times
Comic School - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
DC/Marvel Mash-up - 8:00pm - 9:00pm
DC/Marvel Mash-up Meet and Greet - 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Game Room - 8:00pm - 8:00am
Comic Creation Room - 8:00pm - 8:00am

Blood Drive 9:00am - 12:00pm
Cosplay Pre-Judging/ Rehersal 4:00pm - 7:30pm
Cosplay - 8:00pm - 9:30pm or done
Game Room - 8:00pm - 8:00am
Comic Creation Room - 8:00pm - 8:00am

Art Auction Display - 10:30am - 11:30am
Art Auction - 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Registration by the Day
Friday 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday 8:00am - 12:00pm
There will be a variety of comic book professionals, as well as big-name cosplayers, at Mid Con.

 I don't have the list of panels, though I know the guys from SuperHero Society podcast will be critiquing/panning the recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie sometime tomorrow. Also, I have a panel on Archie Comics scheduled for tomorrow at noon. I've got my PowerPoint all made up and, assuming that I don't get all nervous, it should be a pretty fun panel & discussion!

There is also a Comic School for non-adults starting at 4:00 PM today. It will walk participants through the steps of creating a comic book from idea to print.

Hopefully I'll pick up a complete list of events later this afternoon. I'll share those here later tonight.

Hope to see you all at Mid Con this weekend!

Update: I just got back from watching a Marvel/DC Mash-Up Improv event at Mid Con. The weekend schedule has been announced. Check out the options. As you can see, I'll be doing my "Archie's Dead!" panel starting at noon tomorrow. But there are lots of other cool events going on this weekend. 

Check it out (click on graph for a better look!):

I hope to see you at Mid Con Comic Show tomorrow!

Monkey Madness Comes to Riverdale in ARCHIE #659!

I just got finished reading one of the wildest issues of ARCHIE in quite some time! ARCHIE #659 is a crazy issue. It's premise is simple. Salem casts a spell on a lion with the intent of transforming him into a man. It was poker night and the lion needed some camouflage! Unfortunately, the spell ran wide and the five Riverdale Gang got caught up, instantly transforming them into various wild animals!

But that's not all! Anytime any of the animals get near any people, those bystanders get magically transformed into animals also! It's like an animistic version of "28 Days Later" -- except with less blood, gore, or death!

What follows is 20 pages of humorous chaos -- Archie Comics at its best. It doesn't waste any time laying the foundations for this tale. Salem casts a spell on page two. Animals run amok beginning on page four. Sabrina fixes things on the last page. Perfection!

Here are some of my favorites:

Jughead scrounging for food at the mall and creating a stampede!

Mr. Weatherbee as a hippo throwing a tantrum!

Sabrina finally grasping a concept that I'd realized years ago!

This issue was so much fun. You really need to go out and get it!

"Walk on the Wild Side!" is written by Alex Segura, penciled by Pat & Tim Kennedy, inked by Rick Koslowski, and lettered by Jack Morelli.

Mid Con Comic Show 2014 -- Initial Post-Con Reaction

I wrote earlier about the Mid Con Comic Show that debuted this weekend in Iowa City (here and here). A little over 250 people arrived for this local con, including me, Husband Mark, our youngest son, and one of his friends. I spent a little more than Mark would have preferred, but the boys had a good time scurrying around, looking at old comics, and checking out the various cosplayers. Unfortunately, there were some attendance issues at many of panels -- but that is something that can be remedied for next September's Mid Con!

I volunteered to lead a panel titled "Archie's Dead and Other News from Riverdale." I've been equally excited about and dreading the actual panel, but spent a lot of time developing a discussion plan, drafting a PowerPoint, rehearsing, and editing. That's seemed to work well for me! I ended up getting a lot of positive feedback from pretty much everyone who attended and those same folks passed on the good word to the con's organizer. I may post the content of the panel on the blog later, but not today.

I was volunteering today at the con and decided to commission a drawing of what I like to call "Pughead" from artist Mike Norton on my convention t-shirt:

While chatting with him, I realized that he created the "Zoo-Pendous Variant Cover" of ARCHIE #659, which just came out this past week. Such a great artist!

There were a few things I didn't like about the con. I think that the panel scheduling could have been done more effectively on Saturday. Some were scheduled on the hour. Others were scheduled on the half-hour. It made it difficult to attend certain panels because you either had to leave one panel midway through to attend another or else you had totally skip out on panels altogether.

I also would have less time set aside between panels. Basically, there was a half-hour between panels. I'd probably ask panelists to plan for 50 minutes and then allow for 10 minutes to transition to the next panel.

But it's easy to come in and critique others. There was a lot of planning and work that went into Mid Con and it shows! I want to thank Noel Burns, Mitch Thompson, Nick Maida, Ike Lewis, Aaron Gillespie, Ryan Smith-Burns, and a whole host of others for doing tons of work over the past several months to pull this together. I want to thank all of the artists and writers who came to the show to teach their craft. And I'd like to thank cosplayers Alexa Heart and Mimiru Riley (as well as a host of other incredible cosplayers!) for putting themselves out there and showcasing their talent and imagination. I'd like to thank Mike Norton again for "Pughead." And I'd like to thank D'Angelo and Diego for (im)patiently sitting through my panel.

Now I think it's time to rest!

Who's Captain Citrus?

Have you heard of Captain Citrus? He's a superhero, commissioned by "Florida's citrus industry" to promote and sell more orange juice.

According to NPR, Captain Citrus has solar powers and he has cool, green hair. Not only that, but he starts off each day with a healthy drink of Florida orange juice.

I guess you can download his comic book adventures somewhere, but the NPR story doesn't tell you.

Little known story. I used to be a fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes. This was a few reboots ago. I eventually grew tired of learning new origins for my favorite future heroes. But they inspired me to create a superheroic identity for my old dog Moogie: Citrus Lad. He fought crime with the power of citrus. That's about as far as I ever got to defining his powers. But I'm sure he'd take a bite out of Captain Citrus if given half a chance!

Anyway, let me know if you know where to find his comic. I'm tempted to give it a peek!

Sen. Jack Hatch: Iowa Republicans Want to Get Rid of Iowa's Gay Marriages // Gov. Terry Branstad Doesn't Disagree

State Senator Jack Hatch (D) is running for Iowa governor. He reminded Iowa's LGBT citizens and progressive allies earlier this week that elections have consequences:
Iowa could face a divisive statewide referendum over the legalization of gay marriage if Republicans retain the governor's office and win control of both chambers of the Legislature, state Sen. Jack Hatch warned Monday...

"It is very clear that (marriage equality) will be their No. 1 priority and Iowans should be very skeptical of that," said Hatch, a supporter of same-sex marriage. "People who believe in marriage equality should realize the rights we have in Iowa are only as good as the quality of our politicians and the words of our Constitution. If they want to change the words of our Constitution, we should be very scared of the agenda of the Republican leadership."
Governor Terry Branstad (R) didn't disagree:
Branstad told reporters Monday at his weekly news briefing that... he didn't believe same-sex marriage was a settled political matter in Iowa. "I think the people of Iowa should have a vote on this," Branstad said. Although the governor does not have a direct role in determining whether a constitutional referendum would be conducted, Branstad said he would be supportive of legislative efforts to permit a vote on the issue.
Keep in mind that Iowa has been a marriage equality state for over five years now. There have been no major problems. And yet the GOP still wants to campaign against same-sex families.

Early voting in Iowa begins on Thursday. I will be at the Auditor's office during my lunch hour. Don't you forget to vote!

Gay Couple's Wedding Heckled by Anonymous Jerk

A male couple named Oscar De Las Salas and Gary Jackson were getting married on a park in Coronado, CA. Unfortunately, their wedding was heckled from some jerk in a nearby condominium:
Around sunset that day, the happy couple walked in, took their positions and stood in a grassy spot near the water. The music died down and the shouting began. Cell phone video shows the officiant standing in front of the couple while someone is shouting the words "homos" and "go home homos." The shouts were loud and unmistakable. From the balcony of a nearby pricey condo complex, the couple and their wedding guests heard a string of homophobic slurs. "He really wanted to humiliate the people there. He said, 'go home f***,'" said wedding musician David De Alva... "During the wedding vows, everyone stopped and turned," said De Las Salas.
The couple later complained to the city of Coronado and to the condo complex's HOA and received letters of apology from both entities.

But can you imagine if a gay person did this to a het couple's wedding?

Looking at the comments section, you will read several comments from folks saying stuff like "free speech,""this is news?,""shake it off," and "blah blah P.C. blah blah."

This was this couple's wedding. This wasn't a political event. This wasn't a TV show. This wasn't a sporting event. This was one everyday couple's wedding and it was spoiled by some asshat who didn't even have the balls to let them see his face.

Nero at Daycare -- 09/23/14

Nero strutted his stuff earlier today at doggy daycare. Check it out:

Do Same-Sex Marriages Hurt Iowa?

Two of our local anti-abortion protesters got a letter published in the Press-Citizen earlier today. Their letter references the 72-year engagement between Vivian Boyak and Nonie Dubes of Davenport, IA:
The front page of Tuesday’s Press-Citizen and the Des Moines Register featured pictures and a story of two 90-plus-year-old women who have loved each other for more than 70 years and recently became married in Davenport. A later letter to the editor asked, “How can this couple possibly harm Iowa?”

Jesus told his disciples: “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?”

It is God who established marriage. They hurt Iowa with their example! It is impossible for two men or two women to consummate a “marriage.”

Not long ago, men courted women for the purpose of marriage and family. Work was considered a blessing, an expression of man’s worth to his family and his community. No life was thought to be complete without showing reverence to God. If a man got a girl pregnant, they were married at the point of a shotgun, if necessary.

We need to go back to those days.

Dan and Donna Holman
It seems presumptuous of the Holmans to assume that these women haven't lived a married life in their 72 years together. They courted each other. They both worked hard during their younger years. They formed a family together, even if they themselves didn't raise any children together. And they are both active members of First Christian Church of Davenport, IA.

I really have a hard time understanding how these two women hurt Iowa -- simply through their decades of commitment.

The quote from Jesus does not have to be prescriptive (how things should be). These women each left their parents' homes, came together to share a life together, and have literally held fast to each other for over seven decades. They shared a life together in every way. It is very difficult for me to see how their example has hurt this state!

Iowa has not been hurt by the example set by Vivian Boyak and Nonie Dubes. Far, far from it. We could all learn a lot from their life lessons!

Jackson County Assessor Resigns following Shooting

Earlier this month, the community of Maquoketa, IA, was shaken up when Francis "Gus" Glaser (a former city manager for Maquoketa and current resident) caused a big stir at the Jackson County Board of Supervisors meeting. He was upset about his property taxes and was not happy with the message that he was receiving from the BOS or from county assessor Deb Lane. He fired a gun at Lane, who fortunately ended up escaping injury. He was tackled by others in the room before shooting and killing himself.

We learned late last week that Jackson County Assessor Deb Lane has submitted her letter of resignation. Her resignation goes into effect on January 2, 2015. However, she plans to use accumulated vacation and comp time and will not be returning to work.

One Final Fight for the Equalizer in KEVIN KELLER #15!

The KEVIN KELLER comic book series was a trailblazer. Starring Archie Comics' first gay teen, this series featured Archie Comics'first same-sex crush, their first same-sex love triangle, their first same-sex smooch, and their first same-sex break-up. The company seemed to struggle with how far they wanted to go with this character, especially during the first six or seven issues of this series.

It always seemed like that liked having a gay character for public relations events like GLAAD's Spirit Day and Dan Savage's It Gets Better campaign. But it took them a while to realize that they could figure out a way to spice up Kevin -- if only in a G-rated manner -- and let him be an actual gay teen with the same types of dating misadventures that seem to plague the rest of Riverdale! By that time, the book had lost some steam and readership.

As a result, KEVIN KELLER has been canceled -- though we've been promised a relaunch in 2015. Dan Parent has said that this new series will feature a slightly older version of Kevin Keller. My hunch is that we will see more dating and PDAs in this new series -- as well as the possible introduction of Clay Walker and the army adventures of Private Keller! That's all conjecture on my part, but I think it would be cool!

The final issue of the series -- KEVIN KELLER #15 -- was released last Wednesday. It's a follow-up to last issue's introduction of the Equalizer! The Equalizer is a super-hero identity that Veronica designed for Kevin. Basically, I think she wanted an accessory for her own Power Teen identity! But she got him a costume, and a secret crime-laboratory, and a sexy manservant, and a bunch of gadgets. So that's how Riverdale got its newest superhero!

Of course, Riverdale doesn't have a lot of crime so there's not much for the Equalizer to do except moon over Tony. But his costume and gadgets come in handy one night when Kevin's friend Wendy finds herself struggling with an overly grabby date. The Equalizer saves the night, but then discovers one of the biggest problems about fighting crime in a small-town:

That's right. Wendy recognized his voice. Not only does she reveal his secret identity, but she reveals his secret identity loud enough for the Equalizer's victim to overhear.

The next day, somebody steals a bit of DNA from Kevin's soda and creates a teenage clone of Kevin with superhuman strength and a bad attitude. The clone begins causing trouble in Riverdale:

Power Teen eventually joins the battle and the Equalizer barely defeats his new enemy:

This whole "Nivek" story seems to have missed a step and I can't help wondering if there was a third chapter to his storyline that ended up getting snipped due to the book's cancellation. I mean, who created Nivek? The guy who stole Kevin's DNA didn't look like Wendy's date who discovered the Equalizer's secret I.D. And who has the knowledge needed to create a superstrong teenage clone within days? Dilton? Salem? Or possibly Tony the manservant??

I'm hoping that Nivek shows up again in the new KEVIN KELLER relaunch. It's not that I want to see tons of him in the future. But I definitely would like a little bit of explanation and resolution.

"Holding Out For A Hero" is written & penciled by Dan Parent, inked by Rich Koslowski, and lettered by Jack Morelli. This issue might be the closing of a chapter for Kevin Keller, but I'm excited to see what new adventures he'll encounter in the months to come.

Iowa City in the Midst of Catalytic Converter Crime-Wave!

Apparently, stealing catalytic converters off of cars is the it-crime these days in Iowa City. Larger vehicles that are easy to crawl under are particularly susceptible. I was told that catalytic converters are laced with vibranium or platinum or adamantium or some other rare metal, which attracts thieves. Unfortunately, our family got caught up in this latest crime-wave.

Two mornings ago, Husband Mark went to the gym and had the catalytic converter sawed off our Hyundai Tucson. Keep in mind that this happened sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning in a busy parking lot along a busy street. Someone pulled next to our vehicle, crawled underneath it, performed a few quick strokes, and drove off with a portion of our vehicle's exhaust system!

I often listen to KCJJ radio in the morning. One of their segments reviews the local police reports. I remember hearing police reports about stolen catalytic converters over the past week. I chatted with two separate folks yesterday who told me about friends who'd had catalytic converters stolen off their cars. A quick review of the online police reports shows a handful that were reported just yesterday.

Fortunately, I have good auto insurance with a low deductible. But it bugs me that I even have to go through the motions of contacting the police and my insurance agent and arranging for repairs.

So if you're at the gym or a store or wherever and you notice someone crawling under a vehicle with a saw, call the police. Most likely, you are interrupting a theft. As indicated by the fricking saw.

Man Arrested in Iowa City & Charged with Stealing Several Catalytic Converters

Remember yesterday when I complained that somebody stole the catalytic converter off my vehicle? I received a call late yesterday from the Iowa City Police informing me that they found a guy with a truck-full of catalytic converters
According to an Iowa City police complaint, officers investigating the theft of catalytic converters – a vehicle emissions control device – came into contact with 19-year-old Jamari L. Russell, who was driving a U-Haul near Highway 1 West at about 2:50 p.m. Wednesday. In the back of the U-Haul, officers found a bag containing 16 catalytic converters... 

Russell told police he was taking the converters to his mother's house in Chicago, where his brother – who he said stole the converters – would pick them up and sell them, police say. Russell admitted to knowing the converters were stolen. 
The estimated collective value of these catalytic converters falls somewhere between $10,000-$15,000. Russell has been charged with 1st degree theft, which is a Class C felony. He faces up to ten years in prison.
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