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Two Men Arrested // Three Kids Placed with DHS from Eldridge, IA, Meth House

Two men have been arrested and three kids placed in DHS care earlier today after police discovered an operational meth lab at a home in Eldridge, IA.

Those arrested included 33-year-old homeowner Nolan DuFloth and 24-year-old roommate Benjamin Meyers. The two men have been charged with manufacturing methamphetamine with children present, which is a class B felony; and three counts of child endangerment -- meth exposure, which is a class D felony. It is possible that other charges will be filed against the men in the future.

As noted above, three children also lived in this home. Their ages are 2-, 7-, and 10-years-old.

I have a bad feeling about this case, which was echoed by a commenter following this article:
I'm wondering about the kids. Is this a day care or are they the fathers? It really doesn't matter, they should never see those kids again but DHS will return them.
I will just leave it at that for now!

To the Gay Christian Whose Friend Wants to Give Him an Exorcism...

I discovered another frightening discussion thread over on the GCN threads. Here is the gist: A gay Christian from a nearby community here in Iowa has a couple friends who attend a nondenominational church. Those two men are convinced that this GCNer (let's call him "Joe") is possessed by "demons and/or spirits of homosexuality." These friends want to try to exorcise these demons away from Joe.

Joe was seeking input from other GCNers. He was "fairly confident" that he is not possessed and he really doesn't look forward to sitting through an exorcism. However, he has some minor doubts and figures it couldn't hurt to undergo an exorcism "just in case." Secondly, he believes that he will serve as a witness and a testimony to his friends that they are wrong about him being possessed by an evil spirit if/when they fail at exorcising a demon. He thinks that these men will come to the realization that "maybe you can be gay AND Christian, and maybe God does bless committed, monogamous same-sex marriages." Joe then sought opinions from the rest of GCN.

Most people thought that Joe was crazy for considering this. A few had participated in similar exorcisms before. Most of those folks were traumatized by the effort and none of them experienced any change. At least two people noted that Joe himself will be blamed if the exorcism fails. It will be seen as evidence of his lack of faith and of the power of that particular demon.

But then this one GCNer (let's call him "Blaine") stepped up and encouraged Joe to let them perform the exorcism. Blaine believes that this failure will surely shake the faith of these two Christian friends. He believes that Joe should be fine if he undergoes this exorcism because obviously there is no spirit of homosexuality inhabiting him.

And Joe agreed with Blaine. He is certain that these two friends mean well. They just want to help him.

Anyway, this is where I lost my patience!

I have my own experience with a well-meaning Christian who once wanted to help someone out with the assistance of an exorcism. Several years ago, I worked with a young nonverbal teen who's diagnosed with a severe intellectual disability and who frequently displayed aggressive behaviors. He was in foster care and his foster mother once sought money from my department to help her travel with him to a guy who is experienced with performing exorcisms on disabled kids with behavioral problems. My department turned down her funding request and I threatened to report her to the DHS if she ever followed through with her exorcism plans on her own. But can you imagine?

I pointed out to Joe that I don't believe that his friends actually mean well. There is enough evidence out there in the world and within the church for anyone with an open mind and an open heart to realize that this type of thing doesn't actually help LGBT people. In fact, it usually kills their faith. All because of well-meaning Christians.

Who goes up to someone and recommends that they get an exorcism? And why would you allow them to perform an exorcism just because they asked? Did Joe need an exorcism two weeks ago? If so, why? If not, why now? Because his "friend" believes that he is infected with demons? Based on what? What are the signs of demon possession? Not only that, but what makes Joe believe that these guys actually have the spiritual gifts needed to successfully perform an exorcism? Have they done this before?

And then I went off on Blaine. I mean, if Blaine believes that Joe should offer himself up for an exorcism just because his friend demands it of him and Blaine believes that this would be a wonderful teaching tool for would-be homo-spiritbusters, why doesn't Blaine himself offer himself up for an exorcism at his nearest anti-gay nondenominational church? It's easy to tell someone else to allow a bunch of religious nuts to gang up on him for hours at a time and yell and scream and do everything in their power to rip supposed spirits from his soul. But it's not so easy to follow your own advise.

My final message to Joe: You don't own these people an exorcism. Don't do it. And then find some new friends.

Robots Protest Fryfest Over Pink Locker Rooms

Roughly 25 robotic activists protested Fryfest yesterday, an event honoring former University of Iowa football coach Hayden Fry. This "Million Robot March Against Pink Locker Rooms" was organized by the RoboProfessor and his human counterpart, UI Professor/frequent prankster Kembrew McLeod. The RoboProfessor and his robotic counterparts were protesting the UI's pink-colored visitor's locker room:
McLeod is calling for the school to ditch the pink, which he says amounts to a school-sanctioned taunt that exudes homophobia and sexism. He said previous protests haven't been successful, so he's taken an absurd approach to draw attention to the issue.
Hayden Fry had the walls within the visitor's locker room painted pink back in 1979. The University of Iowa has continued this tradition over the years despite periodic public objections. Back in 2005, the UI stepped up the pink coloring in the visitor's locker room, adding "pink across brick walls and shower floors and (installing) pink metal lockers, carpeting, sinks, showers and urinals."

Fry and his supporters always claimed that they used pink coloring to subconsciously calm and pacify their football opponents. And there appears to be some data that backs that suggestion up... to a point:
While pink's calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure to the color. When used in prisons, inmates often become even more agitated once they become accustomed to the color.
The robot protest appears to have met its goal. It attracted a lot of attention and encouraged people to rethink the purpose and the need for the UI's pink locker room:
About 25 protestors turned out for the march, many of whom, like McCleod, came costumed as robots. Security at the Coralville Marriott Hotel and Conference Center wouldn’t allow the protestors to march through the building to the convention hall, as planned, so the robots made a quick march around the exterior of the hotel, drawing more than a few sideways looks, along with “we like pink” chants from some fans.

“It was fun, and it was nice that no one tried to beat us up,” joked McLeod, who has donned a robot costume to heckle Bill Clinton and Michele Bachmann in Iowa City in past years. “The worst thing that was said was when someone called us weirdos, which I think is a perhaps a fair assessment. People were in good spirits.”

The protestors called on the university to change the color of the locker room, which McLeod says smacks of a juvenile taunt in the vein of calling a person a “homo” or “sissy.” McLeod has said that the lock room, which UI renovated in 2005 with new pink finishes, is “rooted in an antiquated age when homophobic and sexist epithets were the norm in sports.”
As noted above, the RoboProfessor made his last appearance here in Iowa City back in 2011 when he protested Rep. Michele Bachmann over her anti-gay policy positions.

To the Craigslist Ranters Who Are Upset by Gay Marriage and Who Fear that Marriage Equality Activists Will Sue Your Chuch...

I've written before that I enjoy visiting the Craigslist "rants & raves" section -- sometimes. There is a tendency to break into racist rants and those rants never seem to get successfully flagged, which bugs me. But otherwise I enjoy reading the rants.

Somebody posted the following rant yesterday on Craigslist:
A Christian couple fined $13,000 for refusing to host a lesbian wedding on their New York farm has decided to close the venue rather than violate their religious beliefs. The gay New Jersey couple took the farm owners to court when they refused to host their 2012 wedding, they host about a dozen weddings a year. The farm owners were willing to host the reception, but not the actual ceremony. 
The "farm" in question is a business that offers employment for "over 100 positions" (according to their Facebook page) that operates as a wedding venue and event facility and that is open to the public. They operate in New York and that state has a law that specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. (Incidentally, the state also bans discrimination on the basis of race and gender and religion and a few other factors.) The business is a place of public accommodation and cannot discriminate against potential customers on the basis of sexual orientation. They were then fined for violating the law.

The business in question is considering an appeal -- especially in light of the U.S. Supreme Court judgment in favor of Hobby Lobby, which said that a closely-held company could deny some forms of contraception to its employees because they conflicted with the religious beliefs of its owner.

I'm always curious about these businesses that refuse to work with same-sex couples on the basis of religious beliefs. Why do their religious beliefs only apply to same-sex couples?

I just glanced at the website for that "New York farm." They do not identify their business as a religious venue. They don't say that they only allow certain types of Christian weddings. Would they turn away a family who wanted to host their son's Bar Mitzvah there? What if a couple wanted to host a traditional Hindu wedding at the facility? Maybe they would indeed turn away such groups on the basis of religion, but that would violate the law also.

Here is the deal. Some states and some communities specifically ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. They added sexual orientation to a laundry list of attributes that you cannot discriminate against, such as race, gender, religion, national origin, marital status, etc. If your governmental representatives are going to legislate that you cannot discriminate against folks on the basis of -- among other things -- sexual orientation, then do not be surprised when you get in trouble for discriminating against people on the basis of sexual orientation.

I read one article where the couple who owns this "New York farm" said that they have teens living on the property and that they do not want those teens thinking that a lesbian wedding is moral. Here is one possible solution that could meet that desire while staying within in the law: Have your kids go to a friend's home for a sleepover. You don't violate the law and your kids won't have any opportunities to witness any same-sex nuptials.

I do find it interesting that the "New York farm" will stop hosting weddings, but they will continue assisting with wedding receptions. Both are essentially celebrating the new couple's marriage. One is just the ceremony. The other is a dinner and dance party with lots of kissing and drinking and public displays of affection. Just something to think about if you are concerned about what your kids might see, if you see what I mean...

Personally, I wouldn't want to work with a venue that was antagonistic towards my wedding. This is to be one of the most special days in my life. I don't want to run the risk of the venue staff treating my family or my guests badly. There are other venues who would gladly work with a gay or lesbian couple and I will gladly spend my money there instead.

Anyway, that original Craigslist post prompted this response:
Remember this post. Holy men are next. Gays will start taking legal action against holy men and churches that refuse to provide marriage services to them.
Remember the whole "public accommodation" thing? Churches are private religious entities. They are free to discriminate against anyone that they want. That's why certain denominations get away with banning female leaders. That's why they can refuse or revoke membership to anyone.

That's why this Baptist church in Missouri was well within its legal rights to cancel this wedding two years ago because the couple is black. It's true that there was public backlash against the pastor and the church for making that choice. But nobody ever said that there aren't consequences for the choices that one makes.

Gay marriage has existed in at least one corner of the USA for over a decade -- even longer if you count Vermont and its civil unions. Have you ever heard of a church sued or fined for refusing to allow a gay wedding on its premises? No. Have you ever heard of a pastor (or a priest or a rabbi, etc.) being sued or jailed for refusing a gay wedding? No.

I have heard of politicians who have sought to ban chaplains from voluntarily choosing to officiate at gay weddings.

I have heard of denominations that have punished and defrocked minister after officiating at gay weddings.

I have personally assisted gay couples (back when I was a receptionist at a gay-affirming UCC church) get in touch with my pastor to discuss wedding planning. They had been referred by pastors at other churches who refused to allow their wedding. And that was the legal right of that church and that pastor.

And don't get me started when it comes to churches who legally cancel funerals because the deceased was gay, or churches who fire staff because they are gay and/or gay married, or religious schools who fire staff because they are gay and/or gay married, etc., etc., etc.

So stop worrying about churches getting sued by gay activists. Because it isn't happening and if it ever does happen, they will be quickly laughed out of court.

Florida Man Kicked Out of City Commission Meeting for Refusing to Stand during Public Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor John Rees of Winter Garden, FL, had police removed a man from a City Commission meeting last week because he refused to stand for the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Rees paused before the religious invocation and requested that citizen Joseph Richardson stand for the prayer. Richardson replied, "I don't think I have to." The invocation called for God's blessing on Winter Garden's businesses, citizens, and staff.

Somebody said a prayer, which then led to the Pledge of Allegiance. Once again, Mayor Rees asked Richardson to stand, "Now, sir, please stand while we do the pledge. You don't have to say it, but please stand."

Richardson remained seated and once again declined to stand. Mayor Rees then instructed Police Chief George A. Brennan to escort Richardson from the room while the others recited the pledge.

Mayor Rees has asserted that he believes that it is disrespectful to our troops for Richardson to refuse to stand during the pledge. However, one could argue that the troops fought for our freedoms, which include the freedom from participating in state-led prayers and pledges.

You can watch a video of the incident here:

"Dawn of X" Concludes in MEGA MAN #40!

The four-part "Dawn of X" storyline concluded last week with MEGA MAN #40. This was the advertised crossover between Mega Man and Mega Man X. I have written about the first three chapters here, here, and here.

Rock and X never did end up meeting during "Dawn of X," which was somewhat annoying. However, I gradually grew to appreciate the exact nature of the crossover. Basically, the two Mega Men (and their allies) battled a giant Wily Walker -- one century apart in time. Even though both battles were fought concurrently within the the book, Mega Man's battle paved the way for X's battle with the heavily armed robotic beast.

It's a different way of doing a crossover -- certainly much different than last summer's Mega Man/Sonic "Worlds Collide" crossover. And I was pleased with the end result. It allowed for some character growth amongst Mega Man's friends and enemies, but it also helped us readers learn more about the future world and culture of Mega Man X. And it doesn't muck around too much with the timestream, which can also be a good thing.

So here are the final players. We have Mega Man, Pharaoh Man, and Bright Man fighting the Wily Walker deep within Dr. Wily's hidden lab in the year 20XX. They are joined by Mega Man's robotic pet Rush, who brings along the technology needed to put this battle on hold for at least one century:

The most interesting element to this part of the story is what's happening with Dr. Cossack's robots. He isn't terribly keen on weaponizing his robots. The problem is that Bright Man has not only been fairly useless up until now against menaces like the Wily Walker, but he's also proven quite vulnerable. Dr. Cossack (with the help of the supposedly reformed Dr. Wily) grudgingly upgrades Bright Man's abilities towards the end of this battle. I wonder if we are witnessing the seeds of someone's corruption?

And then in the year 21XX, we have our other players: X, Sigma, Zero, and Vile! The Wily Walker managed to finally escape from his earlier tomb and now threatens Arcadia City with an assortment of conventional and chemical weapons. I don't think it's spoiling things too much to report that the Wily Walker ends up getting defeated before the city is destroyed. But I will allow you to pick up MEGA MAN #40 to catch up on the specifics!

Here comes the interesting part. Dr. Cain and Sigma (leader of the Maverick Hunters) share a private exchange following the battle:

The implication is that Zero (probably the most personable Maverick Hunter) was once a bad egg. And he became a good egg by having elements of his memory and personality erased and/or suppressed. Keep in mind that the Reploids are not simple robots. These are supposedly "living robots" -- the next best thing to humankind. I can't help wondering if it's truly possible to alter the true nature of these Reploids? I'm also curious how many more of the Maverick Hunters have also been "corrected" by Dr. Cain?

There is one final element to this crossover that actually stands the strongest chance of haunting Mega Man and his allies as the comic book series progresses. Xander Payne is a leader from the Emerald Spear anti-robot terrorist group. He managed to jump into the timestream at the beginning of "Dawn of X" with the intention of traveling backwards in time and destroying the "robot revolution" before it began. Unfortunately, he got punted into the future instead and witnessed the cataclysmic battle between the Wily Walker and the Maverick Hunters. This glimpse into the future reinforced Payne's drive to defeat the

However, Payne also witnessed a battle while bouncing around the timestream that really piqued his curiosity. I noticed this back in MEGA MAN #38, but didn't reference it on the blog. But it looks like he saw the battle between Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog. And now that he's in a prison cell back in the present, he's creating all sorts of "Worlds Collide" graffiti on his wall. For the life of me, I can't figure out where this is heading. Maybe "Worlds Collide Part 2"?

Now the "Dawn of X" is over and we've been introduced to the world of Mega Man X, I can't help wondering if X's adventures will continue as regular back-up features in the MEGA MAN comic book? Judging from the solicits, it doesn't appear that we will be seeing our future friends for at least a few months. I just hope their absence -- assuming that they will indeed be absent for a while -- won't last too long!

"Final Inheritance" is written by Ian Flynn, penciled by Jamal Peppers & Ryan Jampole, and inked by Gary Martin.

Nero at Daycare -- 09/02/14

Nero started his day off today with his four-legged friends at doggy daycare. Lots of running, and barking, and strutting. But that's the point.

Check it out:

Nero's Final Sacrifice!

Remember when Nero teamed up with Sabrina "Bree" Spellman and Salem the Cat to create the New Archies? My buddy Stuffed Animal had a vision for the next generation of Archies-inspired performers -- Garcy Briseño on guitar!  Donna Dante on bass!  Frankie Fujiyama on drums!  Mal Hypster on tambourine!  Toby Maxx on sax!  Rikki Ninja on keyboards!  Lead vocals by Donna, Garcy and Mal!  Managed by Alexander Cabot!  Produced by Bree at Witch Queen Recording Studios!

 Here is the rest of the story: The New Archies were doomed from the beginning. The eventually collapsed under the weight of their conflicting talents and personalities. But the biggest factor behind the band's demise was a dark teenage witch named Carmen Serna!

Carmen was the daughter of billionaire and all around bad egg Jason Blossom and witchy stripper Flame Evangelista. She might have been conceived by Blossom, but she spent much of her early childhood with the infamous New Orleans crime boos Jack Serna! She never had a chance!

Carmen was always extremely jealous of the talented Donna Dante -- and she wasn't a fan of Bree Spellman either! She worked behind the scenes for years, secretly hatching all sorts of nefarious plots against Ms. Spellman and the New Archies!

Eventually, the New Archies break up. Donna Dante's lover, Frankie Fujiyama, ends up married to the evil Carmen Serna. It appeared that Carmen was victorious over her old rival -- except that Fuji never got over his true love. That's when Carmen's mind snapped!

It all goes down on the set of a major motion picture. Donna Dante finds herself trapped by the green-eyed Carmen Serna on a giant oil rig covered with explosives! Carmen uses her magical powers to bury Donna deep within the bowels of the oil rig -- so deep that nobody could hope to hear her screams!

Except that somebody does hear. Nero the Dog has been living with Bree Spellman, her wife Heather Kind, and Salem the Cat in their shared Boston penthouse for years. Keep in mind that this is the year 2050. Nero has been around for just over 40 years! I still haven't figured out how he keeps moving, but I assume his stamina comes from all of the magic around him. But magic only goes so far. Nero is still an old dog. His body is stiff and he doesn't have quite the energy that he once had.

But he's loyal to his friends and there was no way that our favorite poodle would ever abandon any of his friends to an unnatural death! Nero experienced a dream about Donna Dante's current dilemma and immediately alerted Bree to the danger.  Bree and Nero flew to the movie set and -- through Bree's benevolent spells -- managed to save Donna from a fiery death.

You have to remember. Carmen Serna's mind has snapped. She tried murdering her old rival and now another of her chief rivals scuttled her plans. There is no going back. Not this time.

With a crackle of dark energy, Carmen manages to knock out Bree Spellman. She then turns her attention to Donna. She's not even trying to be subtle anymore! But Carmen Serna forgot about Donna's other defender: Nero the Dog!

Nero might be old in 2050, but he still has spunk! He distracts the evil witch with a series of biting attacks. Every time she swats at him, he springs to the side and resumes his attacks. But his efforts can only last so long.

Carmen Serna eventually snags our favorite poodle by the collar. She fixed Nero with her poisonous glare. He never had a chance. Nero collapsed and never returned to her feet -- killed by the Carmen's murderous magic.

Around this time, Salem joined the battle. He did a fair job of creating pain for Carmen. But it still wasn't enough. Carmen Serna killed Salem with a series of deadly blasts.

Nero and Salem might have fallen before Carmen Serna, but they provided the distraction needed to help Bree regain her wits. The older witch quickly subdues the younger and banishes Carmen -- along with her husband Frankie Fujiyama -- in the Seventh Void. This is a dimensional trap -- essentially inescapable.

Bree Spellman used her magic and influence to make the world believe that Carmen and Fuji died tragically on the movie set -- secretly grieving with Donna Danted for the loss of Nero the Dog and Salem the Cat.

But Bree's magic is powerful. She managed to reunite Salem's soul with his long-lost human body. Unfortunately, Nero's body was destroyed on that movie set. There's no returning for my beloved poodle. But maybe -- just maybe -- there is the possibility for spiritual rebirth...

RIP Nero! You lived longer than most poodles and you lived those years well!

Privatizing Social Security

Joni Ernst on Social Security and Medicare reform:

Vote Bruce Braley for U.S. Senate!

Michael Sam Signed to Dallas Cowboys' Practice Squad // Christian Lobbyist Already Plotting Anti-Cowboys Protest

I once wrote about Michael Sam, which is pretty good considering that I never watch NFL professional football. I don't even watch the Super Bowl. But he got drafted into the NFL back in May and garnered a lot of attention for kissing his boyfriend. I thought that meant society was finally ready to move on, but a commenter named Joyce taught me differently. But I've written once about Michael Sam.

Since then, Michael Sam has received a ton of media attention, including an awkward ESPN piece about his showering habits. His performance wasn't completely up to snuff and he ended up getting cut from the St. Louis Rams. He then got signed onto the Dallas Cowboys' practice squad, which seems like a pretty good thing. Michael Sam is now Cowboy #46.

Not everybody is happy about this. There is this anti-Michael Sam activist/GOP lobbyist named Jack Burkman who has been campaigning about Michael Sam and any NFL team that signs with him since May. Supposedly, Burkman is a member of some group named American Decency. He claims that "thousands of right-wing Christians" will be protesting against the Dallas Cowboys for signing Michael Sam onto the team's practice squad.

Keep in mind that American Decency has outright denied their involvement with this protest attempt. But they are also against Michael Sam's sinful homo-lifestyle.

Should LGBT People & Allies Boycott Brangelina?

I was reading theDaily Iowan earlier today and found an opinion piece by somebody named L.C. Graf who advocated that progressive-minded Americans need to boycott Brangelina. Truthfully, I could get behind that effort as I hate it when couples merge their single names. Absolutely hate it. But that's not what Graf was writing about.

She is upset with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for getting married last month in France. You may or may not know that the couple vowed in 2006 to wait for marriage until "everyone else in the county who wants to be married is legally able." Graf said that same-sex couples still cannot get married, so now we should all boycott the couple. I presume that she means that we should avoid any and all movies, TV shows, magazines, etc. that feature either of the pair.

That's Graf's prerogative.

But truthfully, this is a much different world than 2006 USA when same-sex couples were barred from marriage everywhere except Massachusetts and Vermont (if you could civil unions) and where the federal government refused to acknowledge those legal marriages.

I mean, she's writing for the Daily Iowan -- in a state that's featured same-sex marriages for over five years! It's 2014 -- 19 states permit same-sex marriage. So does Washington DC. So do several Native American tribal governments. The U.S. Government recognizes all same-sex marriages -- even those that exist in states that don't recognize our marriages. And pretty much every federal court and court of appeals that has heard cases involving recognition of our marriages have ruled in our favor.

(Same-Sex Marriage in the USA Today)
If a gay or lesbian couple really, truly wants to get legally married, they can take a road-trip to many nice states and get married. If they're smart (IMHO), they will relocate to one of those states in order to better protect their new family. But they can still go back home and be legally recognized by their federal government -- even if their state and city governments will continue to fight against their marriage!

So it's hard to hold it against Pitt and Jolie for going ahead and getting married.

I mean, I got married. I know lots of gay and lesbian couples who have gotten married. Should we all have waited until everyone could get married in their home town?

So "boycott Brangelina" for the right reason, America! Insist that people stop merging their first names! And then cut the couple a little slack.

Illinois Family Institute Wants Libraries to Stock Up on Children's Books Featuring Gay Parents Dying from the West Nile Virus

The Illinois Family Institute published a blog article by Laurie Higgins criticizing the annual Banned Book Weeks campaigns, which are sponsored by the American Library Association. Basically, the ALA highlights those books which are banned the most by local library boards and patrons and lots of those books feature LGBT characters and storylines. Needless to say, Higgins isn't a fan of Banned Book Week -- mostly because she believes that it's not as big of an issue as is implied, but also because librarians are not actively seeking out books featuring the following themes:
  • Young adult (YA) novels about teens who feel sadness and resentment about being intentionally deprived of a mother or father and who seek to find their missing biological parents.
  • Dark, angsty novels about teens who are damaged by the promiscuity of their “gay” “fathers” who hold sexual monogamy in disdain.
  • Novels about young adults who are consumed by a sense of loss and bitterness that their politically correct and foolish parents allowed them during the entirety of their childhood to cross-dress, change their names, and take medication to prevent puberty, thus deforming their bodies.
  • Novels about teens who suffer because of the harrowing fights and serial “marriages” of their lesbian mothers.
  • Picture books that show the joy a little birdie experiences when after the West Nile virus deaths of her two daddies, she’s finally adopted by a daddy and mommy.
“Surely,” Higgins asserts, “there are some teens and children who will identify with such stories.”
I guess I'm curious if such books exist? Is there a book featuring a little bird whose gay parents died from the West Nile virus, who was later joyfully adopted by a mom and a dad? If so, I'd really appreciate it if you could post the title in the comments section. If not, then I really want to write that book. Would you be willing to do the artwork, Stuffed Animal? And, more importantly, will we need to give credit to Laurie Higgins and/or the Illinois Family Institute?

Iowa City School Board Member Arrested & Charged with Domestic Abuse

Iowa City School Board member Tuyet Dorau was arrested early this morning and accused of domestic violence. Coralville Police were called to Dorau's home at 1:20 AM this morning to investigate a domestic dispute.

According to the victim and a witness, there had been an argument in the home. It has been alleged that Dorau escalated the argument by striking him with a clothes hanger and kicking him in the stomach when he tried holding her down in order to get her to stop striking him with the clothes hanger. Coralville Police report that the victim had scratches and redness on his abdomen.

Dorau has been charged with one court of domestic assault without intent to cause injury, which is a serious misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail. She was booked at the Johnson County Jail and later released at 10:37 AM today after posting a $1,000 cash bond.

The victim in this case has requested a no-contact order.

House Majority Leader Upset with U.S. Forest Service Over Fruit S'mores Suggestions

(Blueberry S'mores)
It was National Roasted Marshmallow Day on August 30th. In honor of that day, the U.S. Forest Service posted a blog article about s'mores -- specifically what they are (chocolate and freshly roasted marshmallows sandwiched between two graham crackers) and the history of s'mores (basically unknown -- but first recorded in a 1927 Girl Scouts Handbook).

But then the U.S. Forest Service pissed off political conservatives by offering suggestions for making s'mores safely:
Never start a campfire when there are fire restrictions in place. The restrictions are put in place for your safety and for the safety of others. If campfires are allowed, use an existing fire ring or pit. Be sure you are at least 15 feet from tent walls, trees or other flammable objects.

Most importantly, ensure you work closely with children and talk to them about fire danger, proper behavior and rules – then expect nothing less. No one knows how many children are burned in campfire incidents; however, you don’t need statistics to know precaution is a key to great camping experiences. Some experts advocate a 10-foot rule between young children and a campfire. For more information about campfire safety, let Smokey Bear guide you.

Now, let’s get to the marshmallow basics. Use a roasting stick of at least 30 inches in length. The degree a marshmallow is roasted runs the gamut, from the barely cooked, light caramel-colored outer layer to the flaming marshmallow that contains a gooey interior wrapped by a crispy, blackened shell. From there, most people graduate to s’mores and rarely move on.
They also offered some suggestions for using healthier food substitutes (i.e., fruit) for chocolate:
Even if the kids – including us older ones – insist on more traditional s’mores, there are some healthy tricks. Grill thin slices of pineapple and substitute chocolate for the sweet, warm fruit. You will still get a tasty treat but by substituting with fruit, it is healthier – as long as you watch the amount of marshmallows used. If you want to cut down even more on calories, try using slices of angel food cake instead of graham crackers.
The U.S. Forest Service also suggested substituting marshmallow creme instead of actual marshmallows in order to better regulate food portions, as well as a couple other healthy snack options.

That blog post reads about as dictatorial as any cookbook, but leave it to political conservatives to invent scandal whenever possible. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy sent a memo to all House GOP members this past Thursday expressing outrage over this extreme example of governmental overreach:
“I don’t know if you caught this, but last Friday the Forest Service published an article about how to roast marshmallows. Tips included using a roasting stick of at least 30 inches in length and substituting fruit for the chocolate and slices of angel food cake for graham crackers,” McCarthy wrote... 

"This perfectly captures what is wrong with our government. Hard-earned tax dollars supporting bureaucrats who can’t pass up an opportunity to tell us how to live our lives,” McCarthy continues. “For the things that government is supposed to do – like confront terrorist groups – we don’t have a strategy, but for things Americans are supposed to be able to do for themselves – like figuring out the best ingredients for s’mores – government bureaucrats have that figured out.”
Because forest rangers have everything to do with fighting terrorists on foreign soil.

Fox News Contributor Todd Starnes implies that forest rangers will now be personally inspecting each and everyone of your s'mores and sending violators to Obamacare death panels for review. I exaggerate a bit, but so does he.

Keep in mind that there are cookbook suggestions for fruit-laced s'mores already out there. And none of there were written by government employees. You heard me correctly -- private industry  bastardized the s'more long before the U.S. Forest Service ever posted that article!

Here's the deal. You can make your s'mores however you want. These aren't sacred food items. If you want to make a traditional s'more with chocolate and marshmallows, go for it. If you want to substitute fruit or other food items, go for it. If you want to make a traditional s'more and then spike up the nutritional badness by stacking on additional layers of one ingredient or another, go for it. It's really not that big a deal.

Two Women Marry in Davenport, IA, Following 72 Year Engagement!

A wonderful article has been circulating today in local newspapers and on Facebook. It tells of two women who finally married each other after a 72-year engagement at First Christian Church in Davenport, IA.

The two brides are Vivian Boyack (91) and Alice "Nonie" Dubes (90).  Their wedding was officiated by Rev. Linda Hunsaker. They weren't alone with their celebration, but were instead joined by family members and friends.

The women met in back in their hometown of Yale, IA, before moving to Davenport back in 1947. Boyack is a retired teacher and Dubes worked in payroll for two different businesses. It's been reported that they have traveled to all 50 states, plus all of the Canadian provinces, plus England (twice).

Congratulations, Nonie and Vivian!

Former City Manager Dead Following Shooting at Jackson County Courthouse in Maquoketa, IA

There was news of a shooting and lock down at the Jackson County Courthouse in Maquoketa, IA, earlier today. Initial reports indicated that at least one person was injured and that the shooting suspect had been sustained. It was later clarified that the shooting suspect was actually deceased, following a struggle for his weapon.

The shooting suspect was Francis "Gus" Glaser (age 71), a former city manager for Maquoketa and current resident of the community. Glaser reportedly was upset over the tax assessment of his home. Glaser showed up to this morning Jackson County Board of Supervisors meeting to complain about his property taxes and, according to Jackson County Sheriff Russ Kettman, was "not happy." The BOS meeting got heated and "vocal." Eventually, the supervisors decided to stop the meeting allowed the county assessor to leave the meeting room.

Glaser then pulled a handgun from his briefcase. He fired one shot at county assessor Deb Lane, who ended up escaping injury. Glaser was then tackled by county supervisor Larry "Buck" Koos and two others in the audience. Glaser's gun fired again. This bullet struck Glaser himself and eventually killed him.
It's worth noting that there are no metal detectors at the Jackson County Courthouse, outside of deputy staff and a hand-held metal detector. It's also worth noting that Glaser did not have a permit to purchase or carry a firearm.

U.S. Supreme Court to Consider All Federal Gay Marriage Cases on 09/29/14

The U.S. Supreme Court plans to discuss how to respond to the various federal court decisions involving same-sex marriage later this month:
The court on Wednesday listed gay marriage petitions from five states –  Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin– for consideration at its Sept. 29 private conference.  Officials in those states are asking the court to decide whether state bans on same-sex marriage are constitutional.

The justices use the September meeting to wade through stacks of appeals that pile up during the court’s three-month recess.  The court at some point after the conference is expected to add several of those cases to its docket for the term that begins Oct. 6.  Court watchers are eagerly awaiting word on whether one or more gay marriages cases will be among them.

The court is under no obligation to act right away.  It’s possible the court could take additional time to mull its options, particularly because of fast-moving developments in other gay-marriage litigation.
Maybe the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the cases. Maybe they won't. But it should be interesting. Or heart-breaking. Or both.

Phil Robertson from "Duck Dynasty": STDs are God's Punishment for Homosexuality

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson appeared yesterday on a Family Research Council radio program and asserted that sexually transmitted diseases are God's punishment for homosexuality:
“Do you think it’s a coincidence,” Robertson asked, “that all of these debilitating — literally that can cause death — diseases follow that kind of conduct?” He was responding to Perkins’ question specifically about the controversy from last year.

“God says, ‘One woman, one man,’ and everyone says, ‘Oh, that’s old hat, that’s that old Bible stuff,’” he said. “But I’m thinking, well let’s see now. A clean guy — a disease-free guy and a disease-free woman — they marry and they keep their sex between the two of them. They’re not going to get chlamydia, and gonorrhea, and syphilis, and AIDS. It’s safe.”

Robertson reasons, “Either it’s the wildest coincidence ever that horrible diseases follow immoral conduct, or, it’s God saying, ‘There’s a penalty for that kind of conduct.’ I’m leaning towards there’s a penalty for it.”
Interestingly, you could say the same thing about gay people.

Two disease-free guys or gals -- they marry and they keep their sex between the two of them. They're not going to get chlamydia, and gonorrhea, and syphilis, and AIDS. It's safe.

It's true. I've been with my husband for over 20 years. No STD and no AIDS.

What was his point again?

Oh that's right. His point is that he's "as much a homophobe as Jesus was" and that gay people need to know that Phil Robertson loves us.

Palin Family Involved in Drunken Brawl over the Weekend

There's a story making the rounds involving the Palin family, a "snowmachine" party, and a drunken brawl. Check this out:
The night before, Saturday, was a doozy. The details are a little sketchy, but there’s enough of them, from enough different sources, that a story emerges, a story that according to the gossip Gods, looks kind of like this: There’s some sort of unofficial birthday/Iron Dog-type/snowmachine party in Anchorage. A nice, mellow party, until the Palin’s show up. There’s beer, of course, and maybe other things. Which is all fine, but just about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. Track isn’t happy with this guy, the story goes. There’s words, and more. The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn’t. At this point, he’s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.
Another Alaska blog has confirmed with the Anchorage Police Department that the brawl did indeed happen and that there were roughly 20 people involved. No charges were pressed. No arrests were made. And young Tripp was present at this party. Oh, and Track also ended up getting bloodied in this fight.

Straight Guys Marry for Rugby Tickets

I've seen copies of this tweet circulating today. Here is the backstory:

The Edge is a New Zealand-based radio program. New Zealand is now a marriage equality country. The Edge invited heterosexual buds to apply for the opportunity to win tickets to a world rugby match. The catch? They had to get legally married.
Matt McCormick and Travis McIntosh were the winners of this contest. Their wedding was officiated by somebody dressed like Darth Vader. It's unclear if they shared a kiss at the wedding. But they're now married and are looking forward to watching some rugby.

New Zealand-based LGBT groups are upset that the Edge is making light of same-sex families with this contest. I really didn't care either way until I heard about the Darth Vader officiant. Hopefully one of the guys takes the other to the cleaners when they eventually divorce.
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