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New Year's Resolutions Are Meant To Be Broken In KEVIN KELLER #12!

It was a busy week for new comic books. I finally got a chance to read KEVIN KELLER #12 this morning. It was originally supposed to be released back in mid-December. Interestingly, the title showed up digitally on the Archie App. But most of Archie Comics' comic book titles (minus their current headliners ARCHIE, AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE, and THE FOX) have found their shipment schedules mucked around with over the past two months. I have my suspicions why, but won't share them here. Suffice it to say, they seem to be finally catching up with these delayed print releases and that's good for me and other readers!

Written and drawn by Dan Parent, the theme of KEVIN KELLER #12 is about the New Year. And what comes with each New Year? Lots of broken resolutions! "Resolution Revolution" primarily focuses on a challenge for each of the Riverdale Gang by Pop Tate. He wants them to name their annual resolution and the one who keeps his or her resolution the longest will win a month of free food -- up to $20 per day so that Jughead doesn't bankrupt the diner! Here are some of the resolutions:

Can I just digress a bit and say how much I love it that Moose says "Duh" in this issue. It's the first time in a long time that I've seen him utter those immortal words in a new story. I missed it! Thanks Dan!

Back to the story... Since the kids can't monitor each other all the time, everyone make a deal. They will self-report if/when they slip. That seems to be working out except for a certain trouble-maker...

What follows are several pages of Kevin trying to get Devon to let the others know that he broke his resolution -- and Devon outright refusing! I won't reveal whether Devon self-reports or if Kevin ends up narcing on him. You'll need to pick up the book to find out for sure.

But I really liked this comic book. I've complained a couple time about Devon's identity as a "bad boy." Nobody liked him because he was trouble. The problem is that we never actually saw him causing real mischief in the series -- except for when he and Veronica were vying for Kevin's attention!

KEVIN KELLER #12 is where that all changes! Maybe their relationship just hit that stage where he's not trying so hard to make a good impression, but Devon's really pushing it in this issue. Not just with this "you're-my-boyfriend-so-I-can-get-you-to-lie-for-me" behavior, but there is a whopper of a moment at the very end of this issue and promises to spill over into the next issue! I'm not sure if we're having a Mr. Roper-moment there or if we're working towards a major shake-up in the whole Kevin/Devon relationship, but I really can't wait to see what happens next!

Texas Politician Introduces "State Marriage Defense Act" to Congress

Rep. Randy Weber of Texas introduced the "State Marriage Defense Act" earlier this week, which would require federal agencies to review a person's state of residence when determining marital status for eligibility of federal benefits:
The 10th Amendment was established to protect state sovereignty and individual rights from being seized by the Federal Government. For too long, however, the Federal Government has slowly been eroding state’s rights by promulgating rules and regulations through federal agencies. I drafted the “State Marriage Defense Act of 2014” to help restore the 10th Amendment, affirm the authority of states to define and regulate marriage, as well as, provide clarity to federal agencies seeking to determine who qualifies as a spouse for the purpose of federal law. By requiring that the Federal Government defer to the laws of a person’s state of legal residence in determining marital status, we can protect states’ constitutionally established powers from the arbitrary overreach of unelected bureaucrats.
HR3829 has 27 co-sponsors. Surprisingly, nobody from Iowa -- including Rep. Steve King -- have co-sponsored this bill.

Of course, this would (or should) have wider effects for married Americans besides us gays. After all, not every state allows first cousins to legally marry. But every U.S. state recognizes the marriages of heterosexual first cousins when they move from one of those 27 states. That means that -- if this bill actually passes -- a first cousin marriage from Alabama should be void if that same married couple later moves to Rep. Weber's district in Texas.

I've been assured elsewhere (here and here, for example) that this bill is pretty much doomed to go nowhere.

Dilton Doiley Discovers that Dropping Out Isn't Cool in DILTON #4!

Archie Comics released the final chapter for their four-issue digital mini-series DILTON a couple weeks ago and I finally got around to reading the whole story last night. You can read earlier reviews of the series here, here, and here. Here is the storyline so far: Riverdale's resident genius Dilton Doiley was convinced by a guidance counselor that his academic talents were being wasted at Riverdale High. He was referred to a nearby private school for geniuses called Brainard University and was just about to begin classes there when he was head-hunted by Mr. Snarley of Snarley Tech, a very successful video game company. Dilton accepted the Snarley Tech offer and was assigned to lead the company's research & development team. Needless to say, his team was not pleased to find themselves supervised by a teen-age high school drop-out! Lastly, Dilton found out that Snarley Tech legally stole some hi-tech VR video game technology from Dilton's private computer lab. Defeated and demoralized, Dilton doesn't know where to turn next...

DILTON #4 begins with Archie telling the Riverdale Gang about Dilton's struggles to regain control of his virtual reality technology from Snarley Tech. It also introduces us to Corey Cavender, this new character sent to Riverdale High to replace Dilton. Through Archie's story-telling, the Gang learns why Dilton is so intent on getting back his VR technology: it's unstable. Apparently, it's too real. Only a strong mind can break him- or herself free from games once Dilton's tech is installed in it!

Can Dilton get Mr. Snarley to give him back his technology? Will the unscrupulous Mr. Snarley let Dilton out of his employment contract? Will Dilton remain a high school drop-out? And what exactly is Mr. Pigeonhole's deal anyway? Check out DILTON #4 to find out for sure.

Methodist Church's Membership Drops by 80% after Choir Director is Fired for Being Gay

I learned the story of Adam Fraley earlier today. He is a gay man who, until recently, was the choir director of First United Methodist Church in Alexandria, IN. According to this article, he and his gifts were well-received by most of the church membership. However, the church's current interim minister recently fired him for being a gay man.

The issue is that United Methodist Church law insists that "self-avowed, practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church." Does a church choir director violate that law? First UMC's interim pastor believes that it does. Others, including the Indiana Conference of the UMC, believe that this rule only applies to those seeking to become ordained.

Here is the interesting part. 80% of the congregation has left because of the way that Fraley was treated by the church's leadership. Of course, I don't know if that's 80% of 200 members, 80% of 100 members, or 80% of 20 members. But it's still a significant drop in membership.

Interim ministers are ministers who are specifically trained to take over temporarily when one minister leaves and to prepare the church for the next ongoing minister. There is some logic to shaking things up a bit between ministers. It helps prepare church members for the inevitable leadership differences between the minister that they knew and (presumably) loved and the new guy. But there's also a danger to shaking things up so much that you severely wound the church.

Will Fraley get his old job back? How much longer will this interim minister remain at First UMC? Will the church regain its old membership? It will be interesting to see how this story shapes up.

Now Oklahoma?? Another Court Rules for Gay Marriage!

A federal judge ruled earlier today that Oklahoma's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage violates the federal Constitution:
The state’s ban on marriage by gay and lesbian couples is “an arbitrary, irrational exclusion of just one class of Oklahoma citizens from a governmental benefit,” wrote Judge Terence C. Kern of United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, in Tulsa, deciding a case that had languished for nine years. The amendment, he said, is based on “moral disapproval” and does not advance the state’s asserted interests in promoting heterosexual marriage or the welfare of children.
Lawyers representing Oklahoma were on the ball and actually asked for a stay of this ruling pending their appeal -- something that the state of Utah managed to stumble with following their recent federal court ruling in favor of gay families.

Gay Couple in North Carolina Loses Health Insurance Plan Because They're Married!

Thomas Hafke and Chad Higby of Moore County, NC, got married in Washington DC several months ago. They later applied for family health insurance through that state's insurance exchange, got approved for benefits, paid their premiums, and eventually received their new insurance cards.

Then they received a call from the head of customer service for Blue Cross Blue Shield early this week and were asked to clarify whether their marriage was an opposite-sex marriage or a same-sex marriage. Hafke confirmed that they were in indeed in a same-sex marriage. The BC/BS customer service head then apologized and told them that their health insurance policy was being canceled:
The Blue Cross Blue Shield national website says it offers coverage for domestic partners only in states where it is legal. However, Hafke and Higby's case isn't totally hopeless.

In an email statement, a Blue Cross spokesman says the company allows large companies to decide whether to offer its employees coverage for same-sex domestic partners. The insurance company is currently implementing technical changes that would allow them to offer coverage to small groups and individual customers by 2015.

It's good news for the couple, but not good enough for them this year. They will have to file separately for individual health coverage.
Sadly, ABC11 is pandering a bit with this title: "Same-sex couple feels ripped-off by Affordable Care Act." It's not the ACA that's caused them to be ineligible. They don't qualify for family health insurance because of the recently passed Amendment 1, which banned state recognition of same-sex marriages in that state.

Iowa Man Arrested & Charged with Incest

Lyle Trip of West Union, IA, has been jailed and charged with multiple criminal counts, including sexual abuse and incest. He is accused of having sex with two young members of his family. Trip has been charged with two counts of 2nd Degree Sexual Abuse, Incest, Lascivious Acts with a Child, and Indecent Contact with a Child.

Keep in mind that Trip has only been charged with these crimes -- not convicted. It's very possible that he is completely innocent of all charges.

But, it would be also good to remember this case and the charges filed the next time you hear somebody tell you that incest will have to be legalized if same-sex marriage is allowed to continue.

5th Season "Duck Dynasty" Ratings Down 28% Compared to 4th Season's Ratings

The 5th season premier of "Duck Dynasty" was last night. I was busy last night working out and then working with a client, so I missed the show. That's not a big surprise, since I've never watched the show to begin with. But there was a big surprise last night with the overall viewership. The ratings were unexpectedly down when compared to the last two seasons' premiers:
Though Duck Dynasty was expected by some to return to its biggest ratings yet after its huge controversy last month, the Louisiana-based reality show returned to lower viewership than its previous two premieres.

Wednesday night’s Duck Dynasty season 5 premiere had 8.5 million viewers. That’s huge for a cable reality show, but down 28 percent from its record-setting fourth season debut in August (11.8 million). It’s also slightly down from the show’s third season premiere in February last year (8.6 million). A&E notes the number up slightly from the fourth season finale on Oct. 23 (though obviously it’s standard to compare premieres to premieres).
Duck Dynasty's patriarch, Phil Robertson, attracted a lot of negative attention for a GQ magazine interview in which he quoted anti-gay Bible verses, asserted that vaginas are super-cool, and then opined that black people were happier (from his perspective) in America during the Jim Crow era. A&E quickly suspended Robertson from the show indefinitely, which prompted all sorts of people to step up to support his free speech rights to condemn gay people. A&E then defined the terms of his suspension and brought Robertson back into the fold.

This could have been a fluke. Or it could have been a signal. Time will tell.

Conservative Radio Host Talks About How Minimum Wage Increase Would Help Iowa

I was unwinding tonight in front of my computer screen when I found this blog article on Iowa City Patch by Maria Houser Conzemius. She wrote earlier today about WHO radio talk show host Jan Mickelson and how he was talking today about the need for a major increase in Iowa's minimum wage. Like, from $7.25 per hour to $12.50 per hour:
We turned on Mickelson's show in the living room and listened together. He spoke of "scumbag fill-in-the-blank big box stores" who pay their workers low wages supplemented by the safety net provided by taxpayers who provide the food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, and other benefits that amounted to $2.1 billion a year for Walmart workers alone several years ago.

He said if we raised the minimum wage to $12.50 an hour, a family living wage, illegals would stop coming over the border to take jobs paying next to nothing or nothing in the case of wage-stealing employers (don't think it doesn't happen, because it does). A higher minimum wage would incentivize people to work instead of staying on the dole, and taxpayers wouldn't be subsidizing "scumbag corporations" who depend on taxpayers to cover for them.
She was quite surprised about his position. Mickelson has been broadcasting in Iowa for well over twenty years. He has a reputation for being a strong social conservative. I called into his show once back in 2002 to advocate for gay parents. The Iowa legislature was working hard that year to ban gay and lesbian individuals and couples from foster parenting and from adopting children. Mickelson was in favor of this ban. It was quite the stressful year, but we managed to get the bill killed.

But this is standard for his show. Lots of anti-gay opinions. Lots of other typical conservative topics also, but it was the anti-gay stuff that really got the audience excited and my blood pressure boiling. To be honest, I haven't listened to his show since around the time I called into his program. I'd much rather listen to Iowa Public Radio or KCJJ or Sirius XM or my iPod. So that's what I do.

But I'm digressing...

Maria was surprised by Mickelson's position on raising the minimum wage, but it actually doesn't surprise me because I've heard him talk about living wages on his radio program in the past and it's one of the few things that I strongly agree with him about.

Think about it. We have chipped away at living wages in this state and in the larger country for decades now. We eliminate job categories and replace them with new job categories employed by new workers at lower wages. What this has accomplished is a steadily eroded working class population who struggle to support their families with one full-time career. We have made it so that mothers (or fathers, for that matter) cannot become stay-at-home parents/homemakers because their families require two working parents in order to cover the basics. And, most recently, we have created a society of temporary employees who float between multiple part-time positions without the ability to save for the future and to develop any sense of career stability.

In the past, Mickelson lamented to erosion of wages at meat packing plants, which led to American workers leaving to find higher wages in order to support their families and the import of illegal immigrants who are willing to work for lower wages and afraid to complain about working conditions for fear of retaliation and deportation.

Of course, this wage stagnation has spread. Look at how the universities and communities colleges have essentially corporatized themselves and created their own industry of temporary semester-by-semester employees (i..e., adjunct professors) who don't know if they'll have classes to teach next semester and who most likely don't have any health benefits.

And don't get me started on what Iowa's legislature is doing with our state's mental health system and its employees...

The truth is that American industry cannot continue to exist with ever-stagnating wages and ever-increasing service and product costs. If wages continue to hover between $7.25-$9.50 per hour while housing, utility, food, and gasoline costs (among other basics) continue to increase, who do they think are going to buy their products (i.e., clothing, electronics, books, cars, etc.)?

So good for Jan Mickelson. I hope that your listeners absorbed your position on this topic and will push our legislature to work a little hard for Iowa's employees and a little less for Iowa's corporate industries.

Another Methodist Minister Going to Church Court for Officiating at Gay Son's Wedding

Rev. Thomas Ogletree might be retired as a pastor within the United Methodist Church and as dean of Yale Divinity School, but that hasn't stopped officials within the denomination from pressing charges and sending him to "church court."

Rev. Ogletree is in trouble for officiating at his son's 2012 wedding to another man. He recently said that he could not refuse his son's request to lead the wedding and has no regrets for this action. In fact, he said he'd probably do it again.

Charges were filed by a group of Methodist clergy and supported by Bishop Martin D. McLee. Rev. Ogletree's church trial has been scheduled for March 10, 2014.

Assuming that Rev. Ogletree is convicted of violating the Methodist Book of Discipline, I'm not sure what will happen to him. He's already retired. Does he lose access to whatever pension system that the UMC offers to its retired minister? Feel free to educate me in the comments section if you happen to know.

The Girls Return to Riverdale in BETTY & VERONICA #269!

It took me a few days, but I finally found some time to read BETTY & VERONICA #269. The past several issues have featured a series of fairy tale princess remakes featuring our two title characters and their friends. BETTY & VERONICA #269 brings the girls back to Riverdale where we see them (and Archie) navigate through "Just Another Day!"

The story is pretty simple, but visually quite interesting. It shows a day in the life of each of the three characters, broken down into three panels per page. Betty gets the top panel, Veronica gets the middle panel, and Archie gets the bottom panel. So, for example, page five shows Betty missing her school bus ride while Veronica is struggling to choose which car to drive to school while Archie's mom is yelling at him to get out of bed -- NOW!! The book follows that visual pattern from the beginning of their day until they all make it to the school dance -- with the exception of a few pages where the three teens converge with their activities. I thought it an interesting way to tell this story.

The story itself was a familiar one. Riverdale High will be hosting its Winter Blitz tonight. Both Betty and Veronica text Archie, asking/telling him to take them to the dance. This panel is just typical Archie, which makes me wonder sometimes what the girls see in him!:

All three eventually make it to the dance. But which girl gets the coveted date with Archie?

It's great to be back in Riverdale again with the girl. I actually found myself enjoying the fairy tale princess stories more than anticipated, but it's great to find the girls back in the real world with Archie and the Riverdale Gang.

"Just Another Day!" is written by Dan Parent and penciled by Jeff Shultz.

Incidentally, BETTY & VERONICA #269 featured an advertisement for "Archie: Riverdale Rescue." Each month, Archie Comics has identified top game players who have done a great job of beautifying their own private Riverdales. I have an online friend named Kingsley who was the first person selected for the "My Riverdale Rocks" contest. His likeness has been "Archified" and he's scheduled to appear in LIFE WITH ARCHIE #34. Check out this preview:

Not only that, I just learned that another of my online friends just got selected for the "My Riverdale Rocks" contest and is now awaiting for his own Archification process!

I have to admit that I'm a little jealous! I'm toying with hiring a civil engineer to look at my own Riverdale and come up with some suggestions for improving my game!

Congrats Kingsley!!

Marion, IA, Seeking Public Input on Potential New Urban Chicken Ordinance

One year ago last month, Iowa City finally passed an "urban chicken" ordinance. Urban chicken farmers must take a class and get their urban chicken farm approved by the animal shelter. They can then raised up to four hens (no roosters!!) for three years before they must renew their permits. Not only that, their immediate neighbors have the ability to veto their ability to raise their chickens. Iowa City residents were warned of chaos if that ordinance passed. Residents were warned of crowing, nasty smells, awful diseases, and eloping chickens. But the actual results of this ordinance have been pretty much yawn-worthy.

Now another nearby community has decided to explore the idea of urban chickens. The Marion City Council has scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, January 23rd, at 7:00 PM at the Marion City Hall to gather public input on starting its own urban chicken ordinance.

Marion's ordinance would allow residents of Marion "in certain neighborhoods within city limits" to raise up to six hens. Like Iowa City, potential urban chicken farmers would have to take a special class and they would have to get the permission of their neighbors in order to start their own urban chicken farm.

Nearby Cedar Rapids, IA, has had its own urban chicken ordinance since September 2010 and (as far as I can tell) they have had minimal problems since that time. Marion and Cedar Rapids are pretty much like Iowa City and Coralville (and to a lesser extent North Liberty). They pretty much bleed into each other from the borders. I don't know why, considering that I keep my eyes out for Iowa urban chicken stories, but I actually assumed that Marion already allowed for urban chickens.

I will post more once I learn more.

72% of Utahns Want New Laws Protecting Churches from Performing Same-Sex Weddings -- Even Though They Already Have That Protection!

Deseret News published an article about gay marriage in Utah, along with a series of public opinion polls. Here is the article in a nutshell:
A majority of Utahns do not support same-sex marriage, believe the decision on marriage should rest with individual states, and say if gay marriage were legal, Utah should pass laws to protect places of worship from having to perform weddings for gay and lesbian couples.
Here is a summary of the polls: 51% of Uthans think that businesses should be allowed to refuse professional services for gay weddings. 57% support civil unions for same-sex couples. 54% of Utahns would vote in favor of another constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. 45% of Utahns believe that their state should recognize same-sex marriages performed in states like Iowa or Hawaii. 37% of Utahns believe that states should have the right to define marriage. 55% of Utahns disagree with the recent federal court case that invalidated Utah's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. 57% of Utahns do not support same-sex marriage. And 72% of Utahns believe that a law should be passed to protect churches and other places of worship from having to perform same-sex marriages.

 That last poll result is the point of this blog article.

Why do Americans continue to express this fear that their churches will be forced to perform gay weddings -- totally against their will?

Marriage equality has existed in at least one state here in the USA for nearly 10 years. Actually, it's been nearly 14 years if you count Vermont's civil union period. There has never been a church in the USA that has been forced to host a gay wedding during that time. There has never been a minister or a priest or a rabbi or any other religious official here in the USA who has been forced to officiate at a gay wedding during that time. Not once. So why do they persist in expressing this unfounded fear?

Let's consider Utah prior to December 2013. During that time, only heterosexual couples were allowed to get legally married. Catholic Churches routinely limited weddings to Catholic members. Not only that, but they routinely refused weddings to those who've been divorced. Other religious communities have routinely exercised their right to establish wedding policies for their leaders and for their property.

Why do people think that all that gets thrown out the window because gay and lesbian couples now have the ability to get married???

Iowa has been a marriage equality state for nearly five years. My church is one of those churches who gladly welcomes and affirms LGBT members and families. We were doing commitment ceremonies for years before those weddings were legally recognized. It wasn't even a second thought that we would allow same-sex weddings in addition to other weddings at our church after the 2009 court decision that struck down our DOMA law.

But many other churches in Iowa do not perform gay weddings. Many other churches in Iowa will never perform gay weddings. And they have the legal right to refuse these weddings. Some of the kinder churches who have refused to perform gay weddings have been nice enough to refer gay and lesbian couples to our church or others like it. But they aren't even obligated to take that step.

The only people I have seen who've gotten in trouble over gay weddings since certain states have allowed them have been people like Rev. Thomas Ogletree or Rev. Frank Schaefer, who each made the choice to officiate at their sons' weddings and who are now being defrocked or already defrocked for making those choices. Neither man would have been defrocked if he had opted out of those weddings. And neither man would be criminally or civilly liable for refusing those weddings.

I think people get confused with two things:

1. There are government officials (they call them Recorders here in Iowa; they get called other titles in other states) who process wedding license applications. It's their job to process these documents. It's not an endorsement of every processed license. It's a process of confirming that each application is completed and processed correctly. They do not and should not have the ability to pick and choose which private citizens that they get to serve in those positions.

2. I think people are genuinely shocked that there are religious leaders and churches that actually support LGBT families and who are willing to officiate for same-sex weddings. Sometimes I seriously wonder if people just assume that those ministers/rabbis/officiators are literally drafted by pink-shirted government officials. Here is the deal: Those religious leaders are actually quite excited to officiate for those same-sex weddings. They wouldn't be there otherwise.

All this is to say that I would be one of those 22% who, if polled, would say that there shouldn't be any laws protecting religious leaders or institutions from hosting gay weddings. Because they aren't needed. They weren't needed in Iowa prior to 2009. They aren't needed now. They weren't needed in Utah prior to December 2013. They aren't now. Because churches are already legally permitted to establish their own wedding policies -- for gays or hets; for members or for non-members. It's already taken care of.

Nero at Daycare -- 01/21/14

New Democratic Candidate from West Des Moines Announces Gubernatorial Campaign at 2014 Iowa Caucus

I was catching up on 2014 Iowa Caucus happenings. (I admit it. I didn't go. I was very tired. I walked the dog and then I went to bed early.) Anyway, I read up on some of the 2014 Iowa Caucus happenings and learned of a new Democratic candidate for Iowa Governor. His name is Zachary Newbrough and he lives in West Des Moines. But he appeared at at least one caucus location (Indian Hill Junior High School) and updated the folks there about his candidacy.

Newbrough readily admits that he has no political experience, but boasts "life experience." He admits to a criminal background (convictions of 5th degree theft and possession of drug paraphernalia). Plus he's going through a custody battle over his young daughter.

Newbrough is seeking campaign signatures and he's seeking monetary donations. He has identified his key campaign issues: education, mental health reform, marijuana legalization & reformation, and smoker's rights. It was the mental health portion of his website that convinced me that he needs to learn more before running for state office:
I have some ideas on that issue (mental health reform) exactly. First I want to say I am not going to make any promise ...that I cannot keep in this campaign. The only promises you will see or hear me making during this are ones that involve trying to get my ideas across. Obviously there is still the house and senate standing in between any law. What I can say is that I promise to make this one of the key elements of my campaign. Our current leader could not even accept the federal healthcare money just because he did not like the law. He thought about himself before his constituents. That being said, my plan would start with taking the extra money from the healthcare reform law. Enacting a lot of changes or totally rewriting the mental health policies of this state. I am not just stating for Medicare, anyone who needs it will get it. It will start with The national Guard. All returning active duty soldiers would be required to undergo 3 months of bi- weekly counseling at state expense at a doctor of there choice. If the doctor decides after 3 months more treatment is needed, it will be paid for. Second all Medicaid recipients would be allowed to go to a private therapist. No longer would they be required to go to Broadlawns or Iowa City. By doing this it will unclog our hospitals and make them more useful for emergencies. I would like to see a tuition reimbursement plan made for students that get involved in a career in mental health. If they agree to work so many years in the state then their tuition would be cut or paid for. This will allow more private doctors to take on patients that they normally could not do.
Newbrough's mental health reform ideas need some updating as he is starting from faulty ideas about the current mental health system here in Iowa.

The most glaringly example of this is the suggestion that Iowans on Medicaid must seeking mental health services only at the UIHC in Iowa City or at Broadlawns in Des Moines. I believe that Newbrough is confusing Medicaid with the newly defunct Iowa Care program. Iowa Care was a bare-bones state insurance program for Iowans with no insurance and very little income. As far as mental health services go, Iowa Care only paid for inpatient mental health treatment at the UIHC and at Broadlawns, which was problematic if you were poor, on Iowa Care, and living in Sioux City (or Decorah, or Dubuque, or Ames, or Wapello, or whatever). It was problematic because most people who were poor enough to qualify for Iowa Care generally did not have money to travel to Iowa City or Des Moines for bare-bones medical treatment except in emergency situations. It also sucked because those two hospitals were overwhelmed by Iowa Care cases and often had extensive wait lists.

But Iowa Care doesn't exist anymore. It was replaced by Iowa's version of the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare): Iowa Health & Wellness Plan. Iowa's very poor now qualify for a full range of medical and mental health services (minus dental at this time) and they can be treated in or very near their home communities.

But the other faulty idea is about using Medicaid to pay for private therapists and deciding that this will solve the issue of clogged-up hospital emergency rooms. First, there are already private therapists in Iowa who accept Medicaid funding. Not all do, but there are plenty who do.

More importantly, people don't usually go to the emergency room because they need to chat with a therapist. They go to the emergency room (or they're taken there by family or the police or by some other concerned individual) because they are suicidal, or because they have attempted suicide, or because they are acting bizarrely, or because they are demonstrating unsafe behaviors. Sadly, many of these people are treated in the ER and then sent home with the instructions to see an outpatient psychiatrist. This happens because there aren't enough mental health beds in that hospital or in other hospitals across the state.

The sad truth is that there are people currently inpatient -- people whom insurance/Medicaid have long-since stopped funding because they have been inpatient too long -- who remain inpatient because there is no place safe for them to go. The state has slowly reduced funding for services for those who don't need to be in the hospital but who are not safe to return to the community. Twenty years ago, these people might have been sent to the Woodward or Glenwood Resource Centers or to one of the Mental Health Institutes. Or maybe they would be sent to the juvenile treatment center in Toledo (which Iowa's governor just closed). People with ongoing behavioral challenges and/or psychoses remain in the psychiatric wings of Iowa's hospitals and prevent those with current mental health emergencies from being admitted.

In other words, we need to improve funding options for those who no longer need to be hospitalized for mental health treatment and re-fatten the programs that we have slowly starved that previously served those who cannot return to their homes because of severe chronic mental health needs.

All this is to say that I believe Newbrough needs to fine-tune his mental health reform policy.

Virginia's AG Will Not Defend State's Anti-Gay Marriage Ban

Virginia's new Attorney General Mark R. Herring informed the world that he believes that state's anti-gay marriage ban is unconstitutional and that he will not be fighting for it when the case goes to court:
In a move that could give gay marriage its first foothold in the South, Virginia's attorney general said Thursday he concluded the state's ban on same-sex unions is unconstitutional and he will join the fight against it.

Newly elected Democratic Attorney General Mark R. Herring said he would support gay couples who have filed lawsuits challenging the state's ban.

"After thorough legal review, I have now concluded that Virginia's ban on marriage between same sex couples violates the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution on two grounds: marriage is a fundamental right being denied to some Virginians, and the ban unlawfully discriminates on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender," Herring said.

Herring stressed the same-sex ban will be enforced despite his challenge.
Virginia is in the midst of two federal marriage equality court challeges, one involving the American Foundation of Equal Rights and the other involving Lambda Legal and the ACLU.

Oldest Duggar Boy to Testify Against Gay Marriage Next Week in Indiana as Exective Director of Family Research Council Action

It seems popular to get after the "Duck Dynasty" guys, but the real reality TV family that deserves the scorn of the LGBT communities is the Duggar family from TLC's "19 Kids and Counting" reality show. The Duggars have actively campaigned in Iowa and elsewhere for anti-gay politicians because they are anti-gay politicians. Papa Duggar is on record for wanting the Girl Scouts to toss out a trans girl. And their oldest son, Josh Duggar, is an executive director for the Family Research Council -- because apparently you only need a GED to work in politics.

Speaking of him, Josh Duggar is traveling to Indiana on Monday the 27th to participate in a joint news conference between FRC Action, the American Family Association of Indiana, and the Indiana Family Institute. They plan to advocate in favor of a constitutional amendment to ban legal recognition of same-sex marriages in Indiana. Duggar and the others plan to "speak to the consequences of redefining marriage and its detrimental impact on the freedoms and livelihoods of wedding vendors and those in other professions who for religious or moral convictions will not recognize the redefinition of marriage."

Keep in mind that Indiana, unlike states like Colorado or Iowa or Oregon, doesn't have statewide nondiscriminatory laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination. That means that many of their complaints will be baseless.

Then again, I never understood the desire of Christian business owners who actively seek to turn away business from LGBT people -- especially those like the Christian cake-makers on the west coast whose religious beliefs prevented them from making gay wedding cakes, but not divorce cakes, or winter Solstice cakes, or animal wedding cakes, etc.

Duggar will be sharing the stage with folks like Peter Sprigg (someone who's previously advocated for the criminalizing of and deportation of LGBT people), and Micah Clark & Curt Smith (two ex-gay proponents). Which should make for an interesting press conference. So if you are one who gets upset when you hear reality TV people make inflammatory remarks about LGBT people and our families, you will definitely want to check out Josh Duggar's press conference on Monday morning!

GOP Legislator Wants to Eliminate All Marriages in Oklahoma In Order to Prevent Gay Couples from Legally Marrying

GOP State Rep. Mike Turner isn't happy about a federal lawsuit over Oklahoma's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. So he has filed a bill to address his concerns over same-sex couples destroying the institution of marriage. His bill would eliminate all marriages in Oklahoma:
The idea stems from a bill filed by Rep. Mike Turner (R-Edmond). Turner says it's an attempt to keep same-sex marriage illegal in Oklahoma while satisfying the U.S. Constitution. Critics are calling it a political stunt while supporters say it's what Oklahomans want.

"[My constituents are] willing to have that discussion about whether marriage needs to be regulated by the state at all," Turner said. Other conservative lawmakers feel the same way, according to Turner...

Turner admits his idea makes a lot of people uncomfortable. He also says, "I accept that." Turner plans to wait until the federal appeals process plays out. The fight over Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage will now head to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.
There's something quite pathetic about destroying all marriages in order to prevent gays and lesbians from getting married. Especially since this wouldn't actually eliminate gays from getting married. They say that people would go to their churches for a wedding and could say they are married. Guess what? Gays and lesbians can do that in Oklahoma right now. They are called commitment ceremonies and there are UCC church and MCC churches and others who will gladly officiate at commitment ceremonies and gay weddings.

But this bill -- if passed into law -- would be horrible when it came to complying with federal law with regards to marriage law. I mean, the feds don't recognize the civil unions or domestic partnerships of same-sex couples. They only recognize legal marriages. So what's the likelihood that they will honor all of the state's non-marriages?

Then there is divorce. I know people don't like to get divorced. It is messy and expensive. But it serves a purpose. If everyone has a wedding, but not a marriage and the law has nothing to do with recognizing those marriages, then divorce will mean nothing. Husbands and wives can and will abandon their spouses without any difficulty. There will be no divorce court structure to ensure an organized dissolution of the family and property within the family. I'm sure some folks will love that -- until they find themselves screwed over by a vindictive ex.

But at least the state won't be forced to recognize any gay marriages...

Iowa GOP Scrambles after Contractor Posts Racist Chart on its Facebook Page

The Iowa GOP had been working with a contractor called 4:15 Communications for roughly one year. 4:15 Communications was responsible for managing the Iowa GOP's Facebook and Twitter accounts and content. They seemed to be working together well enough until this Friday evening when the contractor posted this on the Iowa GOP Facebook page:

(click on image to read more clearly)
The flowchart posted on Facebook asks "Is Someone A Racist?" and then asks a series of questions to determine if somebody is racist. The Iowa GOP Facebook message accompanying the image reads "Because it's Friday night and we don't need serious political posts on Friday night we are sharing this. Happy Friday and LIKE and SHARE! Unless you think the chart is racist, then don't."

Apparently the Iowa GOP itself thought that the chart was racist (or at least troublesome). Within 40 minutes, The Daily Beast reached out to Iowa GOP Chairman AJ Spiker to inquire about the racism flowchart. Spiker had the image removed from the Iowa GOP Facebook page and issued a statement of apology. He also severed the Iowa GOP's working relationship with 4:15 Communications:
Shane Vander Hart, founder and president of 4:15 Communications said the post “didn’t reflect well on the party” and wishes he wouldn’t have posted the chart. “I deeply apologize for the post, it was an error in judgment, and it was certainly something I wish I could take back,” Vander Hart said. “I’m sorry that I offended anyone, it wasn’t my intent.”

He said prior to this incident he felt he had generally done a good job. “Had I thought about (the post) a little bit more I wouldn’t have done it,” he said.
The Iowa GOP has now implemented a new social media policy that requires at least two individuals to review any Facebook or Twitter content before posting.

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