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Marriage Equality States Doubled in 2013!

FreedomToMarry.Org posted the following image and it's worth noting. The USA doubled the amount of marriage equality states in 2013:

We shall have to wait until 2014 (or beyond) to see if Utah sticks with the rest of us, but this has been an exciting year for those who support equal marriage rights & responsibilities for all!

Democratic Candidates for Iowa Governor Both Pushing for Increase in Minimum Wage

I'm still licking wounds over news that State Representative Tyler Olson decided to quit the 2014 Iowa gubernatorial race. Don't get me wrong. There are other great candidates. I just got excited about Olson. The Gazette posted an article about one of those other great candidates: Senator Jack Hatch. He's currently promoting an increase in Iowa's minimum wage law from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 per hour:
Raising the minimum wage will be a key part of Hatch’s strategy for growing the number of working middle-class Iowa families. His 2014 challenge to Republican Gov. Terry Branstad is going to be about “enhancing the middle class, increasing their ability to make more and better choices for their families.”

Iowans working for minimum wage don’t enjoy the same choices as middle class families, Hatch said. They wouldn’t have to choose between food and medicine, for example.

“A low minimum wage makes those choices predisposed,” Hatch said. “Families make bad choices because they don’t have enough income.”

However, Hatch said, middle class is more than just an income. Citing Bureau of Labor Statistics data showing Iowa has ninth highest percentage of people working multiple jobs, Hatch said that some low-wage workers are middle class because they work 60 to 80 hours a week.

That, he said, takes them away from the “essence of the middle class.” 
Middle class means “a family that is interacting with one another,” Hatch said. “There is a relationship between the middle class and their church, between the middle class and their government, the middle class and their schools.
I have debated the effectiveness of a minimum wage with people in my life -- especially the raising of the minimum wage. I keep getting told that employers cannot afford to raise minimum wages. On the other hand, those earning $7.25 per hour (not to mention those earning slightly more than minimum wage) cannot afford to make purchases that feed back into their employers.

Everything is going up. Rent is increasing. Utilities are increasing. Cable is steadily increasing. The cost of gasoline is going up. So is the cost of bus passes and food and pretty much everything else. But wages aren't increasing -- or they aren't going up enough to meet rising expenses. That means that the working poor have barely enough to pay for the basics and not enough to support local businesses -- certainly not on a consistent basis.

So I'm supportive of Sen. Hatch's plan to increase Iowa's minimum wage.

Iowa's other leading Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Bob Krause, has already advocated for an increase of the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.

Sadly, the GOP controls the Iowa House of Representatives so I don't see even a modest increase in the minimum wage any time in the near future.

Gay Couple Gets Married on Float during Tournament of Roses Parade // Culture Warriors Protest Float Sponsors'"Free Speech" Rights & Launch Boycott!

Danny Leclair and Aubrey Loots of Los Angeles, CA, got married earlier today on the top of a flower-covered float at the Tournament of Roses Parade. The couple had originally planned to have a private low-key wedding, but decided to get married on the AIDS Healthcare Foundation's float because of the underlying message being promoted by the foundation -- the celebration of same-sex marriage and the role that a marriage culture can promote to reduce new HIV infections among gay and bi men.

The grooms were joined on the float by a lesbian minister officiating over the wedding and a married lesbian couple who were married in California back in that narrow period in 2008 immediately prior to Proposition 8's passage. The wedding ceremony itself took place at 9:45 AM PST during the 15-second window which the float was anticipated to pass before television cameras during the live parade event.

This was the first same-sex wedding to take place during the Tournament of Roses Parade, but not the first wedding ever. Two separate opposite-sex couples got married on floats during the Rose Parade during past years -- specifically in 1989 and in 2013!

Karen Grube of San Diego, CA, tried getting the Tournament of Roses to remove the AHF's float from their parade. They were unsuccessful, but still hope to prevent gay weddings from appearing at future Rose Parade events. Grube is concerned that same-sex wedding is still not legally recognized in most states and questions whether or not we'll see pot-smoking in future parades. Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage also jumped into this storyline with worries of children watching men marrying men and then hugging and kissing each other. He even used air-quotes around the word "marrying," so you know he means business.

The ironic part is that Grube and her "Boycott the 2014 Rose Parade" Facebook group cited the whole Phil Robertson/"Duck Dynasty"/A&E situation as a reason for the boycott. I thought that people were upset with A&E for curtailing Phil Robertson's free speech rights? What about the free speech rights of the Tournament of Roses and/or the ADIS Healthcare Foundation and/or Leclair & Loots?

Former State Rep. Bob Krause Officially Ends Campaign for Iowa Governor

Nearly three weeks after state Representative Tyler Olson quit the Iowa gubernatorial campaign, former state Representative Bob Krause officially ended his exploratory campaign for Iowa Governor in 2014. He made the announcement today on his Facebook account while simultaneously throwing his support behind Iowa Senator Jack Hatch's gubernatorial campaign:
All these factors tell me that I would have a very good chance of winning the Democratic nomination for Governor... While I can see a victory in the June primary, either Jack Hatch or I will be facing the 10 million dollar man in the general election after an excruciating and exhausting primary. Accordingly, our chances of achieving the ultimate goal -- taking the governorship for the Democrats – would be substantially diminished. Between now and the primary, our nominee needs to be consolidating and fundraising if the Democrats are to win.

For that reason, I am shifting my focus. I am not leaving the political arena. However, I will not extend my exploratory campaign, nor will I announce for Governor in 2014. And, I urge others not to enter the race at this late date so that our Democratic candidate can plan against Branstad in the fall. Though you and I may have differences with Jack Hatch on nuances of policy, he deserves a clean shot at Branstad, and this will give it to him. I have known Jack to be a great thinker and leader who is committed to our shared progressive values. He will make not only a great standard-bearer for our party but also a great Governor, and for that reason I endorse him today to be Governor of Iowa.

For my many supporters, I will use the great leverage and the many friendships I have gained in the Governor race to challenge the other announced candidate for US Senate in 2016: Charles Grassley. I will open a Senate Committee very soon. This is a full and not a tentative commitment. I urge fellow Democrats to give me the same clean shot at defeating a sitting incumbent as I am giving Jack Hatch.

At the same time, I will act as a surrogate speaker and policy advisor to the Hatch campaign. My focus will be outreach to veterans and unions, as well as any other groups where I can have value to Jack as a speaker.
You can read the whole statement here.

So there you have it, there is one chief Democratic candidate for Iowa Governor in 2014.

Plus, Rep. Bob Krause will run against Senator Charles Grassley in 2016.

Marvel Announces Cryptic Wedding for April 2014! // Updated with New Puzzle Clues!! // Updated on 01/02/14: Congratulations Deadpool!!

Marvel Comics started a new teaser campaign today about a mystery wedding scheduled for April 2014. I've seen two separate images about the secret wedding (here and here). As you can see below, we are being treated to a bloody wedding invitation and a puzzle pieces featuring tons of super heroes, including (but not limited to) the Avengers, the X-Men, Alpha Flight, the Agents of Atlas, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Imperial Guard, the Fearless Defenders, the Imperial Guard, and Devil Dinosaur & Moonboy (informally of the Pet Avengers)!

Since we're dealing with puzzle pieces, we're certain to see more hints as the week progresses -- including the identity of the mystery couple. I've got my gut reaction groom pick, but we'll get to that further below. In the meantime...

Wanna know my gut reaction groom pick? Deadpool!

I honestly have very little reason to suspect Marvel's merc with a mouth, except that there's a bloody invitation and people like Devil Dinosaur and Forbush Man are attending the wedding! That's how weak my reasoning is!

I'll post updates as I learn them. In the meantime, consider me part of "Team Wade"!

Updated on 12/31/13: I found two more puzzle pieces for Marvel's mysterious April wedding (both from this source):


After seeing these latest puzzle pieces, I'm doubly convinced that Deadpool will be the groom. I have no clue who the shrouded bride is (maybe Death??). I mean, look at the wedding party. I'm seeing Dogpool. I'm seeing Headpool. Is that Lady Deadpool holding Headpool? Why else would those two be at the wedding?

It's worth noting that the Pet Avengers themselves actually got invitations to this mystery wedding. I'm seeing Lockjaw, Frog Thor, Hairball and Ms. Lion among the guests!

Updated on 01/02/14: Looks like my gut reaction was the correct assumption! Marvel Comics'Deadpool will be getting hitched in April 2014 in DEADPOOL #27! Here is a copy of the full wedding image followed by the official wedding announcement!:

As you can see, the identity of Wade Wilson's new bride hasn't been announced. It appears from this article that this wedding is his attempt to bring some normality to his crazy life:
"[A]fter his misadventures, I guess you'd call them, in North Korea, in the story arc 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,' [Deadpool] learned a lot about himself and why he is the way he is," Duggan explained. "He doesn't really have too much of a life. Yes, this is a knee-jerk reaction from a wounded guy to go out there and sort of do something crazy to sort of jump start a life, but there is a real emotional reason for doing it, so I think that will be the part that will resonate. Then the actual gags of the wedding will be fun too, but there is a real grounding to it, and that's what will make it fun to explore."
Another article questioned the anticipated mortality of Deadpool's new bride -- given the craziness that typically follows around Marvel's merc with a mouth!

Could Same-Sex Marriage Come to the Navajo Nation in 2014?

Late last month, I wrote a brief piece about the Navajo Nation clarifying that its is still a marriage inequality tribe. That is because the Navajo Nation Council enacted the Diné Marriage Act back in June 2005, which bans tribal recognition of same-sex marriages, as well as polygamy and marriages between family members. But the Washington Post published a piece this past Wednesday indicating that there is support within the tribal leadership to repeal the 2005 Diné Marriage Act, including support from past and current tribal presidents.

However, the Diné Marriage Act cannot be repealed without strong support from the Navajo Nation Council. The Washington Post piece indicates that tribal culture is changing along with the larger culture to recognize and support both gay and straight families, which indicates that we could very well see renewed debate about this tribal law... as well as it's possible repeal.

Utah Man Goes on Hunger Strike to Stop Gay Marriage

Utah's ban on same-sex marriage got struck down back on 12/20/13 and since then hundreds of gay and lesbian couples have been marrying in that state while the Utah Attorney General's Office continues to stumble with its efforts to successfully file for a stay on new same-sex marriage while they appeal that federal court decision. Since the 20th, a Utah resident named Trestin Meacham has been on a strict hunger strike and vows to abstain from food until the gay weddings stop:
I began a fast on Saturday the 21st of December; and will continue the fast until the State of Utah exercises its right of nullification. I will go without food or drink, but will continue to drink water, and take weekly vitamin supplements.  
On Friday the 20th of December, a federal judge overturned the State Constitution of Utah and ruled against and its restriction against same sex marriage. In so doing, Article 1 Section 8 and the 10th Amendment of the U.S Constitution were violated. Even worse a law voted on by a strong majority of the people of Utah was rescinded, thus robbing the people of their voice in government. And if this law remains, the natural rights of free speech and religious freedom, vouched safe by the first Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, will be violated.  
This has nothing to do with hatred of a group of people. I have friends and relatives who practice a homosexual lifestyle and I treat them with the same respect and kindness that I would anyone. This is about religious freedom, and an out of control federal government.
Meacham believes that the Utah legislature can nullify the recent court decision simply by choosing to ignore it.

It is my understand that Meacham has lost 25 pounds since beginning his hunger strike.

Rep. Steve King: I'm Totally Like the "Duck Dynasty" Guys!

U.S. Representative Steve King sent out a fund raising email earlier this week promising to "double down" against his critics and comparing his critics to the critics of Phil Robertson of "Duck Dynasty:" The controversial Congressman from Iowa observed that Robertson was attacked by "the liberal medial and PC police" for speaking "Biblical truths:"
And this attack illustrates the left’s unspoken rule that tolerance is a one way street. Conservatives are to be tolerant of liberal ideology;  however, the left need not be tolerant of conservative Christians.

I have been in similar situations to the one Phil Robertson finds himself in now. I have learned to navigate their intolerance while holding firm to our values. Whether it’s the Robertsons or anyone who finds themselves in the crosshairs of the media or a leftist hyperventilater sitting across the table at the local diner, employ this strategy:

Don’t back down. If you are right and you are standing on principle, whatever you do, don’t back down. The second you back down, they win.

Don’t apologize. John Wayne said, “Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.” I agree, unless we are wrong and we are not wrong.

Double down. Americans recognize courage and conviction. If the left attacks our conservative beliefs, I say, “If you don’t like that, here’s some more.”

Never waiver from the truth. This includes taking on all the left’s false premises before they become the perceived truth. The left is not held accountable to the truth — it is our duty to expose them. Objective truth is a shield protecting us from the left.

Tolerance has never been a two-way street with the left. Time and time again conservatives are lambasted for stating their opinions, the opinions derived from faith, family, and an understanding of history. Once again the left encourages a double standard to advance their agenda.

As you know, I have not and will not back down. And like other conservatives who stand their ground, I’m always a top target of the left.
Rep. King has a long history of inserting inflammatory rhetoric into America's political dialogue. He recently drew fire after asserting that illegal migrant workers from Mexico are really drug smugglers with "calves the size of cantaloupes." He claimed that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were just incidents of "hazing."He proudly voted against federal assistance to assist with the rebuilding of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. He was an active opponent of the Affordable Care Act who skipped his own son's wedding in order to vote against the ACA. Of course, he has a long history of railing against anything remotely pro-LGBT (or even LGBT neutral).

Democratic candidate Jim Mowrer plans to run against King in the upcoming election. This is what he had to say about Rep. King's recent email fund raiser:
Mowrer told the Des Moines Register Thursday that if he is elected to Congress he won’t feel a need to comment on “every silly story of the day,” but will work to find solutions to very real problems the country is facing. He said King’s remarks are an example of why Washington, D.C. and Congress are “broken.”

I will work to focus on ensuring job opportunities, investment and infrastructure, clean American energy and getting a farm bill passed,”  Mowrer said. “I don’t have a comment on Congressman King’s comments on a reality TV show actor’s comments.”

North Carolina Politician Resigns from Council -- In Klingonese!

David Waddell did not want to serve on the council of Indian Trail, NC, any longer. Basically, he felt like he would be more effective at council meetings as a private citizen. Plus he wanted to have more time to help out with a statewide Constitution Party campaign. So Councilman Waddell submitted a letter of resignation to the community's mayor -- written in Klingonese!:

Waddell wrote his resignation letter in Klingonese as an "inside joke" to Mayor Michael Alvarez, but the mayor wasn't amused:
Alvarez called the letter childish and unprofessional. “It’s an embarrassment for Indian Trail, and it’s an embarrassment for North Carolina,” he said.
Personally, I think Mayor Alvarez needs to lighten up a bit!

Woolstock, IA, to Celebrate the 100th Birthday of "Superman" Actor George Reeves!

Have you ever heard of Woolstock, IA? Neither had I before today. But you now have an excuse to travel to this small community in north-central Iowa on this very cold January afternoon: It's George Reeves' 100th birthday! Reeves was born in Woolstock, IA, on January 5, 1914. He didn't live there long, but the people of Woolstock are pretty excited to celebrate his centennial birthday.

George Reeves was an actor who was best known for playing the role of Superman/Clark Kent on the television series "Adventures of Superman" from 1952-1958. Reeves acted in many of films and television programs between 1939 and 1958. He died at the age of 45 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in Los Angeles, CA, on June 16, 1959, though this ruling of death-by-suicide still doesn't sit well with those familiar with Reeves, causing people to speculate that he was really murdered.

Organizers in Woolstock plan to begin events today at 2:30 PM CST. A series of different kiosks have been set up that pinpoint various periods of Reeves' life. It's a free event that's open to anyone and everyone.

It's unfortunate that George Reeves Day is taking place on one of the coldest days in recent history. I'm hopeful that they will still manage to pull in a good crowd -- or at least good enough to encourage its residents to move forward with its tribute to Reeves in coming years.

Brother Pulls Knife on Brother During Argument over PBJ Sandwiches!

A man in Des Moines, IA, was arrested this past Friday after pulling a knife on his brother during a heated argument -- over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

Both men live together in Des Moines and both are in their 50s. The two brothers got into an argument because one brother began nagging the other brother about eating too much PBJ. The one brother had eaten three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one sitting and then began preparing a fourth sandwich less than an hour later. The other brother began lecturing the PBJ-lover about being lazy and about over-eating.

The argument escalated until the PBJ-eating brother allegedly pulled a folding knife on his nagging brother and brandished it in his face. The accused brother was arrested and charged with domestic abuse with a weapon.

Gay Weddings Paused by U.S. Supreme Court

"Archie: Riverdale Rescue": Winter!

I began writing back in October 2013 about the new "Archie: Riverdale Rescue" iOS gaming app. It's an oddly addictive game where you are tasked with the improvement and beautification of Riverdale USA using a variety of recognizable characters, such as Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica. A big part of the game also involves building emotional bonds between the various characters, leading to romantic couples, BFFs, and overall friends. I thought it would be fun to discuss aspects of the game that I find exciting, disappointing, and/or note-worthy.

Last week, the "Riverdale Rescue" game was upgraded, in part to fix some bugs and to make some other improvements. But the biggest part of the upgrade was to introduce a bunch of new Winter and Christmas content to the game (similar to the Halloween upgrades that they made back in October). So now this...:

... Looks like this:

Not only are we now treated to a snow-covered landscape, but each character's base outfit has been redesigned as winter outfits. Plus several of the characters -- including Archie, Betty, Jughead, Veronica, and Mr. Weatherbee -- have Christmas-themed outfits that can purchased through iTunes. Check these out:

Winter Archie // Christmas Archie
Winter Jughead // Christmas Jughead
Winter Betty // Christmas Betty
Winter Veronica // Christmas Veronica
Winter Reggie // Christmas Reggie
Winter Pop Tate // Christmas Pop Tate
Winter Moose // Christmas Moose
Winter Midge // Christmas Midge
Winter Chuck // Christmas Chuck
Winter Nancy // Christmas Nancy
Winter Kevin // Christmas Kevin
Winter Ginger // Christmas Ginger
Winter Cheryl // Christmas Cheryl
Winter Jason // Christmas Jason
Winter Kumi // Christmas Kumi
Winter Dilton // Christmas Dilton
Winter Mr. Weatherbee // Christmas Mr. Weaterbee
Winter Miss Grundy // Christmas Miss Grundy
Winter Sheila // Maria // Toni // Marcy
Winter Frankie // Raj // Trev
Winter Coach Kleats // Coach Clayton // Mr. Flutesnoot // Miss Beazley // Mr. Lodge
Visually, the upgraded "Riverdale Rescue" looks slightly different. They got rid of the kisses and replaced them with sodas. Apparently, new players can charge themselves up to clean up messes (ice patches, fallen patches, trash piles) quicker -- but if you have Hot Dog (like I do), you are perpetually charged up and can clean up those messes instantly. Plus, if you click on the blue ribbon at the bottom left corner, you can work towards awards for accomplishing certain beautification milestones:

But there are a few things about the winter upgrade that I don't like. It used to be that you could complete certain tasks in half the time if you paired romantic couples or BFFs. Also, certain individuals might be speedier with certain tasks depending on their personal stats. (Example, Moose has strong athletic abilities and could complete sports or car-repair tasks much quicker than somebody like Dilton). Now, that doesn't matter. An 8-hour task is an 8-hour task, regardless of whom is assigned to it.

Also, you can no longer mail items to Facebook friends who also play "Riverdale Rescue." I had a couple friends who I routinely sent packages to everyday. Right before the winter upgrade, I was 9 packages short of meeting that game goal. Now, it doesn't appear that you can send packages to other players anymore. So I'll never know what I earn if I jump over that milestone!

I would imagine that the winter upgrade will shift back to a more traditional "Riverdale Rescue" layout in a couple months. It's unclear to me if the other elements will disappear when winter melts away. In other words, I'm pretty sure that the sodas and post office changes -- along with a few other recent changes -- will remain and we players will slowly get used to those changes.

What Does George Fox Say?

My brain is tired today, so I thought I would share this neat Quaker-themed parody of Ylvis' song, "What Does the Fox Say?":

Here is a description of the video from YouTube:
In a Quaker meeting for worship, a Friend rises to give worship about George Fox, the founder of the Quaker movement. 
This is a parody of Ylvis'"What Does the Fox Say" by members of the Religious Society of Friends: Quakers, mostly from Massachusetts. Shot on location at Framingham Friends Meeting, Homer's Cause, and the Middlesex Fells.
I'm not a Quaker, but I've attended Quaker meetings once or twice in the past. Sometimes I think I'd make a good Quaker. But that's a blog post for another day...

Honey Boo Boo's Family Injured in Car Accident

I was on Facebook earlier this evening and learned that Alana Thompson (AKA "Honey Boo Boo Child") and her family were in a car accident. It wasn't super-serious where people died or anything, but it sounded serious enough that the family was pretty banged up. Here is the message that June Shannon (AKA "Mama June") posted on Facebook:
Keep in mind, nobody ever said that Mama June is the greatest speller! Let me break down her message:

The family was in a car accident last night and everyone is generally okay. Alana hit her head on the door window and is suffering from headaches. Mama June is also suffering from headaches and is also suffering from back pain. David Thompson (AKA "Sugar Bear") was suffering from back pain yesterday, but is doing better today. Lauryn Shannon (AKA "Pumpkin") had a severe panic attack at the scene of the accident. Hospital staff later noted severe bruising in her chest (Jon's note: presumably from her seatbelt), which made it difficult for her to breath. Jessica Shannon (AKA "Chubbs") doesn't appear to be injured from Mama June's message, though US Weekly indicates that she was in the vehicle with the others.

They were reportedly turning left as a stoplight when another vehicle (driven by a 19-year-old guy) slammed into their vehicle. This driver reportedly did not have his headlights on at the time of the accident. He was apparently not injured in the accident.

Like I said, it doesn't appear that anyone was seriously injured. Hopefully everyone will continue to heal up speedily!

ARCHIE #651: Who Are The Bettys??

I just finished reading ARCHIE #651, which is the second part of the Archie's World Tour storyline. This storyline is full of characters. It has the Archies, Josie & the Pussycats, the Madhouse Glads, the Bingoes, Raj Patel & Marcy Lodge, Cheryl Blossom & Alexandra Cabbott, and a new Indian singer named Amisha Mehta. This issue focuses on the group's trip to China.

Most of the story rotates around Archie's love triangle. Of course, we aren't talking about that tired old Archie-Betty-Veronica love triangle. This is 2014! ARCHIE #651 is all about the all-new love triangle: Archie, Valerie, and Amisha! The secret romance between Archie and Valerie is rocked after Cheryl shows off video footage of Archie and Amisha not making out, but you know he totally wanted to so Valerie is fuming. Meanwhile, Amisha really wants Archie, but is being all self-sacrificing by trying to get Archie and Valerie back together. But Valerie isn't going to be anyone's leftovers. It's a mess.

Meanwhile, Betty and Veronica are stuck twiddling their thumbs. Except...

Except that Betty isn't just sitting around twiddling her thumbs. Tired of playing the tamborine, she recently started up her own band with a group of girls from Riverdale: Sabrina, Ginger, Midge, and Two-Fisted Toni Topaz! Their band? It's the Bettys! Check these girls out!:

Through the magical machinations of Sabrina, Betty's new band-mates are transported from Riverdale to Beijing to make their debut performance. And judging from the others' reactions, they really rocked it!

I really like this group! Dare I hope for a few short stories about the newly-formed Bettys?

A guy can wish!

Utah AG: We Will Not Recognize Any Pre-Stay Gay Marriages

Early this week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay on any new marriage licenses for same-sex couples in Utah. This was to allow Utah's Attorney General's Office time to file their appeal of the 12/20/13 federal court decision that struck down the state's gay marriage ban. Yesterday, Governor Gary Herbert's office sent out a letter to all state agencies instructing them to not recognize any same-sex marriages performed before the stay was issued:
Based on counsel from the Attorney General’s Office regarding the Supreme Court decision, state recognition of same-sex marital status is ON HOLD until further notice. Please understand this position is not intended to comment on the legal status of those same-sex marriages – that is for the courts to decide. The intent of this communication is to direct state agency compliance with current laws that prohibit the state from recognizing same-sex marriages.
Wherever individuals are in the process of availing themselves of state services related to same-sex marital status, that process is on hold and will stay exactly in that position until a final court decision is issued. For example, if a same-sex married couple previously changed their names on new drivers licenses, those licenses should not be revoked. If a same-sex couple seeks to change their names on drivers licenses now, the law does not allow the state agency to recognize the marriage therefore the new drivers licenses cannot be issued.
More recently, the ACLU of Utah has begun assembling plaintiffs and preparing a lawsuit to challenge the lack of recognition being offered to these 1,300+ new marriages.

AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #3: The Apocalypse Continues!

I finished reading AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #3 -- written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and penciled by Francesco Francavilla -- last night. This series tells the story of the end of the world starting in Riverdale USA. Here's the background: Reggie secretly killed Hot Dog with his car. A distraught Jughead sought the misguided help of the teenage witch Sabrina. Hot Dog came back from the dead and bit Juggie. Jughead became sick, died, and came back from the dead. Not only that, but Juggie  attacked the Halloween dance, infecting tons of students and teachers who are now infecting their friends and families. Last issue ended with most of the Riverdale Gang hiding out at Lodge Mansion, while Nancy and Ginger discuss their relationship woes at Pop Tate's Diner under the shadow of Jughead's undead father!

We learned pretty early in this issue that Lodge Mansion might indeed be one of the most secure locations in Riverdale. Everywhere else seems to be overwhelmed by Jughead's zombie minions, but the Gang appear to be protected to Mr. Lodge's butler and security devises and have plenty of time to check out the library or take a break for a impromptu swim party! Of course, nothing lasts forever. We were warned last issue that one of the Gang got infected at the dance. Which one was it?? I predicted Moose or Betty. Turns out I was wrong. It was the girl who hadn't yet had the opportunity to say much more than two sentences: Midge! That transformation didn't work out for a certain jealous boyfriend!:

Meanwhile, Archie sneaks away from Lodge Mansion to make sure his parents are okay. He finds much of Riverdale in flames and the town in chaos. One thing that was cool was a reference to his newly introduced dog, Vegas! It was unclear from the next panel if Vegas became revealed as yet another zombie or if Archie finds himself in a confrontation with Zombie Hot Dog. I'm thinking it's the latter:

Lastly, Ginger Lopez and Nancy Woods have quickly become two of the coolest girls in Riverdale. It happened off-panel, but they managed to single-handedly take out undead versions of Pop Tate and Mr. Jones, burn down Pop Tate's Diner, and then ride off into the moonlight on a hotwired motorcycle! Pretty cool!:

I've been keeping an undead tally over the past few issues. AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #3 revealed the deaths of Midge, Moose, Pop Tate, and Mayor Martinez (Frankie Martinez's mother). It also hinted at the possible death of Archie's dog, Vegas.

There were no cliffhanger teases at the end of this issue. We're left wondering if any of the other kids are infected or otherwise unsafe within Lodge Mansion. We're left wondering if Ginger and Nancy will protect their families from harm or if they'll choose to escape from Riverdale. And we're left wondering if Archie will survive his encounter with a canine ghoul. Should be interesting!

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder: We Will Honor All Gay Marriages Performed in Utah -- Even if Utah Itself Won't!

Utah may not recognize any of the @ 1,300 married same-sex couples that managed to get hitched before the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay on the lower federal court ruling striking down that state's ban, but U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder wants everyone to know that the federal government will recognize any same-sex marriage that got done before the stay:
The Obama administration on Friday said that it would recognize as lawful the marriages of 1,300 same-sex couples in Utah, even though the state government is refusing to do so.
Wading into the fast-moving legal battle over same-sex marriage rights in one of America’s most socially conservative states, the administration posted a video on the Justice Department’s website making the announcement. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said that the federal government will grant federal marriage benefits to the same-sex couples who had rushed to obtain marriage licenses after a federal judge last month unexpectedly struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.
“I am confirming today that, for purposes of federal law, these marriages will be recognized as lawful and considered eligible for all relevant federal benefits on the same terms as other same-sex marriages,” Mr. Holder said in the video. “These families should not be asked to endure uncertainty regarding their status as the litigation unfolds.”
Meanwhile, Utah AG Sean Reyes has clarified that they do not believe that the pre-stay same-sex marriage are invalid. If some married there and then moved to Boston or Des Moines, those marriages would qualify for equal marriage benefits and responsibilities because they are valid marriages. Those valid marriages just will not be married by the state (i.e. Utah) that issued those valid marriage licenses.

Same-Sex Divorce Problems in Anti-Gay Marriage States

I enjoy trolling Craigslist. I've used it to find a couple different part-time jobs and I've had a few laughs over entries in the "missed connections" section. I ran across the following post last night that I thought I would share (with a few spelling
My best friend and I got married 11/21/12
We have grown to see it was a mistake
And have not lived in the same house or state in almost six months
My soon to be ex has had a sex change
And is now a woman (Tobias) now known as Lisa
She and I both want to move on with our life
Myself (Steven) lives in Kansas
And they will not allow a same sex divorce
And she lives in Texas so since we were married in Iowa
We need to get divorced there
We do not want anything from each other and we
Have no kids or money to divide or
Property to split.
We just want a friendly quick divorce.
So if there is anyone with a heart that can help
Please let us know what to do.
We are both living with family because we are broke
And lived together in Colorado while we were
Married up until about six moths ago
So please help us end this.
We both want to have a chance to get married if we
Meet the right person latter in life.

So please someone have a heart and help us.
The sooner the better.

Two friends with a huge problem that needs
A huge heart. ....

Praying every day for someone
That will help us...
I've written about this before, but it bears repeating: You can get married in Iowa without being a resident, but you need to be a resident of Iowa for one year before you can get divorced in Iowa. Most other states also require a period of residence before they will process any request for a divorce.

I had an online friend who lived with the boyfriend in Missouri a few years back. They came to Iowa and got married. They then returned to their home state and had a fabulous reception and prepared for a lifetime of matrimony together. Unfortunately, my friend soon realized that he and his new husband had some major problems and could not continue living as a married couple. He tried annulling his marriage. He tried divorcing his husband. However, his state is a marriage inequality state and would not allow them to move ahead with either a divorce or an annulment.

My friend's only option was to move to a marriage equality state like Iowa (or New York or Massachusetts, etc...). Of course, it's not an easy process to get out of an apartment lease or to job search remotely during a recession. Unfortunately, my online friend passed away unexpectedly and this whole process became moot.

But it's something that same-sex couples really need to consider before they decide to take a vacation to one of the 17.5 active marriage equality states or Canada to get legally married and then return to their home state. Husband Mark and I could've traveled to Vermont or Massachusetts before 2009 to get legally married. We certainly talked about it and we had a commitment ceremony back in the late 90s. But then we would've come back to Iowa and been frustrated by our state's then-refusal to honor our marriage license and we would've been stuck if our relationship had soured.

Personally (and recognizing that I'm one of the fortunate gays right now in this country), I would be extremely hesitant to travel to another state to get married to a same-sex partner unless I was planning a scenic Hawaiian wedding and then returning to Iowa or Washington DC. The only exception I might allow for is if I lived in a community that borders a marriage equality state -- like Omaha, NE, or Moline, IL. At least then, it would be relatively easy later one to move to Iowa (or whichever marriage equality state you live near) without completely disrupting your career and social network.

I don't know that there is an easy answer for couples like Steven and Lisa. If they want to get divorced, at least one of them will need to move to a state that recognizes same-sex marriages for at least 6-12 months.

But others needs to consider stories like this and remember the old saying: look before you leap!
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