The United Methodist Church's Judicial Council upheld the UMC's Traditional Plan last week. The Traditional Plan doubled-down on the denomination's opposition to LGBTQ ordination and same-sex marriage. You can read about it here, here, and here.
Have no doubt. Not everyone is happy about these decisions.
For example... It was Confirmation Sunday at First United Methodist Church this past weekend in Omaha, NE. Eight teens, aged 13 and 14, were being confirmed last weekend -- but all eight teens rejected the denomination's Traditional Plan and opted to refuse to become members.
The confirmation students embraced their home church, but called the UMC's policies against LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage "immoral" and "unjust." They then refused to join the UMC under the Traditional Plan.
To their credit, the congregation cheered on the students and then fed them some lasagna. Their pastor, Rev. Kent Little, then wrote up a letter to the congregation supporting the students in their membership protest.