A woman dress like the Savage She-Hulk (NOT the Incredible Hulk, as reported in The York Press) is being sought following allegations that she physically assaulted a 17-year-old young woman in York, England:
York Police are seeking public assistance to identify this suspect. If you know anything and live in the York area, please phone PC Cheryl Hunter on 101 or email her at yorkcid(@)northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk.
She is wanted after a 17-year-old York girl was left with bruising to her face and a black eye in an attack outside McDonald's in Blake Street.It looks like somebody is going to need the legal assistance of a good attorney. A good attorney such as the Sensational She-Hulk!
Police said that at the time of the incident – just after 3am on Friday, April 26 – the woman suspected of the assault was covered in green body paint with dyed red hair.
But it is believed she was a white woman, in her late teens or early twenties and around 5ft 8in tall with a medium build.
PC Cheryl Hunter, of York Police, said: “This appears to have been a wholly unprovoked assault.
York Police are seeking public assistance to identify this suspect. If you know anything and live in the York area, please phone PC Cheryl Hunter on 101 or email her at yorkcid(@)northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk.