Remember when culture warrior Paul Dorr checked out four LGBTQ-themed children's books from the Orange City Public Library and then he burned all of them while live-streaming on Facebook? That happened a little over a week ago and the Orange City Public Library is still trying to figure out what to do about it.
According to the Sioux City Journal, the library has decided to go by the book with this situation, pretending that Dorr just forgot to turn in these books instead of acknowledging that he blatantly destroyed them on video for all the world to witness.
Check out how they plan to respond:
Keep in mind that everyone knows that these books were burned to ash. I don't see why they don't just call the police.
And get this... The library is still trying to decide if they will replace the four books that Dorr destroyed. In other words, they might decided to exclude "Two Boys Kissing" by David Levitan, "Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress" by Christine Baldacchino, "This Day In June" by Gayle E. Pitman, and "Families, Families, Families!" by Max Lang from their library shelves. Which will just offer Dorr and other culture warriors the reinforcement needed to burn every other LGBTQ-themed book at the Orange City Public Library.
According to the Sioux City Journal, the library has decided to go by the book with this situation, pretending that Dorr just forgot to turn in these books instead of acknowledging that he blatantly destroyed them on video for all the world to witness.
Check out how they plan to respond:
According to the Orange City library's policy on overdue books, a fine of 10 cents accrues each day a book isn't renewed after a three-week checkout period. Once an individual accrues a fine of more than $2.01, library privileges are revoked. Once a book has been overdue for 28 days, a letter with an itemized bill of costs and materials will be sent. After 60 days, a certified letter with an itemized bill and a "notification of criminal action" is sent to the borrower. If the borrower fails to respond to that notification, the library director may contact law enforcement or the county attorney about the theft of the book.Dorr ultimately faces a charge of 5th degree theft. If convicted, he faces up to $625 in fines and thirty days in jail.
Keep in mind that everyone knows that these books were burned to ash. I don't see why they don't just call the police.
And get this... The library is still trying to decide if they will replace the four books that Dorr destroyed. In other words, they might decided to exclude "Two Boys Kissing" by David Levitan, "Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress" by Christine Baldacchino, "This Day In June" by Gayle E. Pitman, and "Families, Families, Families!" by Max Lang from their library shelves. Which will just offer Dorr and other culture warriors the reinforcement needed to burn every other LGBTQ-themed book at the Orange City Public Library.