"Big Brother 20" wrapped up tonight and this year's winner? It was Kaycee Clark! Congrats to this summer's winner! I hope you enjoy your $500,000!!
The season got narrowed down to Kaycee and Tyler. She won first place.
Tyler ended up winning the $50,000 second prize amount. Plus he won "Favorite Houseguest" and an additional $25,000 cash prize
Here's the truth: I started out loving this season and then I lost interest about a month ago after Faysal lost his mind and blew up his alliance. I haven't been able to seriously watch the program since that week.
The season got narrowed down to Kaycee and Tyler. She won first place.
Tyler ended up winning the $50,000 second prize amount. Plus he won "Favorite Houseguest" and an additional $25,000 cash prize
Here's the truth: I started out loving this season and then I lost interest about a month ago after Faysal lost his mind and blew up his alliance. I haven't been able to seriously watch the program since that week.