Remember Felix Ngole? He's the Christian guy who got kicked out of his British-based social work academic for posting anti-gay material on Facebook. He later appealed that decision, arguing that he could remain professional if/when working with LGBTQ clients. But his expulsion was ultimately upheld. He now has his own book and his own Facebook fan-page, which mainly consists of links to articles about LGBTQ people (though mostly trans and gender fluid individuals these days) along with slanted comments about them.
Earlier this weekend, he posted a link to an article about a gay man and a lesbian who became ex-gay through Christ's intervention and who are now married to each other. "Jesus transformed a gay man and a lesbian; now they're married!"
If you read the article, you can read the story of a Christian named Ronald who was raised in the Church, but apparently never became a Christian. He was sexually abused as a young boy by male friends. His father was absent from his life and he abused drugs and alcohol. And he had a distant relationship with his mother also. Then he got raped by a gay man. He then got ostracized by his family even more, which led to him becoming promiscuous with other men.
He eventually rejoined the church and got saved. He stopped being sexually active with other men and eventually met a woman named Fetima, who is a lesbian. She was also raped and molested by men, which she says contributed towards her becoming a lesbian.
(Jon's Note: Because men become gay after being raped by men and women become gay after being raped by men. And yes, I'm rolling my eyes as a write this.)
Ronald and Fetima got married back in 2015 and they want you to know that they are sexually active with each other. And more power to them, I guess. They now share their ex-gay story in a video (which you can watch at this link). And they want other gay people to know that they can also become ex-gay and marry other ex-gay people of the opposite sex if you get involved with church also.
I'm old enough to have witnessed other marital pairings by ex-gay and ex-lesbian couples. The most prominent pairing was John and Anne Paulk. They were the ex-gay poster children from Love Won Out and Focus on the Family. They were on magazine covers and on TV programs and they also talked about abuse and drugs and alcohol and being saved by the church. And then John Paulk got caught at a gay bar and publicly exposed as a bit of hypocrite. He eventually fell out of the public eye before coming out as ex-ex-gay. Anne Paulk still peddles her ex-gay story through Restored Hope Network.
I've also watched leaders from Exodus International come out as ex-ex-gay. I'm Facebook friends with several other ex-ex-gay men and women -- most of whom became very bitter about their faith after admitting that their same-sex attractions never went away and that they wasted most of their lives chasing after false tales of spiritual transformation from LGBTQ to non-LGBTQ.
Many years ago, I was friends with a young woman in her early 20s. She was going through her own personal struggles and ended up going a conservative evangelical church. Within a couple months of joining, she was introduced to a gay man who was struggling with addiction and other challenges. Their pastor pressured them together as a couple. He urged them to marry each other. He told my friend that it was her job as a Christian to help him get transformed through heterosexual marriage into a heterosexual man. Their marriage was a rocky marriage. He continued to struggle with addiction and attraction to other men and eventually left her. Unfortunately, she is now a single mother of two and the ex-wife of a gay man.
So I'm not terribly impressed with Ngole's promotion of this couple's journey from gay and lesbian lifestyles to heterosexual marriage. But their story validates his perspective.
Which kind of backs up Sheffield University's decision to exclude Ngole from their social work program.
Earlier this weekend, he posted a link to an article about a gay man and a lesbian who became ex-gay through Christ's intervention and who are now married to each other. "Jesus transformed a gay man and a lesbian; now they're married!"
If you read the article, you can read the story of a Christian named Ronald who was raised in the Church, but apparently never became a Christian. He was sexually abused as a young boy by male friends. His father was absent from his life and he abused drugs and alcohol. And he had a distant relationship with his mother also. Then he got raped by a gay man. He then got ostracized by his family even more, which led to him becoming promiscuous with other men.
He eventually rejoined the church and got saved. He stopped being sexually active with other men and eventually met a woman named Fetima, who is a lesbian. She was also raped and molested by men, which she says contributed towards her becoming a lesbian.
(Jon's Note: Because men become gay after being raped by men and women become gay after being raped by men. And yes, I'm rolling my eyes as a write this.)
Ronald and Fetima got married back in 2015 and they want you to know that they are sexually active with each other. And more power to them, I guess. They now share their ex-gay story in a video (which you can watch at this link). And they want other gay people to know that they can also become ex-gay and marry other ex-gay people of the opposite sex if you get involved with church also.
I'm old enough to have witnessed other marital pairings by ex-gay and ex-lesbian couples. The most prominent pairing was John and Anne Paulk. They were the ex-gay poster children from Love Won Out and Focus on the Family. They were on magazine covers and on TV programs and they also talked about abuse and drugs and alcohol and being saved by the church. And then John Paulk got caught at a gay bar and publicly exposed as a bit of hypocrite. He eventually fell out of the public eye before coming out as ex-ex-gay. Anne Paulk still peddles her ex-gay story through Restored Hope Network.
I've also watched leaders from Exodus International come out as ex-ex-gay. I'm Facebook friends with several other ex-ex-gay men and women -- most of whom became very bitter about their faith after admitting that their same-sex attractions never went away and that they wasted most of their lives chasing after false tales of spiritual transformation from LGBTQ to non-LGBTQ.
Many years ago, I was friends with a young woman in her early 20s. She was going through her own personal struggles and ended up going a conservative evangelical church. Within a couple months of joining, she was introduced to a gay man who was struggling with addiction and other challenges. Their pastor pressured them together as a couple. He urged them to marry each other. He told my friend that it was her job as a Christian to help him get transformed through heterosexual marriage into a heterosexual man. Their marriage was a rocky marriage. He continued to struggle with addiction and attraction to other men and eventually left her. Unfortunately, she is now a single mother of two and the ex-wife of a gay man.
So I'm not terribly impressed with Ngole's promotion of this couple's journey from gay and lesbian lifestyles to heterosexual marriage. But their story validates his perspective.
Which kind of backs up Sheffield University's decision to exclude Ngole from their social work program.