There's a controversy happening on the "Big Brother 20" set. Houseguest JC is in hot water with fans of the Big Brother feeds after an incident last week where he tired to put an ice cream scooper on other Houseguest's vaginas.
Yes, JC tried scooping their vaginas with an ice cream scooper.
Basically, everyone was hanging out in the HOH room when JC entered the room and jokingly offered to use the scooper on their vaginas, going so far as to place it under Kaitlyn's blanket when she laughed and pushed him away.
Later, the current HOH Tyler was getting a massage. While that was happening, JC groped Tyler's genitals through his clothing.
I've seen video of the ice cream scooper incident, but not of the massage.
I've read different accounts that indicate that Big Brother 20 production has checked in with the various Houseguests, including Tyler and Kaitlyn, and they all find JC to be harmless. None of them were upset about these incidents. And it appears that nothing will happen to JC outside of him getting a talking-to by production.
But fans of the show are pissed at JC's actions and want him booted from the show.
It doesn't look like he's going to get booted from the show anytime soon. However, I imagine that his pranks will eventually cause his fellow Houseguests to target him with future nominations for eviction.
Yes, JC tried scooping their vaginas with an ice cream scooper.
Basically, everyone was hanging out in the HOH room when JC entered the room and jokingly offered to use the scooper on their vaginas, going so far as to place it under Kaitlyn's blanket when she laughed and pushed him away.
Later, the current HOH Tyler was getting a massage. While that was happening, JC groped Tyler's genitals through his clothing.
I've seen video of the ice cream scooper incident, but not of the massage.
I've read different accounts that indicate that Big Brother 20 production has checked in with the various Houseguests, including Tyler and Kaitlyn, and they all find JC to be harmless. None of them were upset about these incidents. And it appears that nothing will happen to JC outside of him getting a talking-to by production.
But fans of the show are pissed at JC's actions and want him booted from the show.
It doesn't look like he's going to get booted from the show anytime soon. However, I imagine that his pranks will eventually cause his fellow Houseguests to target him with future nominations for eviction.