After the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA, I started hearing about various comic book creators who vowed to boycott any comic book convention that's based in a "Red State." Like Iowa. George Perez in particular stands out in my memory, but he did agree to fulfill previous Red State commitments. After that? No more.
This week, Perez announced that we continue to attend two specific conventions in Red States -- Dragon Con, because his wife enjoys teaching a belly dancing class there every year, and Fetish Con, because it celebrates a group of people who live on the margins. Any money that he makes in a Red State will be donated to "Planned Parenthood, several LGBT causes, Immigration and feminist supporters."
I'm not a big fan of people boycotting states because elections swung the wrong way. Iowa went to Trump, but there were still significant numbers of people who voted for Clinton and other candidates. Plus, other Red States have major problems with gerrymandering. So "blue" voters are already getting shafted by their unrepresentative state government. But now they are getting punished by people like George Perez.
It's Perez's right to stay away from states like Iowa -- and to be frank, I have no clue when he last came to Iowa. Frankly, I don't care at this point.
This week, Perez announced that we continue to attend two specific conventions in Red States -- Dragon Con, because his wife enjoys teaching a belly dancing class there every year, and Fetish Con, because it celebrates a group of people who live on the margins. Any money that he makes in a Red State will be donated to "Planned Parenthood, several LGBT causes, Immigration and feminist supporters."
I'm not a big fan of people boycotting states because elections swung the wrong way. Iowa went to Trump, but there were still significant numbers of people who voted for Clinton and other candidates. Plus, other Red States have major problems with gerrymandering. So "blue" voters are already getting shafted by their unrepresentative state government. But now they are getting punished by people like George Perez.
It's Perez's right to stay away from states like Iowa -- and to be frank, I have no clue when he last came to Iowa. Frankly, I don't care at this point.