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Who's Flooding Riverdale with Free Snack Packages?? Find out in WORLD OF ARCHIE COMICS DIGEST #48

I think I finally caught up with my various Archie Comics digests this week! We were offered a really great treat with WORLD OF ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #48 featuring some really great classic stories starring Archie, Jughead, the Riverdale Gang, Suzie, and Super Duck. But there's a great brand-new lead story featuring artwork by Rex Lindsey! It's possible that I missed something, but I haven't seen new artwork by Rex Lindsey since the JUGHEAD comic book got canceled a few years back. It's really good to see him in action again and it's totally worth the price of admission to see him render Jughead again -- not to mention Two-Fisted Toni Topaz!

She's one of my favorite D-List Archie Comics characters. Don't ask me why. She's up there with Archie 1, Cosmo the Merry Martian, Super Duck, and Catfish Joe in my book. I keep thinking that there are some really great stories involving Toni Topaz, but she doesn't do much more than show up most of the time. But she shows up a lot on the various Archie Comics covers and I'm okay with that -- understanding that lots of other Archie fans are puzzled by her continued presence!

Back to the story...

Archie receives a package filled with all sorts of snacks. He has no idea where they came from, but assumes that somebody -- most likely Betty -- decided to give him a daily supply of new treats. And it's not just Archie. Everyone is getting them. Moose is. Dilton is. Toni Topaz has them. Reggie, Roni, Chuck, and all of the New Kids. Everyone is gorging on free snacks from some mysterious benefactor:

Except that they aren't free snacks. Somebody took out a subscription for these daily snack and now the bills are arriving in the mail.

Buy one, get one free?? I think you can figure out who's behind these mysterious snack packages!

I listen to a lot of podcasts everyday. Some are political. Some are LGBT-related. Some of faith-driven. A couple of them feature old-time radio stories. But several of them feature advertisements featuring mail-in healthy snack packages. I cannot remember then name of the brand for the life of me, but this story definitely reminded me of that sponsor (sans the sponsor's actual name!)

"Snack Attack" was written by Tania Del Rio; penciled, inked, and lettered by Rex Lindsey; and colored by Digikore Studios.

Pastor Pranks Florida Baker with "We Don't Support Gay Marriage" Cake // Doxxes Business // Fans Leave Death Threats

Joshua Feuerstein
Some pastor named Joshua Feuerstein from Florida decided that it would be a good idea to randomly call up a local bakery called Cut the Cake, record their conversation without her knowledge, and ask the business to make a cake with the message "We do not support gay marriage." She didn't have time for his foolishness and hung up so he posted a YouTube video of the call with a bunch of commentary and an invitation to his fans to harass this business:
On video, he recorded a phone conversation he had with Florida bakery Cut the Cake. He asked if they would make him a sheet cake saying “We do not support gay marriage.” The woman on the other end said they wouldn’t do that and hung up. After that, Feuerstein proceeded to identify the bakery in question and made his point about the religious freedom issue.

At one point, he said, “Gay marriage isn’t even illegal. It’s called marriage. If you’re a gay man and you want to be married, guess what? Just go find a woman and get married.”

Feuerstein encouraged viewers to call the bakery and and help “expose the hypocrisy” they’re supposedly engaging in. Well, in a parallel of what happened to Memories Pizza in Indiana, Cut the Cake ended up receiving quite a lot of angry messages, including death threats.

Sharon Haller, who Feuerstein spoke to on the phone, said, “We started getting some hundreds of phone calls and making very nasty and negative gestures towards our business, towards us.”

Feuerstein took down the video at their request, but Cut the Cake posted it online so people could see it, along with a GoFundMe page that has raised, as of this posting, over $2000.
As of this writing,  Cut the Cake has raised $7,900. Just to update the total a bit from that earlier story.

What is with people??

First, outside of a few local communities, Florida does not prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. That means that you could call any bakery or florist or hotel or whatever and find that they are free and clear to discriminate against you if you are a part of the LGBT communities. They might suffer social media backlash, but Florida's government doesn't care about you discriminating in this fashion.

Second, it's bullshitty for people like Joshua Feuerstein or Steven Crowder to seek out these businesses and secretly set them up, record them without their knowledge, and then encourage others to disrupt their businesses. At least in the cases of Memories Pizza or these Georgia flower shops, they agreed to be publicly interviewed by television stations. It's stupid that people are attacking these anti-gay businesses, but they volunteered for this moment on the news. Cut the Cake and those various Muslim bakeries didn't.

Lastly, people need to get over themselves. It's not cool to shut down a business because they communicate something that you disagree with. If they break some ordinance, then file a complaint against them. But it's ridiculous that people are slamming the phones and taking over the websites and making death threats over people expressing opinions.

Most of us will never ever have the opportunity to shop at Cut the Cake or Memories Pizza because we live nowhere near these businesses. Why would anyone think it's a good thing to make these people miserable? Why do you think this type of tactic will assist with your cause, whatever it might be?

We all need to learn how to disagree again. It is one thing to pass on stories about discrimination when they occur. It's another thing to just make everyone miserable and to grind their lives to a halt because you disagree with their opinions. This goes for both sides of these issues. It really needs to stop, because it's literally tearing this country to shreds.

"Survivors" 40th Anniversary: Episode 1 ("The Fourth Horseman")

I announced last week my intention to work on a weekly commemoration of the 40th anniversary of BBC's "Survivors" series. Survivors was television series about a group of people who've banded together following a devastating viral outbreak. Society has crumbled and they must relearn the old ways if they have any hope of surviving much longer. It was a great series with loads of potential.

Every apocalypse has its beginning. "The Fourth Horseman" was the title of Episode #1 of Survivors. We first meet Abby Grant (played by Carolyn Seymour), a middle class housewife who lives an affluent life out in the countryside. She has a husband named David (who works out of London), a son named Peter (who happens to be away at boarding school when the sickness begins), and a maid named Mrs. Transon. Abby starts out the episode practicing his tennis skills on their personal court when Peter calls from school. She learns that the school has been quarantined because of the sickness that's been cropping up recently in the news lately. A few of the boys have come down with illness, but they're mostly enjoying the adventure of interrupted classes. Peter assures his mother that he will be fine.

Abby Grant
Meanwhile, Abby is due at the train station to pick up her husband. Mrs. Transon asks for some time away to check on her sister. She had been feeling ill and now she's not answering her phone. Abby tells her to set her mind at ease. They run across Dr. Bronson on the way to the station. He advises Abby that he plans to stop by their home later this evening to administer this new vaccine. It's supposed to help with the disease. It seems that he's treated a couple dozen locals, but he expects that it will blow over soon.

Abby learns that the trains out of London are consistently running late. She listens to the car radio while waiting for her husband. She hears about power outages in New York City and work shortages all throughout England. We viewers notice that she appears feverish. And she's absent-mindedly rubbing some sort spots under her arms. She gradually falls asleep in her car.

We then shift over to London, where we meet Jenny Richards (played by Lucy Fleming). She is caring for her ailing roommate in their shared apartment. The phones aren't working and she has been unsuccessful with her efforts to connect with any doctors. She eventually decides to run over to her GP office to get help.

Jenny Richards
Abby is eventually reunited with her husband David. He frustratingly tells her how it took him 6-7 hours to get home from London. The trains out of London were completely stalled, which forced him to catch a ride with someone else, followed by a bus ride, followed by a secondary train ride. They finally get home, where he tells her that London is pretty much shut down. In fact, he has heard rumors of millions dead in China. The phones aren't working, nor is the radio. While preparing supper, the power goes out. David predicts that things will get sorted out soon enough. Plus, being in the country, they should be better than most.

Back in London, Jenny finds the streets a mess. People are lining up in the hospital waiting for their vaccinations, but she learns from her roommate's boyfriend Andrew (a doctor at a London hospital) that those shots are basically placebo. The hospital is filled beyond capacity by the sick and dying and it will be a while before he can look at Pat. Jenny agrees to help out at the hospital while she waits.

Hours later, they later find Pat's body at their apartment. Andrew reveals to Jenny that they have only managed to save one patient out of hundreds who has contracted this disease. He reveals that it takes about six days for the disease to run its course. He's been observing Jenny and noticed that she has none of the symptoms of this disease. He advises her to get out of London before things get too bad. He says that he's already sick and should die within 2-3 days. He tells her that London will be a cesspool of the dead soon. If she remains in the city, she will be contending with other diseases like cholera and typhoid. He tells her to pack her suitcase and get out of town tonight.

Back in the countryside, David realizes that Abby is sick. He rushes to find Dr. Bronson. He too learns that everyone is sick or dying -- including Dr. Bronson's wife. He grudgingly promises to check on Abby eventually.

Meanwhile, Jenny manages to escape from London. She is attacked by a gang of thugs early on. She manages to get away from them without injury. But it serves as a good warning that she needs to be careful of other people -- especially since the police force is now nonexistent. She spends the next week wandering the countryside and sleeping in abandoned cars.

A feverish Abby Grant tosses and turns in her bed for several days. Her fever eventually breaks after five days. She finds that the house is quiet and the power is still out. Most of the food in their fridge has spoiled. She grabs a quick drink before noticing David's dead body lying on the living room sofa.

She quickly discovers that the village is dead. The houses and the churches are empty or filled with bodies. She appears to be the only one living.

A lonely Jenny Richards eventually runs across a vagabond named Tom Price (played by Talfryn Thomas). Tom tell her to keep her distance. He is staying away from everyone until "the Yanks" fly over from America and save the day with their medicines. He advises her to do the same. He is surviving off canned food and snared rabbits.

Tom Price
Jenny later comes across a man out in the countryside. He has a fire and she is freezing. She discovers that he is very ill. He ends up dying overnight. She checks his bags and finds them loaded with cash. Realizing that money means nothing in this bleak new reality, Jenny dumps the pound notes on the ground and moves on.

Meanwhile, Abby rushes off in her car to check on her son Peter. She discovers a school filled with dead boys and teacher. She does discover one survivor there, a deaf headmaster. He tells her that Peter and several other boys left the school once everyone started dying with plans to hide out within the woods. So there's hope for Peter -- a tiny glint of hope. And, of course, Abby is going to hold onto that hope within every ounce of strength.

The headmaster shows her their ham radios. He tells her that he has been listening to it for days. This horrible illness is everywhere. No place on Earth was safe. He says that humanity's few survivors will need to relearn all of the "old ways." He points out that people can scavenge from shops, but that's only a stop-gap. Eventually, we will need to relearn how to do everything. How to plant and harvest. How to create tools. How to make candles. How to heal from our illnesses and to mend our injuries. "We're of the generation that landed the man on the moon and the best that we can do is talk about making tools out of stone."

He tells Abby that he does not believe that he will make a good survivor. The batteries for his hearing aid will eventually expire. After that, he will be totally deaf.

Abby returns home. She showers and cuts her hair. She then douses her husband with gasoline and burns down her home in a brilliant funeral pyre. She then drives off in the darkness with the goal of finding her missing son.

And that is how "The Fourth Horseman" ends. Most of these survivors will gradually connect with each other, but not right away.

Next week will explore Episode #2 ("Genesis"), which will introduce one new series regular.

Gay-Affirming Methodist Church Kicked Out of Easter Parade in Eureka Springs, AK

Arkansas was in the news last week for its Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which just got signed into laws despite concerns that it would be used to defend anti-gay discrimination. This past week, a Methodist Church's religious liberties were infringed when they were apparently kicked out of the Eureka Springs Celebrate Jesus Easter Parade:
First United Methodist of Eureka Springs applied to be in the parade, and was initially accepted. One week before the parade, however, they were told they were no longer welcome. Church member Suzie Bell believes it's because of their stance on the LGBT community. "They wanted to know what our banner was going to say, and it said 'Jesus loves all'. They had decided that they did not want us in the parade, and that we weren't welcome." Bell said. Bell says the Methodist Church has recently become a "reconciling congregation" meaning they are publicly welcoming of the LGBT community. Bell says that is the reason they weren't allowed in. "It was based purely on our love and acceptance of the LGBT community." Bell said.
The parade director responded to this allegation without actually explaining why the church was asked to stay home:
This day isn't a day of pointing fingers or playing the blame game. This parade is to honor our Lord and Savior and for praising God for sending His only Son who willingly went to the cross, died and rose on the third day that when we repent of our sins and accept Him. We have the promise of eternal life with the Lord. But more that that He carries us each day that we are on this earth. We are all sinners redeemed by the grace of God. We believe that the Bible is the un compromised Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit... 

 Regardless of what has been stated in the papers. We do not have anything against the Methodist Church. After all my uncle was a Methodist minister. Nor do we have anything against the homosexual community. When I worked downtown I had homosexual people that I considered my friends and still do. 

I am glad you have come to join in Celebrating Jesus. You are welcome here. "This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Video footage of the parade itself shows rainbow-clad members of Eureka Springs UMC watching the parade from the sidelines.

Michael Sam Eliminated from ABC's "Dancing with the Stars"

Last night, former NFL player Michael Sam was the third contestant cut from this season’s “Dancing with the Stars:"
Viewers and judges on ABC’s celebrity dance competition Monday made the NFL’s first openly gay draft pick the third contestant kicked off this season. Sam, 25, dedicated a rumba dance to his estranged father, but the performance set to “I’m Not My Father’s Son” garnered a score of only 30 out of 40 from the judges, People magazine reported. 

The gracious Sam,who got engaged to boyfriend Vito Cammisano in January, thanked dance partner Peta Murgatroyd and described the defeat as “bittersweet” in an interview with Access Hollywood. “I thought my last dance was my best dance,”Sam told the TV show. “And I would like to leave on my best dance instead of my horrible dance.”
I had never watched "Dancing with the Stars" before this season. I watched the premier while vacationing in Massachusetts, largely because my in-laws enjoy the program. But I stayed because I enjoyed watching Michael Sam's dance performances. But now Sam is gone and I'm back in Iowa. So I'm not sure if I will be watching much more of this season.

California Man Berates Firefighters // He Objects that They Purchased Groceries for Their 48-Hour Work Shift

A video was posted late last week showing a man who was harassing firefighters in Oroville, CA. It seems that he doesn't like that these guys go shopping for food during their 48-hour shifts. He also doesn't like that they go to a grocery store that is slightly less expensive than the nearer specialty grocery store.

It's implied that the firefighters are wasting more money on gas than they stand to save on groceries. But it was pointed out in the comments that the grocery store that they chose to shop at is less than four miles away from their fire station.

The video shows this guy berating the firefighters for grocery shopping on the job. Meanwhile, they polite listen to him and give him suggestions on where he can go and who to speak to should he decide to file a complaint.

You can watch the full video here:

Wiccan Priestess to Pray over Iowa House of Representatives Tomorrow Morning

A Wiccan priestess from nearby Cedar Rapids will be praying over the Iowa House tomorrow morning:
(Deborah) Maynard will give the morning invocation Thursday in the Iowa House. She’s a Wiccan priestess, leader of the Cedar Rapids covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans and a member of People’s Church here in town. She was invited to be the House’s “pastor of the day” by Rep. Liz Bennett, D-Cedar Rapids.
This will be the first time that a  Wiccan will have given the invocation here in Iowa. Usually, these are done by Christians, though we've occasionally received prayers from rabbis or imams.

She told the Cedar Rapids Gazette that she plans to offer an prayer that is "broad, friendly and inclusive" and "not be like a witches' blessing."

The Wild Huntreached out to Rep. Bennett for a comment about Maynard's inclusion and received the following response:
Each morning, a local religious leader gives an inclusive prayer to the Iowa House. I believe that the Iowa House belongs to the people, and that all people should be welcome. As a State Representatives it is not our role to endorse one religion over another, rather to represent our constituents. Deborah is a constituent who is Wiccan, and an active member of a local Unitarian Universalist faith community. She is happy to join us and give an inclusive prayer from her faith tradition. Why should the House not be as open to her as it would be to anyone else? 

Some people might ask why I would invite a non-Christian. I would ask them why we should exclude a non-Christian. 

There is room for all Iowans under the dome of the Iowa House.
Maynard to give the invocation tomorrow morning.

Man Charged with Mailing Hate Mail & Death Threat to Des Moines Gay Bar

Blazing Saddle, Des Moines' longtime gay bar, was the victim of a death threat on March 26, 2015. The letter, which was accompanied by white powder, read:
The Flaming Faggot and Dyke Bar: It's time for all the faggots and dykes to die on Capital Pride night! Your secret enemies are going to blow up your destination for going to hell tonight, and we're going to eat roast queer the following morning. This is your punishment for sinning against God, and hopefully you'll die from the anthrax on this letter!
The bar was shut down for a while until the police, fire department and hazardous materials team said that it was safe to be inside.

Fast forward to today... The Des Moines Register reported this afternoon that a man has been charged over last month's threatening letter:
Eric Reece Wiethorn, 49, of Ames was arrested for first-degree harassment and booked in the Polk County Jail, the Des Moines Police Department announced in a news release Thursday.
Des Moines police learned of Wiethorn through an anonymous tip. He's currently being held on a $2,000 bond at the Polk County Jail.

Jughead's Allergic to Exercise in JUGHEAD & ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #11!

I wasn't expecting any comics from Archie Comics this week. Imagine my surprise when Husband Mark brought home my copy of JUGHEAD & ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #11! Like most comic book digests, it features several classic reprint stories starring Jughead, Archie, Hot Dog, and Little Archie. But this particular issue featured a great original short story.

This particular story focused exclusively on Jughead and Archie. Carrot-Top is concerned about his best friend. He eats junk food all of the time, he never breaks a sweat, and he's beginning to get a paunch! Jughead reveals to Archie that there's a reason he lives the life of a coach potato: He's allergic to exercise!

Disgusted, Archie challenges his buddy to find the right type of exercise. They try jogging and biking and swimming, but every time they begin Jughead breaks out in a rash! It gets bad enough that even a game of Wii Tennis gets him all itchy! We're left wondering if Juggy is actually allergic to exercise or if he's just allergic to the thought of exercise!

"Don't Be Rash" was written by J. Torres, penciled by Bill Galvan, inked by Jim Amash, lettered by Jack Morelli, and colored by Digikore Studios.

Who Are the Knightingales?

I've written a few times recently about Charlton Neo, which is a resurrection of the classic Charlton Comics lines; as well as Pix-C Web Comics, which features public domain characters from Charlton Comics as well as a few other characters.

Pix-C Web Comics doesn't just feature superhero strips. There are also humor strips and horror strips (such as THE SPOOKMAN). I learned last week of three new strips that are debuting this weekend on Pix-C Web Comics. All three looks interesting, but KNIGHTINGALES has proven to be my favorite so far!

I've shared before that I've become a fan of Charlton Comics' cheesy romance stories. It's not uncommon for me to read online copies of stuff like BRIDES IN LOVE, INTIMATE, ROMANTIC SECRETS, and MY SECRET LIFE late at night before bed. But I've really enjoyed reading medical romance titles like NURSE BETSY CRANE and CYNTHIA DOYLE: NURSE IN LOVE.

Both women spent their days saving patients and solving mysteries -- all the while pining after one doctor or another! KNIGHTINGALES brings Nurses Betsy Crane and Cynthia Doyle back to comics -- but twists their lives into something completely alien! It appears that a plague has infected their world. Their city is virtually abandoned by 1966 -- surrendered to cannibalistic menaces known as the Feeders! It's unclear from looking at them if the Feeders are zombies or vampires or some other mutated form humanity.

Regardless, Nurses Crane and Doyle have vowed to nurse their community back to health -- or die trying!

You can read the Knightingales' first adventures -- not to mention The Face, Eddie Crossbones, N.E.O., Skyman, Molly the Model, The Spookman, Sadistik, Ms. Molecule, and several other great characters, by becoming a patron of Pix-C Web Comics. Those who become patrons (for as little as $1 per month) gain access to several weekly online comic strips. The more you pledge, the more perks you qualify for. I've been contributing $30 per month towards this venture. I encourage to you to become a patron too!

KNIGHTINGALES is written by Roger McKenzie & drawn by Dærick Gröss Sr.

"Survivors" 40th Anniversary: Episode 2 ("Genesis")

This is the second in a series of blog posts dedicated to the 40th anniversary of BBC's "Survivors" television series. Survivors followed a core group of characters who managed to survived a devastating viral outbreak -- one which managed to kill off somewhere between 95-99% of humanity. Society has crumbled and they must relearn the old way if they have any hope of surviving much longer.

Our first chapter showed us how society ended. This second episode -- titled "Genesis" -- offers us the start of a new beginning.

At the end of our last episode, Abby Grant created a dazzling funeral pyre for her dead husband within their home. She drove off with a single mission: find her missing son. She awakens one morning from her mobile camp to the sound of a passing helicopter.

The helicopter is piloted by a man named Greg Preston (played by Ian McCulloch). He was in Holland when the plague hit working as an engineer. He flew back to England to check on his wife, Jeannie, and finds her dead within their home. It doesn't look like it was a happy marriage. After a brief period of mourning, he loads up his vehicle and takes off to search for the next chapter in his life.

Greg Preston
We briefly catch up with both Abby and Jenny Richards. Both women are alone and desperately seeking respite from their forced solitude.

Meanwhile, Greg runs across a posh young woman named Anne Tranter (played by Myra Francis). Anne pleads for Greg's assistance. She has set up a base of operations with another man down in an out-of-the-way quarry and he's become seriously injured in a tractor accident.

Anne Tranter
The machine toppled over on Anne's partner and his legs are now crushed. Greg assists her with rescuing the man and getting him into their building. Obviously, there are no medical emergency services in this dark new world. Neither Greg nor Anne have any medical knowledge, but are forced by circumstance to mend his legs as well as possible -- without the benefit of any pain medications.

Elsewhere, Jenny has her second encounter with Tom Price. He's looting clothing and trying to avoid germs. Tom is the only living person that Jenny has seen in a week. She begs him to take her with him, but he drives away without her. She ends up taking shelter in an abandoned clothing shop.

Incidentally, I absolutely love Jenny's fuzzy, purple coat. Every apocalypse needs one.

Back in the quarry, Vic Thatcher (played by Terry Scully) is writing with nothing but whiskey to dull the pain while Greg binds his leg injuries. He passes out shortly after Greg finishes.

Vic Thatcher
Outside, Greg tells Anne that he's done everything that he can for Vic. Without proper attention, Vic is likely to remain crippled for life. A stunned Anne realizes for the first time how serious things have truly begun. "It's going to be like this from now on, isn't it? Accidents! Even little things. A bad cut, burns. Almost anything, they'll be really serious." Greg further dampens the mood by pointing out that things will likely never return to normal.

Later that night, Abby drives up to a manor house. The house is lit up, but goes dark as she approaches. She is confronted in the dark by a gun-wielding man. She tells him that she's lonely and only came there because she'd seen the light. He sizes her up and agrees to let her in for some food and shelter.

Abby quickly learns that the house is completely self-sufficient. It has independent generators and water supplies. They treat her to a delicious supper of roast beef and fresh vegetables. Abby learns that her host is a man named Arthur Wormley (played by George Baker). He's a well-known union leader. He notes that people are already beginning to gather into groups. He believes that somebody will need to unite those groups for the common good. And, since that's one of his strongest skills, he's taken it upon himself to assume that mantle of leadership.

Arthur Wormley
Greg and Anne are eating canned goods back at the quarry HQ. She points out that she and Vic had spent the past few weeks gathering things -- stuff like canned goods, clothing, tools, and books. She believes that money might not have value anything, but that bartering for things will become the new currency. People will eventually work for her and Vic and will earn their keep by receiving items from her stockpile. She wants Greg to stay and assist them with this effort. He's noncommittal.

Back at the Wormley's home, Abby tells him that she plans to find her son and to settle down in a small farm somewhere. She tells him that people will need to relearn all of the old ways. She points out that we will soon run out of tools and furniture. She believes that we will need to relearn how to independently create these goods in order to survive past the current generation. Their survival, she believes, depends on their ability to become self-sufficient.

Abby is initially interested in Wormley's efforts at creating a central hub of information, as well as a basic sense of community and law and order, but has an uneasy feeling. That uneasiness is confirmed when she witnesses a shoot-out between Wormley's men and another group of survivors. She is horrified when Wormley exercises his authority to execute a prisoner. Appalled, Abby flees from Wormley's house.

Back at the quarry, Anne awakens and finds that Greg is leaving. He promises to find Vic some medicine. But this isn't where he wants to settle down. In town, he comes across Jenny. He allows her to travel with him. She is desperately thankful for the company, even if it promises to be temporary.

The two discover Anne on the highway, walking with a single suitcase. She tells them both that Vic had died while Greg was away. Greg and Jenny tell Anne to get into the car and they drive away...

... Leaving behind Vic Thatcher, who is very much alive. Anne abandoned him to his fate. Vic is last seen screaming for help from his isolated quarry HQ.

Greg, Jenny, and Anne eventually settle down within an abandoned barn that night. Jenny noticed a fire in the distance and talks Greg into traveling with her to find its source. Anne refuses to join them, preferring to remain in the barn.

Greg and Jenny eventually discover a church building. It's occupied by Abby Grant. Jenny tells her that they saw the fire. Abby tells them that she'd hoped that somebody would. She also hopes that there will be others.

And that's how our core group of "survivors" initially meets up.

I've often thought about what I would do if most people dropped dead around me. Honestly, I find myself leaning towards Wormley's desire for a central authority. Somebody who can figure out who is left behind and what skills they have -- and possibly assist with making sure that there are people with effective farming and medical skills spread out evenly amidst the survivors. Somebody who can make sure that people like Anne and Vic aren't stockpiling the remaining food while others starve to death.

Of course, Abby makes a great point when she first meets up with Wormley: "God knows, there are few enough of us left." It doesn't make sense to me to begin executing dissenters in a world that just witnessed the collective death of hundreds of millions of people. Wormley's strong-fisted martial law tactics seems horribly wrong in this context. Why not imprison looters initially until things settle a bit and people stop panicking. At least if I was with him, I could make that argument to Wormley. Or at least die trying.

Next week, we will explore Episode #3 ("Gone Away").

"Ant-Man" Trailer Released

Marvel Studios released the second trailer to this summer's upcoming "Ant-Man" movie. It's pretty cool stuff. This Ant-Man will be Scott Lang (the second Ant-Man from the comic books). He's a pretty crook who's recruited to steal the Ant-Man uniform and to become a superhero. He can shrink. He's super-strong when tiny. And he can speak to ants.

And my son frequently tells me that Aquaman is useless because he speaks to fish...

Did I mention that he's really tiny? Check out his size compared to others:

Note: Check out the right shoulder
 Seriously, this movie looks like a lot of fun.

His nemesis is wearing the Yellowjack uniform, though I'm not sure of his secret identity. I'm assuming that he isn't Hank Pym.

"Ant-Man" is schedule to be release in July 2015. Wouldn't it be cool if he showed up in one of the future "Avengers" movies? I think it would be. Check it out:

Heard on NPR: Methodist Church in North Dakota Refuses to Baptize Infant Because He Has Two Moms

NPR is doing a series this week on LGBT rights within the state of North Dakota. "Morning Edition" interviewed a female couple about their experience as a same-sex couple and as parents within small town North Dakota. This part stuck with me:
Sixteen years ago, in the small town of Wahpeton, N.D., a United Methodist pastor refused to baptize a baby raised by lesbian parents. The pastor said because the child had lesbian parents, there was no way he could get a Christian upbringing. In response, the child's mothers, Valerie Nelson and Diane Gira, left the church.

Evergreen United Methodist Church, the place where the pastor refused to baptize the baby, still stands today. It's a one-story building made of tan brick that sits in a quiet cul-de-sac in Wahpeton. The current pastor of the church, Jen Tyler, would not say whether Nelson and Gira would have been able to baptize their son if they had tried today.

"For me as a pastor, my focus and my emphasis is on making sure I'm caring for folks the best that I can," Tyler says. "And there are times and places that as a pastor you have to make difficult decisions."
In other words, she would refuse to baptize Madison if Madison were an infant today.

The Methodist church usually baptizes infants. It makes you wonder what would happen if 16-year-old Madison came to the minister and requested to be baptized now? My guess is that he would be baptized.

In other words, that earlier decision was all about the moms -- not about Madison or about his baptism.

Last time I looked, the commenters were wasting a lot of bandwidth trying to figure out if Madison looked more like one more or the other. Because we have to figure out who's the "real" mom and that's the more important message to this story...

School District in Iowa Plans to Fire All Employees

School districts in Iowa are required to submit certified budgets today for the coming school year, but the legislature is still fighting over how they will fund the state's public education system. As a result, one Iowa school district has decided to lay off its entire workforce:
Southeast Warren School District is preparing for the worst case scenario by giving all its employees pink slips. “None have received them yet, [but] all of them will,” said Delane Galvin, the district’s superintendent.

Meaning, all 100 staff members in the district will be notified their contracts are not being renewed as part of a worst case scenario budget put together by district leaders, who said the move will give the district flexibility as they wait to hear how much supplemental state aid they'll receive.

By law, certified public employees have to be notified by the end of April if their contract is not going to be renewed. “So if the budget isn't set, we don't know what we can fund and what we can afford for staff. We're notifying everybody and once the budget is set, then we can recall them,” Galvin said.

Teacher Shelley Mitzelfelt says teachers in the district are now left searching online job sites just in case, all because of failures by state legislators. “The tension's pretty thick. People are very concerned,” Mitzelfelt said.
Lawmakers have not yet scheduled the Senate and House conference committee meeting that will allow them to debate this issue. They are arguing over a difference of $50 million in education priorities.


We learned months ago that Archie Comics and Dark Horse Comics were teaming up to bring us one of the most offbeat crossover comic books in a long, long time: ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR! It's finally here and it completely blows my frickin' mind!

But first...

This blog entry contains spoilers. If you don't want to know what happens in ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR #1, then stop reading now. You have been warned. 

I'm back...

AVP #1 is set during Spring Break. Jughead wins a potato chip contest to Los Perdidos Resort and is allowed to bring several of his best friends, including Archie, Betty, Veronica, Reggie, Big Ethel, Moose, Midge, Chuck, Nancy, Kevin, Dilton, and Ginger Lopez. Pretty much everyone but Two-Fisted Toni Topaz! Meanwhile, Cheryl and Jason Blossom were not invited along, but still managed to show up courtesy of their private yacht. Early into their trip, the kids are treated to a spectacular view of a shooting star...

Or is it a shooting star?... Hint... Look at the series' title...

We learn that Dilton has a few days to finish editing the school's yearbook and he's really stressing out about it. Archie and the others have agreed to help him out with some of the yearbook's polls, including voting on the Best-Dressed Girl. I mean, why not do it on a deserted island without most of the school's girls when you can limit the pool to Jughead's female friends??

I jest...

The problem is that Betty doesn't have a lot of fancy clothing, so she sadly decides to sit out the pageant. That's where Cheryl Blossom comes in. She tricks Betty into joining the contest where her super-expensive, super-fashionable clothes -- thus ensuring that Betty wins the Best-Dressed Contest and Veronica is humiliated.

Note Veronica's Burger Bribe!!
Needless to say, this doesn't go over very well...

Cheryl and Jason have a great laugh at B&V's expense -- as does Reggie. 

Betty runs off into the tropical forest in tears. It's probably worth noting that the Blossom Twins have gone off on their own private expedition to find a sacred "Jaguar Goddess" shrine. It's also important to note that the Predator has been monitoring our teens' misadventures all morning.

Betty actually stumbles across the Jaguar Goddess' chamber. While inside, she comes across a dark ceremonial blade and fantasizes about seeking vengeance upon Veronica. She hears a horrible roar and decides to find her friends again -- but not before accidentally keeping the blade!

After the fight, the Riverdale Gang decides that they've had enough of their island getaway. They decide to return to Riverdale -- with a certain stowaway. AVP #1 ends with the kids back at home and Betty trying to figure out what to do with that ceremonial knife!

I've already spoiled quite a bit, but I should probably note that not everyone made it back to Riverdale in one piece. You definitely want to pick up this issue so that you can personally witness the gory demise of these poor teens!

This was a wonderful comic book. There are so many great characters involved with this story. And the pacing of the story itself was just perfect. AVP has really done a great job of combining the best elements of Archie and his Gang and really makes you wonder how Riverdale will react to something as alien as the Predator.

Speaking of the Predator, I'm really wondering how his hunts will fit into Riverale USA. Afterall, Riverdale isn't really known as a "conceal and carry" kind of town! It should be interesting!

ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR #1 was written by Alex de Campi, beautifully penciled by Fernando Ruiz, inked by Rich Koslowski, colored by Jason Millet, and lettered by John Workman.

Sabrina Meets Hellboy??

It has been months since we've seen any new stories featuring Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I'll be writing later this week about the long-awaiting issue of CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA #2, but I thought I might point out a second appearance by Sabrina this week that you might have otherwise missed!

Pick up your copy of Archie Comics' and Dark Horse Comics' ARCHIE VS. PREDATOR #1 and shuffle to the end of the book. You will be treated to a second crossover story featuring Sabrina and Hellboy!

I've shared an image here, but I found the one-page story interesting for what it reveals about Salem the Cat and Sabrina's wicked aunts!

If you were on the fence about AVP #1, then pick up the comic for this unexpected team-up!

"Sabrina Meets Hellboy" features words by Alex de Campi, art by Robert Hack, and letters by Clem Robins.

Makes you wonder what one-page Archie/Dark Horse crossover we might see in AVP #2!

Christian Auto Shop in Michigan: We Will Turn Away All Gay Customers

The owner of an auto repair business called Dieseltec decided to post a Facebook rant about how Christian gun-owners are under attack. He attacked unions. But most specifically, he made a public announcement that his business will refuse service to openly gay people. Because of Christianity and because of nuts and bolts:
I would not hesitate to refuse service to an openly gay person or persons. Homosexuality is wrong, period. If you want to argue this fact with me then I will put your vehicle together with all bolts and no nuts and you can see how that works.
Keep in mind that it's completely legal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in Grandville, Michigan.

Dieseltec owner Brian Klawiter later clarified with the local news:
While Klawiter acknowledges that the post could be viewed as offensive, he says he doesn’t regret writing it. 

 “I think I exercised a little more freedom than I would on a news broadcast,” Klawiter said of his post, adding that he didn’t expect the post to get the attention it has. “If you have a vehicle that needs to be repaired, we’d be happy to do that for you. But if you want to come in here with your boyfriend and you want to openly display that, that’s just not going to be tolerated here. We don’t believe that here.” 

Klawiter says he isn’t asking clientele about their sexuality, but is emphatic that he won’t tolerate “outward” affectionate behavior between same-sex couples. 

Asked to consider his post from the eyes of a person who is gay, Klawiter responded: “I think it would be made pretty clear to me that I’m not welcome there, which I would almost consider that enlightening. I would know exactly where not to go.”
It is completely unclear to me why this guy started this rant. It reminds me of Memories Pizza that assumed that same-sex couples would want to use their pizza parlor as a wedding catering business.

I often fantasize about starting my own business. I've thought about running a small hotel and I've thought about running a pet supply/grooming business. I have never thought about which customers I would turn away. Nor have I thought about posting material that would upset potential customers and disrupt business.

Dilton Becomes a Wrestling God in WORLD OF ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #49!

I really enjoyed WORLD OF ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #49 this week. It not only features reprints of classic stories featuring Archie, the Riverdale Gang, Katy Keene, and Super Duck. But it also features a great new "Archie & Friends" story at the beginning. And Dilton Doiley is the star!

You don't often get to read stories these days featuring Dilton. It seems that Riverdale High School's wrestling team sucks. So Coach Clayton is recruiting new wrestlers. Resident science and math nerd Dilton Doiley has come up with the perfect mathematical equation for overcoming any wrestling opponent.

He uses his math skills to defeat Moose Mason of all people and is quickly convinced to sign up for the wrestling team. Using his knowledge, Dilton soon become the team's MVP!

He tries passing on his winning wrestling equation, but no other student can understand his computations. No other students, that is, except other math geeks like Raj Patel and Simon "Prankenstein" Silverstein. Soon enough, these mathletes are on the team and Riverdale's traditional jocks on sitting on the sidelines.

Talk about role reversals!

Archie Comics published a digital comic featuring Dilton (here, here, here, and here) in late 2013/early 2014 -- which was fun --, but this 6-page short story was an excellent story. I really liked how they exploited Dilton's genius in a way that didn't include the construction of super-science gadgets. That's just an easy trope that gets used much too often. It was good to see Dilton use his superior abilities to come out on top without being over the top. This seemed much more grounded and hypothetically realistic for a change. And it was great to see all of the nerds transforming into wrestling gods through the use of applied mathematics!

"Counted Out" was written by Paul Kupperberg, penciled by Dan Parent, inked by Bob Smith, lettered by Jack Morelli, and colored by Digikore Studios.


So this showed up on Facebook yesterday:

What do you think? An "Avengers Movie" tie-in, official or otherwise? Featuring the Archies wearing outfits reminiscent of Avengers costumes? Possibly a short gag posted on Archie Comics' various social media platforms? Or maybe a short cartoon?

What do you think?

Nero at Daycare -- 04/17/15

It was wet and wild adventures at doggy daycare today as Nero and his four-legged friends messed around in the water. Check it out:

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