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Image of Live-Action Battle Cat Released on Twitter Hinting of "Masters of the Universe" Movie

Did you know that there is a "Masters of the Universe" live-action movie in the works? I guess it's been in development for years.Last week, one of the bigwigs at Columbia Pictures posted an image of Battle Cat on Twitter.

Not much more has been posted about this new movie. Basically, this image was meant to get all of our tongues wagging about the possible/eventual movie.

Still it's cool that Battle Cat will be included in the new MOTU movie, assuming that it ends up happening. His character was excluded along with Orko from the original 1987 MOTU movie. They instead included an unknown sidekick characters named Gwildor.

With luck, we'll see new images of Orko and He-Man in the very near future!

The Riverdale Kids Show Off Their Dance Moves in BETTY AND VERONICA COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #231

I'm finally catching up with my Archie Comics digests! The last one in my current pile of comics is BETTY AND VERONICA COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #231! It starts out with a cute brand-new short story about Riverdale High School's First Annual Spring Swing Dance Contest. Veronica has been enrolled in a swing dance class and is convinced that she will win this contest -- if she has the right dance partner!

Instead of choosing her BFF Kevin, she leaves it up to Archie and Reggie to duke it out and figure out which one is the better dancer. That boy will take Veronica to the dance contest!

Tired of watching Archie and Reggie argue, Betty steps forward and offers to help them figure out which boy is the better dancer. After all, she was involved in those swing dance classes also and is a pretty good judge of others' dancing creds!

What follows are two pages of dance moves -- beautifully rendered by the masterful Fernando Ruiz! By the end of page four, one of the boys comes out of the "audition" as a clear winner -- and Betty gets the leftovers.

Check out that poodle shirt!
 I won't give away too much of the final gag, but I love how Betty was portrayed. She was helpful, as always, but she was tricky and devious and I really love seeing that aspect to this otherwise goody-goody character!

"Dance Fever" was written by Paul Kupperberg, penciled by Fernando Ruiz, inked by Bob Smith, lettered by Jack Morelli, and colored by Digikore Studios.

Efforts to Constitutionally Ban Gay Marriage in Iowa Effectively Defeated this Year

A handful of Republican legislators in the Iowa House and Senate went through the motions to constitutionally ban gay marriage (here, here, and here) -- despite the fact that Iowa has been a marriage equality state for nearly six years and despite the fact that there have been few actual problems because of our status as a marriage equality state.

It's been questionable whether or not this was going to go anywhere. Something like 21 legislators from both the House and Senate put their names behind this latest effort and the Democratic Party controls our Senate, which means that it was never going to get past Senate Majority Leader Gronstal. But that hasn't stopped the Iowa House from trying out these anti-gay constitutional amendments before.

Looks like the efforts to kill gay marriage in Iowa died a quiet death:
Following up on this post from last month, the latest version of a state constitutional amendment restricting marriage to one man and one woman in Iowa is dead for this legislative session. House Joint Resolution 4 didn't make it so far as a subcommittee hearing, let alone passage by a full committee before the "funnel" deadline late last week. 

Iowa House Judiciary Committee Chair Chip Baltimore never assigned the bill to any subcommittee. When I asked him about the status of the bill on February 24 (a month after the bill was introduced), Baltimore's response was telling. (Jon's note: Follow link to review Twitter screen grab.)

He was alluding to Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen's extraordinary personal intervention to make sure a bill raising the state gasoline tax made it through the Iowa House Ways and Means Committee, against the wishes of that committee's chairman

Long gone are the days when Paulsen pledged to move a marriage amendment through the Iowa House and did so quickly, putting the ball in the Democratic-controlled Iowa Senate's court. This year, only one person on the eight-member Iowa House GOP leadership team even co-sponsored the marriage amendment (Speaker Pro Tem Matt Windschitl). 
It's possible that the gay marriage ban will suddenly move forward this year, but highly unlikely. In other words, stick a fork in it!

Texas GOP Chair: I'll Cancel My Local Newspaper Subscription if They Ever Publish a Pic of Gays Kissing!

The Texas GOP has done a lot legislatively this year to make sure that America knows that they hate gays. Everything from banning transgender people from using the restroom to banning local ordinances from establishing local anti-discrimination policies that protect on the basis of sexual orientation to banning public employees from recognizing gay families to placing a $2,000 bounty on anyone who discovers transgender students using the school restrooms -- not to mention tons of other crap.

Now the new chair of Texas' Republican Party has gone on record with saying that he will cancel his subscription if his local newspaper ever publishes a picture of a same-sex couple kissing:
The new chair of the Texas GOP says if his hometown newspaper ever publishes a photo of a same-sex couple kissing, he’ll cancel his subscription.

Texas Republicans on Saturday selected Tom Mechler, an Amarillo businessman who’s served as the party’s treasurer since 2010, to succeed Steve Munisteri, who stepped down as GOP chair to become a senior advisor to Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential campaign...

In a column for the Amarillo Globe-News last March, Mechler responded to LGBT activists who objected to a local gym’s refusal to offer a family membership to a same-sex couple.

“We have gone way past the point of reason in the attack by homosexual activists and other liberals who want to manipulate society to serve their purpose,” Mechler wrote. “One of the problems we are experiencing in our nation is that if you say you believe in the biblical definition of marriage (which I do), or if you express an opinion that liberals determine as being politically incorrect, they will attack you—sometimes viciously—frequently making threats against your life and property. They call your comments and thoughts homophobic or hate speech...”

Last year, Munisteri provided a glimmer of hope that party leadership was inching forward on LGBT rights, when he responded to the controversy over a GOP plank endorsing “ex-gay” therapy by saying he didn’t believe it was possible for people to change their orientation. But Mechler doesn’t appear poised to continue that progress...

“I believe that everyone in our country has a right to protection of his or her person and property, and their personal lifestyle choice doesn’t make them a bad person. I also strongly believe that states have a right to decide the issue of marriage,” Mechler wrote in the column. “As a final note, if the Amarillo Globe-News ever publishes a picture of two men or two women kissing each other, I will cancel my subscription.”
Which seems like a challenge to me.

What do you want to bet that they've already published at least one picture of two men or two women kissing in the past? That sounds like a good research project for someone with a lot more time than me!

Bob Vander Plaats Urges Legislators to Expand Iowa's Medical Cannabis Law

Iowa's "kingmaker," Bob Vander Plaats of The FAMiLY Leader, spoke to legislators earlier today -- not about his usual topic (i.e., trying to ban gay marriage and to disenfranchise gay families), but about strengthening Iowa's medical cannabis oil law.

Iowa legalized access to cannabis oil to relieve uncontrolled seizure conditions last year. However, the law is pretty much worthless. It is not legal to produce or sell it here in Iowa. It's most likely against federal law to transport it across state lines into Iowa. And most states which have legalized access to forms of medical marijuana have restricted access to their own residents. Since then, there have been efforts by Iowans to get the state's largely non-responsive lawmakers to get our own cannabis oil law to make sense.

It was pretty jarring to come home from work and find that Iowa's number one culture warrior was advocating for something instead of against families like mine. You would think that he has a stake in this particular game -- and you'd be right. It seems like one of BVP's sons experiences severe seizures and would benefit from the improvement of this law:
Vander Plaats, who is president of The Family Leader, said he was not speaking on behalf of the organization, but as a father. His third son, Lucas, was born with a brain condition and suffers from seizures.

"We've seen what happens when children have seizures and the different maneuvers we need to make and the games you need to play to get the right seizure medication to control the seizure that would limit or reduce the side effects greatly," he said from the statehouse.

Vander Plaats said he and his wife were "applauding and cheering silently from the sidelines" last year as the state decriminalized possession of marijuana extract for patients with epilepsy.
However, the law did not make it legal to grow or sell the product in Iowa, he noted.

Individuals looking to purchase it must obtain ID cards allowing them to possess oil purchased from other states. After that they face another hurdle: Of the 23 states permitting the use of medical marijuana, 20 states require proof of residency.

"Now, as Iowans, we believe we need to take the next step and figure out how it is we get this medical cannabis oil into the hands of parents so their children can benefit from it," Vander Plaats said.

He said Iowa has the resources to grow marijuana, harvest it, process it and dispense the cannabis oil "with ethics and integrity." He said the state's universities have resources that could be used to help make that happen.
I hate that I'm applauding his words in this instance. He makes sense. What is preventing Iowa from establishing a secure way to produce and distribute cannabis oil to eligible Iowans? We already have laws that address schedule 1 medications. Why can't we do something similar for cannabis oil? Heck, why can't we expand the existing law to address other specified medical conditions besides seizures??

Why couldn't BVP take a break from attacking Iowa's gay families and work full-time towards actually improving the lives of Iowans? How about a resume change, Bob??

Charlton Comics: Missing Context #2

Nurse Cynthia Doyle is a very bitter person.

Care to caption?

Comment below...

Trans Message to the Culture Warriors Who'd Ban Them from Public Restrooms: #WeJustNeedToPee

Social and political conservatives have been fighting back against LGBT protections in recent months. This has been happening in several states and communities. Their loudest mantra has to do with protecting women and children from sexual predators who claim that they are trans so that they can access women's restrooms and assault those within.

It's bad enough that some communities -- like the state of Texas -- are promoting bills which would force people to use the bathrooms connected with their gender of birth. Not their current gender identity.

I noticed this message last night on Twitter, but it makes a lot of sense.

Trans lives do matter. Please speak out against these types of bills and laws if they crop up in your state or community.

Archie's Dark Circle Comics Announces Fourth New Title: THE HANGMAN!!

Do you remember way back in July 2014 when I openly desired for a Archie Comics Dark Circle comic book featuring the Hangman? Of course you do. Good news!! Dark Circle announced its fourth ongoing title: THE HANGMAN!!!!

This new series will be written by Frank Tieri and drawn by Felix Ruiz. It's scheduled to be released later this year.

Here is how Tieri described the title:
"This isn't Superman or Spider-Man. Hell, it's not even Batman. This is raw and violent and dirty and real fucking disturbing. This is the devil and demons and serial killers and the vile disgusting parts of ourselves we don't like to talk about. And yet...

this is also about redemption.

Oh, and by the way, just in case you were wondering, Spoiler Alert...

Yeah, a shitload of people are gonna get hanged."
I first fell in love with the Hangman -- or at least the concept of the Hangman -- two years ago when Archie Comics' Red Circle line published the NEW CRUSADERS: RISE OF THE HEROES mini-series (read here and here). The series was about the New Cru, but I was all about the imprisoned anti-heroes. I'm talking about Black Hood, Deadly Force, and Hangman (AKA: the heroes who kill). Of course, if you read the old MLJ super-hero stories, you will find that most of the old super-heroes killed their opponents. But times change and those guys went to jail.

This is what I loved about the Hangman. The other guys zapped their opponents. Hangman pulled out some sheets and snared his opponents around the necks with nooses. That takes talent! ZZZART!

One of these days, I will have to do a blog post about some of the Hangman's past incarnations. Because he had some pretty cool moments.

Now all I need is a comic book featuring Inferno the Flame Breather! Should I submit a proposal(??), because I've got an idea!!

Nero at Daycare -- 03/13/15

Nero had another fun day today at doggy daycare today. Check it out:

Check Out Archie Andrews' New Look!

All sorts of variant covers were released over the past week for ARCHIE #1, the much-anticipated relaunch of Archie Comics' ARCHIE title. This cover by Fiona Staples is probably my favorite of the bunch:

I can't help seeing a similarity to Jimmy Olson though!

Open Response to the Teenage Troll Who Attacked the Gay Christians on GCN...

I've written before that I frequently hang out in an online community called the Gay Christian Network. It's a ministry and social outlet for LGBT Christians and our friends. Some of the people there drive me nuts, but I enjoy many of the regulars and do my best to ignore the rest.

I was preparing for bed the other night when some 16-year-old kid named "lovethelord" (AKA LTL for the benefit of this blog post) started trolling the website with a special message for those deceived by GCN's mission and message:

Click on the image to read his entire message. But it's all good because he softened his message with a cute little puppy for his avatar.

I knew that it wouldn't be long before GCN's moderators removed LTL's post. Sure enough, they removed the post. And then he reposted the same exact message again and again and again. Each time they removed his threads, he reposted.

I get that he's a teen. But I really don't have patience for homophobic teens with poor evangelistic skills. If he feels that he can school me and other adults on our faith, then he can also deal with our reactions.

Another man responded negatively to LTL's initial rant, which prompted him to reply with something like "Geez, I'm just sharing my opinion. You guys are too sensitive!"

Which prompted me to respond by chastising him for using the Lord's name in vain. "I could excuse one of us weak gay Christians from perverting Jesus' name, but I expect more from you LTL! You're the superior Christian who's come here to show us the errors of our ways and you're breaking one of the Ten Commandments right out of the gate!"

LTL apologized for taking God's name in vain, and then said that he just wants us to know that you cannot be gay and a Christian.

"Sure you can," I replied. "GCN is full of gay Christians. Our faith isn't about penile/vaginal sex. It's about accepting Christ as our Savior and learning to incorporate his message into our day-to-day lives."

Then LTL's message got removed. I toyed with him for a bit longer before he finally got banned by the moderators. It was suggested by some of the other GCNers that he might be a closeted kid rebelling against his sexuality. I hate that excuse. I don't care if you're rebelling against yourself. It's still shitting to cope with your own inner demons by trying to hurt others.

But, back to LTL's message. What a jumbled mess of rambling disconnected bits of anti-gay jargon it is! I thought that we might explore it a bit within this post.
I remember going to the local middle school one day and seeing these posters around the school reading, BEING GAY IS OKAY! and LOVE IS LOVE! Thoughts raced through my mind. Why is the school getting these kids in middle school involved in homosexuality? Why are they putting these up in sixth grade hallways when these kids aren't even really involved in sexually related things?
My hunch is that it was actually students who decided to put up those signs in order to let other kids know that it's okay if they are okay. Granted, the school would have approved this decision. But it's hardly a horrible message. I knew that I was gay back in sixth grade. I don't know that I would be willing to put myself out there when I was in middle school, but I knew who I was crushing on and who I wasn't. And I know others who knew that they fell somewhere within the LGBTQ continuum at that point in their lives. So I'm actually glad that there are students at LTL's school who are reaching out to kids like I was to let them know that they'll be fine.

Incidentally, I wonder if LTL objected to dances at his middle school? When I was at middle school, we had several school dances every year. Heck, junior high dances continue to be a thing at my son's school these days too. Dances are meant to be fun, but they're also opportunities for students to learn how to interact with dates. You know... "Sexually related things."
Now, let me tell you straight. I do not accept homosexuality. And I do think it is a choice.
Okay. I don't accept anti-gay teenage trolls, but they still exist.

Also, I don't think that most people make a choice about whether or not they are gay or not. I mean, we all make choices about how we live our lives and what types of relational ethics that we practice in our day-to-day lives. But I believe that homosexuality is no more sinful than heterosexuality. That said, if some person makes a choice to become gay -- like consciously says, "Men really suck! I'm going to start dating women" or something like that -- so what?

Then again, I like Dan Savage's recent response to presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson when he recently asserted that homosexuality is a choice because of prison rape: Prove it.
In the Bible, God tells us that homosexuality is a deadly sin, along with the others like murder, and thievery. So are we just supposed to accept the murderer's choice of killing people? No. So why do we as Christians do this with homosexuality?
I love how gay relationships are just like choosing to kill other people. It's exactly the same thing. Oh, and homosexuality is a "deadly sin." Because it says that in the Bible. Somewhere.

If LTL was being honest with his belief that the Bible says that homosexuality is sinful, he would be honest and admit that the Bible also believes that sin is sin. If you commit one sin, you've committed them all. Like murder or thievery or... taking the Lord's name in vain.
It's because we want the world to see us as the people who love everything and everyone! When we should really be thinking about God more than these world-loving people here. When we should really be thinking about God more than these world-loving people here.
In other words, LTL believes that Christians shouldn't tangibly love those they believe to be sinners.
And other Christians protest, "We should love our neighbor as our self is the greatest commandment except for love the lord with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind with all your strength."
So we should love sin? No! We should hate sin. And the world is telling us that we should love it. We can still love somebody but just not accept their choice of being a homosexual. You can still love somebody but hate their choices.
Here's where people like LTL really get squiggly. "I hate sin. But I love sinners. I just cannot tolerate being around them without shaming their sin. So I'm going to go to a website catering to gay Christians -- many of whom have been literally chased from their churches and from their families -- and I'm going to tell them repeatedly that I believe that they are immoral and contrary to Christianity. Because I love them."

Except that you don't love us, LTL. You don't even know us. You haven't tried to get to know us. You created an anti-gay script that you chose to repost over and over and over even after you saw how your message was actually upsetting your audience. You show that you love others by actually getting to know them. You get to know and love others by establishing a relationship with them and demonstrating that love in a tangible fashion.

Maybe you'll learn this if you ever pause from reposting your scripted anti-gay screeds and actually read some of the responses to your words.
God most definitely doesn't want us to shove these people out of our lives. He wants us to comfort them and share with them scripture. And help them.
Apparently by drafting anti-gay mantras and trolling pro-gay websites.
We do everything for God. And God wants us to love. So we shall love those around us, and most importantly, love and serve God for all of our days. Now for those of you who are searching for somewhere in the Bible that says homosexuality is a sin, here is some scripture for you.
1 Timothy 1:10

for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers--and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
So God states in the Bible, that those practicing homosexuality are sexually immoral. I agree with this.
Keep in mind that "homosexual" wasn't even a word until the late 1800s, which makes it a very Biblical term.

It's interesting to see what happens when you compare the working of that one verse from the NRSV translation of the Bible like LTL did to the BRG translation of the Bile compared to the MOUNCE translation of the Bible versus the NLV translation of the Bible, etc. There are nuances with each of these English translations. Some state that homosexuality itself is sinful. Another says that male homosexual sex acts are sinful. Another says "sex sins with their own sex." Yet another talks about "whoremongers" and "menstealers." Now imagine that you have been translating and re-translating this verse over the course of 2,000 years within societies that have been culturally hostile towards gay relationships and sexuality.

I admit that I view the Bible through my relatively unique perspective. Just like most others do. But I really don't struggle to accept that homosexuality itself is not sinful. I can see adultery within gay relationships as sinful. I can see prison rape and sexual slavery within society as sinful. I can even see premarital sex between gay relationships as sexual. But I really have no difficulty with attaching Biblical principles to gay marital relationships -- whether they are legally sanctioned by society, by the church, or solely between the couples involved in those relationships.
Think about it. Two men cannot reproduce and that is the reason God has given us sex. To reproduce. So gay sex is practically for just pleasure. Now people who are married have sex sometimes and use protection to keep from having kids. And this is fine when it is a beautiful and nice experience.
I'm confused. I'm a married gay man. Is it immoral when we consummate our marriage or is it a "beautiful and nice experience?" And when did reproduction become the purpose of Christianity?? The early Christ-followers believed that they would be the first and last generation of Chrisitians. They abandoned their families in order to follow Jesus and spread his word. In fact, early Christians like Paul discouraged Christians from sex altogether.

But even Paul recognized that not everyone was suited for celibacy. So he encouraged Christians to get married if they realized that they weren't suited towards celibacy. Why is it that people like LTL insist that straight people are given the option of choosing celibacy or marriage, but that LGBT people have had the option taken away from them regardless of whether or not they have been given the gift of celibacy?

People are more than reproductive machines. You wouldn't think so when you consider that our planet current possesses more than 7 billion people. But marriages of both stripes are more than sex acts. But that's what we're reduced to when teenage trolls feel the need to diss us. "Sex feels good, but at least we sometimes have kids when we do it together!"

I never understood why straight people ponder gay sex acts so much when they look at our relationships. I almost never ponder the mechanics of any of my friends' relationships -- gay or straight.
Then we have homosexuals, who don't even have the ability to have sex to have kids. They have to adopt a child. I don't think God wants this only for pleasure sex in our lives.
Actually, gay couples do not have to adopt a child. Some of us do, including Husband Mark and me. We became foster parents back in 2000 and eventually became legal guardians of our oldest boy and adoptive parents of our younger boy. I tried sharing my story as an adoptive parent with LTL when he was posting on GCN. He told me that it was immoral. That goes back to the question of whether or not teenage trolls such as LTL actually love us as Christians or if they are just out there to try and break us down. I mean, there is no desire to hear our stories, much less learn what we think or how we live our lives. In other words, no desire to truly love those different than him.
Everyone always just says 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' and when you say that, you're not really explaining anything. Do you think if you say that to a gay christian they're going to just say, "You know what? You're right!" And walk away a straight man? No, they just won't listen because everyone they looked up to aren't helping them in this time of need. If your son or daughter become a homosexual, then you shouldn't kick them out!
Did LTL just gain a sense of temporary self-awareness?? Too bad that his interactions on GCN didn't carry on with this sense of self-awareness, nor did the rest of this rant...
God gave humans vaginas and penises to have sex and reproduce. God did not intend for us to misuse these beautiful parts He has given us, but he did know we would because he knows everything.
I think this whole 'Gay Marriage' thing is God's Plan. I know everything will work out in the end.
We have agreement!
Also, I do think gay people will go to hell because in the Bible, God says if you participate in homosexuality, you will not inherit his Kingdom. If God created man, and He says you won't inherit his Kingdom if you are a homosexual and God wants us to go to heaven, then why would he create any of us gay?
Does LTL think that God hates gay people or hate gay sex, because he's slipping towards the former idea.

Then again, why would God create people as gay if he's going to create this type of "go straight to hell" challenge for us? What does that say about God? That he's seriously concerned about your typical gay family passing over to Heaven instead of people murder others or steal or rape or bully or otherwise cause harm to others and the world around them?
Rejoice In this Day God has Given You,
Back at you.

Anyway, I apologize to all of you (including Husband Mark) for allowing his rambling rant to become my own rambling counter-rant. But sometimes you gotta rant!

What do you think of LTL's message? Or my response? Feel free to share your own opinions in the comments section!

My Friend Donny AKA Stuffed Animal Speaks Out on the Trials of Being Homeless

I've shared artwork from cartoonist Donny Hampton Jacobs (AKA Stuffed Animal) off and on over the past year or so. He was a fan of the old LIFE WITH ARCHIE comic book series, as well as my poodle Nero. He began sharing some of his original artwork with me ("Archie 4 Adults") a while ago. Some of it is risque, as well as NSFW. Somehow Nero eventually became incorporated into the adult lives of Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, and Veronica Lodge. It's really out-there material that you should check out.

Donny shared something on his own blog that he'd already privately shared with me. He has been struggling with homelessness for many, many months. He has described shelter conditions to me that would seem cartoonishly villainous and suspect -- except that I've personally spoken with others who have stayed in that very same homeless shelter and who have described the same type of treatment. I won't name the shelter where he's been staying at. Mostly because I don't want him to suffer any form of retribution while he's still staying there. But I really don't know how those people can sleep at night after managing that shelter as they do.

Here is some information from his latest blog post that gives you a hint from what he has been dealing with:
Homelessness is nothing less than a form of torture that society perpetrates on desperately poor people. A homeless person can decide to either to risk arrest and/or physical harm by actually living exposed on the streets; or risk physical harm, theft of personal property, appalling sanitary conditions, sexual exploitation, frequent food poisoning, vermin infestation, labor exploitation and mandatory religious brainwashing in a homeless shelter. Not to mention a near-total lack of sleep . . . if those living conditions don't meet the definition of torture, then nothing should... 
In a nutshell, overcoming homeless status requires skill at climbing out of quicksand pits unassisted! Very few people have that skill, so they need all the help God can give them; nothing attracts the contempt of your fellow human beings like helplessness! Many cities now have programs to assist homeless youth, and that's a good thing; yet many youth advocates could care less about the homeless once they're over a certain age. WTF is up with that?

In Kansas City's main men's shelter, I see mostly older men, some with severe mental illness, several prone to periodic seizures and strokes, and a shocking number on crutches and in wheelchairs.  I've seen old men die in that shelter, alone and forgotten.  Homelessness among the elderly, especially LGBT elderly, is the American health crisis nobody is talking about. Why? Because the only thing society agrees on when the torture is the topic is that children should not have to suffer it. If you're older, somehow it's OK! 
Donny's "Archie 4 Adults" cartoons have been his source of escape from the realities of long-term homelessness. He announced in the blog that he will be relocating to a new community, which will hopefully offer him new opportunities that will assist him with breaking free from his current struggles.

I seriously encourage you to follow through the link and read his entire post. It is so easy for 40- and 50-something men and women to lose their jobs to layoffs or due to their careers being made obsolete. Of course, there is systemic resistance from employers to interviewing, much less hiring, older workers. Give it enough time and it's too easy for older unemployed individuals to shoot through whatever savings they'd managed to accumulate during their younger years and find themselves amongst those struggling to maintain housing. Once you become homeless, the challenge of finding new employment without the benefit of a permanent address? Well, hurdle of finding employment -- especially employment that is enough to support a person and/or their family -- just became close to impossible to overcome.

I've really grown to like and admire Donny over the months and sincerely hope that this current plan comes together.

Archie's Dark Circle Begins in THE BLACK HOOD #1

I finally sat down and read my copy of THE BLACK HOOD #1, the first title in Archie Comics' new Dark Circle line of comic books. These titles are meant to be darker, more complicated versions of the publisher's previous efforts at superheroes. THE BLACK HOOD #1 features the origin story of the third man to assume the Black Hood identity. Based on my first impressions, this promises to be a very good series.

But first...

This blog entry contains spoilers. If you don't want to know what happens in THE BLACK HOOD #1, then stop reading now. You have been warned.

Back to the show...

When I first read this title's description, I understood that Officer Gregory Hettinger was a crooked cop who got shot in the face and is now addicted to pain killers. Not quite. It turns out that he was an apparently decent cop who got shot in the face at a crime scene. He woke with horrific scars across his face and extremely impaired speech. He wallowed in depression, mourning his once-handsome appearance. He struggled with pain from his facial injuries and gradually found himself less responsive to his prescribed pain meds. Which eventually led to him stealing stronger pain meds from criminals on the streets.

So more sympathetic than originally thought.

Oh yeah, he got shot in the face while approaching a fight between the second Black Hood (last seen here and here). And he managed to shoot the second Black Hood right before he collapsed from his injuries. That's right. This Black Hood killed the previous Black Hood on the third page.

Many of those within the Philadelphia Police Department were excited that he took out the Black Hood. Others thought it was terrible. Hettinger ended up with the Black Hood's torn up mark -- and began wearing it around the house while getting high off of his stolen pain meds.

There was one character who didn't seem filled with pity or disgust by Hettinger's scarred appearance. Her name is Jessie Dupree. She is a speech therapist who stepped up to help him regain his speech. She appears to be the one person who genuinely appears proud of the injured cop and concerned for his recovery. Others might give up on him once it gradually becomes clear that he is walking towards the edge -- but not Jessie. She's not going to give up on him.

He begins to skip their speech therapy appointments in order to bask in his addiction, which leads Jessie to seek him out at his home. Fearful that she would find himself with his mask and amidst his pain pills, Hettinger sneaks out of a window -- and comes across a mugging. "What are you -- a cop or a junkie?," Hettinger asks himself before pulling on the black mask.

The first issue ends with him deciding to be something new. He assumes the identity that he snuffed out at the beginning of this comic book. Hettinger becomes the Black Hood.

Like I wrote above, I really liked this story a lot. The story is tough and the artwork is beautifully rendered. I like the hazy lines around each panel. I assume that this is to symbolize his growing addiction.

It's easy to dismiss Gregory Hettinger on paper as a crooked cop with an addiction to pain meds, but the story does a good job of believably explaining how he found himself in that very dark place.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where they take this new series.

"The Bullet's Kiss" is written by Duane Swierczynski, penciled/inked by Michael Gaydos, lettered by Rachel Deering, and colored by Kelly Fitzpatrick.

The Big Apple Takes a Bite Out of Archie in ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #259!

I recently picked up my copy of ARCHIE COMICS DOUBLE DIGEST #259, which features a variety of classic reprints starring Archie Andrews, as well as Little Archie and Wilbur.

It also contains a brand-new lead story featuring Archie, Betty and Veronica as they drive into New York City for a day of shopping, lunch, and a Broadway performance. Determined to save some time, Archie decides to drive the girls into the city and avoid public transportation. That way, they won't have to walk everywhere and they'll save all sorts of money, right?

Archie quickly discovers that New York City isn't known for its available parking spaces! So he ends up spending the day scrounging for parking and avoiding the meter maids while the girls have fun looking for bargains!

What a mess!

By the way, that horse seems to like Archie. Possible new member of the Pet Posse??

"Driving Me Crazy" was written by Alex Simmons, penciled by Dan Parent, inked by Rich Koslowski, lettered by Jack Morelli, and colored by Digikore Studios.

Honey Boo Boo's Mama Junes on NBC's "The Biggest Loser"??

TMZ reports that Mama June Shannon, formerly of TLC's "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," has aspirations to compete on an upcoming season of NBC's "The Biggest Loser." They report that she has hired a celebrity trainer and that she has set a personal weight loss goal of 100 pounds.

Presumably this is related to her recent appearance, along with daughter Alana Thompson, on "The Doctors," where the professionals on that show expressed concerns over her daughter's weight and health. It makes sense that Mama June would begin shaping up alongside Alana.

TMZ also recently reported that Mama June and the family continue to pitch reality TV show concepts over in Los Angeles.

What do you think? Is it over for the family? Too soon to start up a new show? Will a new show rehabilitate the family's image? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

Jon's Blog Returns from Vacation!

Husband Mark, D'Angelo, and I just returned this afternoon. We had traveled this week near Boston to visit Mark's parents and sister.

It turned out to be a fairly quiet spring break week. His father has been struggling with some health ailments and ended up in the hospital just before our visit. So we ended up spending our time surrounded by nurses, as opposed to our original plans.

But we still got to witness Boston's latest snowfall -- which was enough to break all previous records for previous years of snowfall. We got to visit to the ocean. We got to go snowboarding (and by "we," I mean D'). We ate out a lot. We watched a few movies. Basically, we enjoyed time away from home and work.

It's good to be back, but it's always good to connect with extended family members.

Nero and Ms. Lion at Daycare -- Spring Break 2015

We were in Massachusetts this week, which meant that the dogs were shipped off to doggy daycare. Normally Nero loves this, but it looks like it got to be too much of a good thing. Not that there's been trouble. I think he just misses home:

And Ms. Lion never enjoys doggy daycare. I know that she'd rather be home, but that's not always in the cards. But she's home now and that's what counts!:

Pet Avengers Update: RIP Redwing!!

Remember how excited I was last month that the Pet Avengers would be reuniting very soon? It looks like one of the team's charter members won't be making the reunion following events in this week's ALL-NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA #5.

For those who don't know, Steve Rogers (AKA the original Captain America) was de-powered last year and turned into an old man. His sidekick Sam Wilson (FKA the Falcon) ended up assuming Captain America's identity.

For years, Wilson has shared a psychic link with a pet falcon known as Redwing. Redwing joined the Pet Avengers. But now it looks like Redwing is pushing up daisies due to a run-in with the World War II villain Baron Blood.

It's possible that Redwing isn't dead. Maybe Baron Blood just stunned him. It's also possible that Redwing will come back from the dead thanks to Baron Blood's vampiric nature. Which might be interesting since I've never heard of a vampiric bird before.

Regardless, this is a sad week for the Pet Avengers.

RIP Redwing.

Archie Horror Imprint to Launch in May 2015 // SABRINA & AFTERLIFE Finally Returning // Hints of Third Horror Title Announced!

One of the biggest bits of news that came out while I was away on vacation had to do with Archie Comics and their scary comics, specifically AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE and CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA. Both titles have been very, very late. Like, we haven't seen an issue of SABRINA since October 2014 and we haven't seen an issue of AFTERLIFE since December 2014. And we're almost into April 2015.

Archie Comics' Chief Creative Officer and writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa finally addressed the chronic tardiness of these titles and promised that SABRINA #2 will be released on April 15, 2015, and AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #8 will be released on May 6, 2015:
“I could give you a dozen excuses, and none of them are really good. We really really wanted to launch the book at New York Comic-Con because it was close to Halloween. In retrospect, we should’ve delayed the launch to get a few issues in the can,” says Aguirre-Sacasa. “there’s no excuse, and there will never be a delay like there was been between Sabrina 1 and 2. Like, never. We are very, very lucky that we have an incredibly passionate and understanding fan base that is eager for the book.”
We also learned that Archie Comics will be launching a new Archie Horror imprint in May 2015. I think that's their way of telling readers that they haven't given up on their best-selling horror titles, even if they struggle to get new issues out to the readers.

They also announced that they are planning a third title under the Archie Horror imprint, but were skimpy on the details:
As for that mysterious third horror series, the publisher isn’t quite ready to reveal what it is just yet. But Aguirre-Sacasa was able to give us a pretty sizable set of clues.
I can tell you that it will be centered around a major Archie character,” teases Aguirre-Sacasa. “She has appeared in one of our books before. And [the book] will be in a genre we have not explored or even hinted at in Sabrina—in Afterlife, we’ve only hinted at it a tiny, tiny bit. And it will be set in the present.
The running theory is that this will be a new take on Josie & the Pussycats or It's Josie. I've read suggestions that Josie & the Pussycats might make for an interesting werecat/lycanthropy concept, which might be interesting.

I've also had a few online friends suggest that the third title might focus on Cheryl Blossom.

Personally, I think it's more likely that we'll see something patterned after It's Josie or maybe the Pussycats. And it might be fun to adapt their old "Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space" cartoon series into a creepy alien invasion story (shades of the 1980s "War of the Worlds" TV series??).

But I think it's more likely that this new series will be a ghost story/haunted house type of title -- only because of the clue that the genre was hinted at in AFTERLIFE #2 and I've got that image of Mr. Lodge being haunted by the spirit of his dead life stuck in my head.

I'm still holding out hope for a TWO-FISTED TONI TOPAZ: MISTRESS OF THE MACABRE series -- guest-starring the Carneys, of course! But that might be a bit of a long shot...

Bomb Threat Temporarily Closes Iowa River Landing in Coralville, IA

I just learned that a bomb threat was made to the police in nearby Coralville, IA, earlier this morning at around 6:40 AM. This bomb threat lead to the temporarily closing of streets around the Iowa River Landing:
Detective Shane Kron told KCJJ they received a call about 6:40 a.m. from a male who sounded to be in his 20s saying he was at 845 Quarry Road…the home of the KCJJ studios…and that he had planted a bomb there. Kron says the man also stated he was on top of the building and was going to shoot any police officers who arrived on scene.
According to KCJJ, the radio station also received threatening calls early this morning. I was just getting up at the time and didn't have the radio on, so I'm not sure if those threats were made on-air or if they were left on the station's business line.

The area was cleared by police for roughly an hour while they investigated the threat. Coralville Police say that they were unable to trace the calls, but I'm skeptical.

I shall share more once I learn more.
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