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Decorah Eagle Nest Threatened by Freezing Temperatures

Were you one of the hundreds who sat in front of the computer and watched live web stream footage of the eagles nest in Decorah, IA? People have been watching the eagles lay eggs and nurture their eaglets for eight years.

Unfortunately, Decorah has been experiencing uber-frigid temperatures for the past couple months and it's expected the continue for a while. Sub-zero temperatures lead to frozen eagle eggs, which leads to much sadness:
Bob Anderson, director of the Raptor Resource Project, says these frigid temperatures could freeze the egg and kill the embryo...

“That nest is totally frozen from the rain we got last week. It rained and then it froze, so this nest is one giant ice cube, and they did bring in some grass right before they laid their eggs, which was good,” Anderson said.
One eggs was laid by the eagles this past Sunday evening, while two additional eggs are expected to be laid later this week.

Actor Seth Rogen Wants to Smoke Pot With Senator Tom Harkin

(Seth Rogen)
Actor Seth Rogen testified before the Senate Committee on Appropriation yesterday in favor of increased federal funding for Alzheimer's research. Somehow that led to the following question by ABC News reporter Arlette Saenz:
She asked him several questions, including, “Is there one politician you’d want to smoke pot with?

He answered, “That Harkin guy seemed pretty cool. I’d go with him.”
Rogen, of course, is talking about Iowa U.S. Senator Tom Harkin. Harkin's staff had a great response when asked about Rogen's desire to share a joint:
Harkin Spokeswoman Kate Frischmann followed up on the Register’s request with a coy, “Ask us again in January, 2015.”
Senator Harkin is not running for re-election this year.

Archie Comics Introducing "After the Credits" Variant Covers/Ending in "Sonic" and "Mega Man" Titles

This is interesting. You only have to be a passive comic book reader to know about variant covers. A publisher puts out one of its regular books and commissions special variant covers in addition to covers by the books' normal artist. Archie Comics was really big into variant covers throughout 2013. Heck, a variant cover inspired their latest hit comic book, AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE!

This May, Archie Comics is going to step up their approach to variant covers with its "Archie Action Line" (i.e., SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, SONIC UNIVERSE, and MEGA MAN). It's introducing a new concept called "After the Credits," which appears to be an attempt at variant endings in its books!:
From Archie Executive Director of Editorial Paul Kaminski:
“It’s become a staple for superhero films over the last decade – waiting until the credits finish rolling for that one, last awesome easter egg that can change your entire perception of the story – or tease what’s next. Archie’s ‘After the Credits Month’ takes what you love about those movies and brings them back to comics. The initiative spans the entire Archie Action Line in May, including SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, SONIC UNIVERSE and MEGA MAN, with fans getting scenes at the very end of each issue – after the credits, natch – that tease all of the spoilerific details of what’s coming up. The best part? Both the regular and variant editions of each comic will feature DIFFERENT ‘After the Credits’ scenes! So bust out the popcorn, visit your local comic shop and prepare for your jaws to drop!”
The specific issues getting the “after the credits” treatment include Sonic Universe #62, Sonic The Hedgehog #259 and Mega Man #36. All three issues are written by Ian Flynn, with Sonic Universe featuring the art of Tracey Yardley, Rafa Knight, Jamal Peppers and Jim Amash. Sonic #259 includes art by Yardley, Knight and Evan Stanley. Mega Man will have art by POWREE, Gary Martin, John Workman and Matt.
Both versions of each comic book -- both the regular issues as well as their variant copies (complete with both variant covers and variant endings!!) -- will be available at comic book shops and digitally.

It's an interesting concept. I'm curious how well it will work out. If it goes well, I wouldn't be surprised if other Archie Comics titles also get the "After the Credits" treatment!

Gay Marriage in the USA -- 03/01/14

I saw this image today (created on 02/27/14, but nothing's changed over the past couple days!). It's amazing how much the USA changes from month to month (and sometimes from day to day!).

Check this out:


Nearly Five Years of Gay Marriage in Iowa and the GOP Still Wants to Annul Us!

On April 3rd, it will be the fifth anniversary since the Iowa Supreme Court ruled on the Varnum v. Brien case and unanimously struck down the state's DOMA law. On April 27th, it will be the fifth anniversary since same-sex couples finally began legally marrying each other in Iowa.

The Quad City Times published a story today detailing how many same sex couples have married in this state since 2009. It's possible that some of these numbers are actually higher, since one is not required to record their gender on marriage license applications:
2012 – 1,247 marriages
2011 – 1,302 marriages
2010 – 1,594 marriages
2009 – 1,783 marriages
Nearly 6,000 same-sex couples have legally married in this state over the past five. Many are homegrown. Many others come from other states.

Iowans were warned about pastors being jailed and churches being shuttered over opposition to gay marriage. We were warned that kindergartners were going to be educated about gay sex acts. We were told that the state would suffer if same-sex marriage was allowed to happen. And then we were warned that the stage would suffer if same-sex marriage was allowed to continue.

But things have been okay. Pastors continue to avoid jail despite public opposition to homosexuality and gay families. Churches routinely avoid hosting any wedding that they don't want to host. Heterosexuals continue to get married to each other and their kids are doing fine. The only difference now is that gay and lesbian families are now protected by the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of marriage.

Sadly, there is one additional thing that hasn't changed over the past five years. The Republicans and Iowa's culture war social conservative leaders are still fighting to eliminate same-sex marriage in Iowa:
“As you know, battles like this ebb and flow,” said Chuck Hurley, president of the Iowa Family Policy Center... The group is part of the Family Leader organization, which led recall efforts to remove Iowa Supreme Court judges in 2010 and 2012. They were successful the first year, but not two years latter... He said the pendulum will swing back in favor of traditional marriage, permanently. “We have thousands of years of tradition and teaching over all the major faiths,” he said...

At 8:20 a.m. on Feb. 4, state Rep. Dwayne Alons, R-Hull, sent an e-mail to his fellow Republicans. “I have another version of the marriage amendment that adds the word ‘natural’ before ‘man’ and ‘woman.’ This is for your consideration to support traditional marriage, which is in our platform and keep it before the people in this election year,” his email began. It ended with a note that the legislation was on his desk if anyone wanted to sign. “I think I finally had 13 or 14,” Alons said last week.

He admitted it’s a different feeling now from 2011 when the House held open hearings on a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and all of the then-60 GOP members signed the legislation.
Social conservatives argue that gays and lesbians are trying to destroy the institution of marriage based on the fact that we are trying to get married. So their solution is to destroy the institution of marriage -- at least the marriages of same-sex couples like myself and my husband. It's a frustrating disconnect.

But it's also an exciting milestone! One I'm sure we will see much celebration soon!

Video Surfaces of Fight at Cedar Rapids Food Court

Online video surfaced today of a huge fight that occurred at Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids, IA, a couple weekends ago. Police were called to the mall's food court on Saturday, February 15, 2014, but everyone involved had already skedaddled. And then somebody posted the video online.

Now Cedar Rapids Police are reviewing footage of the fight to determine the identities of those involved and eventually to press charges. The 90 second video shows people slugging and screaming. Several people were smashed with chairs. It was pretty wild. Check this out:

Nero at Daycare -- 03/04/14

Nero and his four-legged friends were having a blast earlier today romping around in the snow outside his doggy daycare. I was a little worried about the following pic of Nero. It looked like from my initial glance that he was missing an eye! Fortunately, his one ear was just plastered over his face!

Check this out:

UCC's Central Atlantic Conference Leadership Proposes Boycott of the Washington Redskins over Mascot Name

The United Church of Christ has gotten involved with mascot battles in the past (chiefly over a protest of the racist Chief Wahoo mascot of the Cleveland Indians). Earlier this week, the UCC's Central Atlantic Conference board of directors decided to jump into the mascot war. Their target this time is the Washington Redskins:
In a meeting Saturday in Catonsville, the 25-member board of directors of the Central Atlantic Conference of the UCC unanimously passed the boycott resolution, pointedly avoiding use of the word Redskins. The board, mostly laypeople, proposed that the 22,000 members of the liberal denomination “join a boycott of games played by the Washington National League Football team and not wear, display or purchase any items with the Washington National League Football team logo until the name changes.

The 180 congregations in the conference, which stretches from Richmond to New Jersey, were asked to debate the resolution before a vote on whether to adopt it at the conference’s annual meeting in mid-June. The conference also asked the church’s national governing body to consider passing a similar boycott resolution.

“If you look at the dictionary definition of the present team name, it’s a derogatory term,” said the Rev. John R. Deckenback, the minister who leads the conference. “We’d like the name of the team to be changed.”

Team spokesman Tony Wyllie offered a response, saying, “We respect those who disagree with our team’s name, but we wish the United Church of Christ would listen to the voice of the overwhelming majority of Americans, including Native Americans, who support our name and understand it honors the heritage and tradition of the Native American community.”
Assuming that this conference resolution passes, it only affects the UCC staff and resources within that specific conference. It would not affect my own conference (the Iowa Conference), nor would it directly involve national UCC staff or resources. However, it might (and probably will if passed in June) lead to a denomination-wide resolution against using the mascot name "Redskins" at our next General Synod.

Nero at Daycare -- 03/06/14

Nero has not been feeling good today. Apparently, he had some... tummy troubles while at doggy daycare. Once he got that initial blech out of his system, he decided to make the most of his play time. Check this out:

Jonniemae Trouten & Nero Perform with the Archies!

The bad weather has messed up the local comic book shipments, so no new comic books for Jon! But I did get a new delivery of "Archie" artwork from my friend and frequent commenter "Stuffed Animal". He had to press pause on his artwork for a few months, but is now back again -- which is great because I'm a huge fan!

Several months ago, something inside his mind decided to go where none had gone before. I was recreated as Jonniemae Trouten (here). Stuffed Animal has always been a huge fan of Nero and the Archies, but this was the first and only time that I (either as myself or as Jonniemae) had ever appeared in his artwork...

... until today.

So sit back and enjoy Stuffed Animal's artistic rendering of the Archies, featuring Ralf Chingas, Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Jonniemae Trouten, and Nero!:

Thanks Stuffed Animal!

New Des Moines Register Iowa Poll: 62% Favor or Don't Care About Gay Marriage

As we race towards the fifth anniversary of marriage equality in Iowa, The Des Moines Register commissioned a new Iowa Poll to gather opinions on the topic. The 2014 Iowa Poll found that 36% of Iowans don't care and/or aren't affected by same-sex marriage. The Iowa Poll found that 28% of Iowans are proud that Iowa allows gay marriage. And the Iowa Poll found that 34% of Iowans are disappointed that same-sex couples can get legally married in this state. In other words, 62% of Iowans are proud about or don't care about gay marriage in Iowa.

You can take that a few different ways. One could argue that a good chunk of Iowa (that 36% who say that it doesn't matter) has accepted same-sex marriage and really don't want to fight the battle to eliminate it. On the other hand, one could argue that this group could be swayed towards voting against it with enough pressure and misinformation from anti-gay culture warriors.

LIFE WITH ARCHIE #34: Idiots, Stalkers, and Private Eyes!

I'm behind on my comic book reading due to a combination of work and family distractions. I finally read my copy of LIFE WITH ARCHIE #34. This is a magazine-style comic book featuring the adult adventures of Archie and the Riverdale Gang. The first half of the book -- written by Paul Kupperberg and penciled by Fernando Ruiz -- imagines how life might have turned out if Archie married Veronica. The second half of the book -- also written by Paul Kupperberg, but penciled by Pat & Tim Kennedy -- imagines how life might have turned out if Archie married Betty.

Here is my biggest complaint about the book. There was a lot of time between issues 33 and 34. This has been a recurrent problem recently with Archie Comics -- which gets frustrating when I'm looking forward to the next issue of a serialized storyline. Additionally, there was one major bit of resolution over in the Betty side of the book, but otherwise it feels like we're circling the wagons a bit when it comes to the various story lines. Sam Hill is still gathering information to assist with Veronica's trial. Clay is still struggling to fit into Riverdale and is still being stalked by the mysterious Wendell. Betty and Reggie are still doing their reality TV show. Betty and Archie are still floundering with their marriage. Midge is still pregnant.

Don't get me wrong. It's great that Archie (in the Veronica world) seems to be on the verge of new employment. I'm also looking forward to more courtroom bombshells in issue #37 (hopefully). I'm glad that Betty (in the Betty world) has finally gotten a clue and realized that she's alienating her husband and her friends. And I'm really glad that Midge is finally ready to give birth!

But I really want to figure out who that Wendell guy is -- or at least get some firm ideas about where this is heading. Right now, we know that he's going by an assumed name and he's fixated on Clay. I'm assuming he's the guy who shot Clay several issues back, but I'm not completely sure about that. But even if he's the guy who shot Clay, why does he keep flitting in and out of Clay's life? And why doesn't he like having his picture taken? Hopefully we'll learn more in an issue or two.

I also find myself wishing to see more action by Sam Hill, Veronica's private detective. I've read several of Sam's old 1950s comic book stories. He was definitely an action detective. My understanding is that Kuppergerg needed a private investigator for this "Veronica on trial" storyline and that it occurred to him to pluck Sam Hill out of Archie Comics' archives. It's a great idea and one that I appreciate. I just yearn for the action investigator that I've enjoyed reading in his old stories. Heck, even Sam Hill himself misses his old action adventures. Maybe next issue?

Don't get me wrong. There is plenty to enjoy in this issue. The new manager at the Chowhouse II seems sufficiently skeevy. I'm really looking forward to how that story unfolds.

I'm also really excited to read more about Archie's recent fling with Bella Beazley. He turned to Bella after months of inattention by his wife. What will happen now that Betty is starting to pay attention again??

And while I'm thinking about it, can I spend some time singing the praises of Pat & Tim Kennedy? I have always been a huge fan of Fernando Ruiz's artwork, but it took me a while to warm up to the Kennedys' pencils. The characters just looks off to me. Now I can't get enough of them!!

Lastly, my online friend Kinsley lucked out and became the winner of an "Archie: Riverdale Rescue" contest. He designed a pretty cool version of Riverdale on his game and became the first "Riverdale Rescue" fan to find himself "Archified" in the comic books. There was an initial draft of his image in the advertisements, but the final version of Kingsley by Fernando Ruiz is really well done!

Congrats, Kingsley! I'm officially jealous!!

"Archie: Riverdale Rescue": Spring!

I began writing about the "Archie: Riverdale Rescue" iOS gaming app back in October 2013. Since then, the game has expanded to PC users. It's an oddly addictive game where you are tasked with the improvement and beautification of Riverdale USA using a variety of recognizable characters, such as Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica. A big part of the game also involves building emotional bonds between the various characters, leading to romantic couples, BFFs, and overall friends. I thought it would be fun to discuss aspects of the game that I find exciting, disappointing, and/or note-worthy.

I am still out of new Quests, but there was one development with the game earlier this week. A new upgrade was initiated and now Spring has come to Riverdale USA!

In other words, this...

... has transformed into this!:

Not only that, but Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, and Reggie decided to invest in some new springtime clothes:

Spring Fashions: Archie // Jughead // Reggie
Spring Fashions: Veronica // Betty
Sadly for me, there were no new spring-themed Quests. But I still get to play around with the characters, accumulate wealth, and (eventually) redesign my own private Riverdale, which is fun in its own right!

Should Iowa City // Johnson County, IA, Issue Community IDs?

A group from the Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa spoke yesterday at Faith UCC in Iowa City to educate us and seek support for a proposed community identification card program.

A community ID is essentially what it sound like. It is a picture ID card issued by the local or county government that would be available for all residents and that would be recognized by local police departments, public agencies, and businesses. This would be available to anyone: immigrants, citizens, senior citizens who cannot drive any longer, etc.

They are pushing for community IDs because there is a large number of local residents who do not have photo IDs at this time -- at least, they do not have photo IDs that are recognized by government or commercial agencies. As a result, they are more likely to have interactions with the police escalate due to an inability to prove who they are. They are less likely to be able to open bank accounts due to not having a recognizable form of picture ID. They are less likely to be able to find benefit from support services following a natural disaster without a form of recognizable picture ID. In general, it is more difficult for them as access basic services without an ID.

The community ID cards would not be recognized by outside municipalities. This would be strictly a local ID card. It could not be used for proof of ID when it came to registering to vote or for boarding an airplane.

My initial thought was to wonder why these folks don't just get a photo ID card from the Department of Transportation. After all, most of the items needs to obtain a community ID are the same sorts of things that you need to get an ID card from the DOT. It was explained that the DOT is very strict about the condition of the documents that people bring in to show proof of identity. For example, they noted that a birth certificate will be rejected if it's not in good condition (i.e., not rips or missing corners).

If/when this gets approved by local governments, it would cost $5-10 to have a community ID issued. It was noted that it would probably be more effective to have Johnson County issue the community IDs instead of Iowa City. That way, the community ID cards would be recognized by all of the surrounding communities.

The Center for Worker Justice representatives were urging everyone (whether or not we have driver's licenses) to sign up for a community ID. The idea is that they will be more widely accepted if everyone (or a significant chunk of everyone) gets one. I didn't sign the pledge, but roughly 450 others have over the past three weeks.

I'm still not sure how I feel about community IDs, but I'm interested in learning more. I will follow up on this topic as it advances.

Guilty Plea for Man Who Drove Into Coralville Scheels // UPDATED: Joseph Moreno Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison

(Originally written on 11/01/13): Late last year, local citizens woke to news of the evacuation of nearby Coralridge Mall following a possible drive-through robbery. It quickly became clear that this was a drunk-driving incident run amok. The driver initially shot up his apartment and then drove through the entrance to the Coralville Scheels store. He then tested several of the weapons in the store before passing out.

23-year-old Joseph Moreno initially pleaded not-guilty to multiple charges. The Daily Iowan now reports that Moreno just pleaded guilty to all charges:
According to an Iowa City police press release, Joseph Moreno had allegedly discharged a handgun in his apartment several times in front of his roommates before the break-in at Scheel’s. All roommates were found unharmed. The 23-year-old was charged with first-degree burglary, reckless use of a firearm with property damage, carrying weapons, OWI, and first-degree criminal mischief.
Moreno faces a sentencing hearing on January 1, 2014.

Updated on 03/10/14: Joseph Moreno finally attended his sentencing hearing and has been sentenced to 17 years in prison:
Sixth District Judge Marsha Bergan sentenced 24-year-old Joseph Moreno Monday to 10 years for first-degree criminal mischief, five years for intimidation with a dangerous weapon, two years for reckless use of a firearm and an additional two days for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. “My hope is that I will not see you again and this is the wake-up call,” Bergan said to Moreno after the sentence. “And it’s a pretty severe one.”
Moreno will not be eligible for parole until after he serves as least half of his sentence.

"Afterlife With Archie #4": (Live, Archiemaster)

I've got a theory that I want to put out there about after reading AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #4 -- written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and penciled by Francesco Francavilla. This is the comic book series that tells the story of the end of the world starting in Riverdale USA. Here's the background: Reggie secretly killed Hot Dog with his car. A distraught Jughead sought the misguided help of the teenage witch Sabrina. Hot Dog came back from the dead and bit Jughead. Jughead dies within hours from that bites and is resurrected as a cannibalizing zombie. Jughead attacks a school dance and turns most of the teachers and kids into rampaging zombies, who in turn attack their friends and family. It's not looking good for the nicest town in America!

The surviving members of the Riverdale Gang taking refuge at Lodge Mansion. That didn't protect all of them from the plague, but it did offer them a bit of respite. Meanwhile, Archie snuck out of the building to make sure his parents were safe. That's when he was confronted at the end of last issue by the zombified Hot Dog!

AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #4 features the return of Archie's new dog Vegas. This character was introduced a few months ago in ARCHIE DOUBLE DIGEST #244 (read about it here). The relationship between Archie and Vegas was retconned quite a bit for the purpose of this story -- but only for the better. That two-page spread featuring Archie, Vegas, and Zombie Hot Dog was one of the more heart-wrenching scenes that I've read in a comic book in a very long time. Very sad...

The rest of the story features Archie's mission to save his parents. Sadly, he was too late to save at least one of them...

There was one interesting interlude within this comic book featuring the Blossom twin. I had noted earlier this there seemed to be a strange twincest vibe going on with these two. Seems like I was right. Who would've thought that Archie Comics would feature one of the only (if not the only) incestuous relationships in modern comics?

Since the beginning of this series, I've been running an ongoing tally of fatalities within this series (here, here, and here). AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE #4 reveals the deaths of Fred Andrews and Vegas.

But back to my theory... The general opinion out there is that Jughead has become a "king of the dead" character. After all, he was the first of the infected. He has spawned the apocalypse. He runs around with a crown and his (sort of) girlfriend was wearing a princess costume when she was killed by him. And everyone seems to circle around him.

Except that I don't think this is true.

Jughead wasn't the first of the infected and he didn't spawn the apocalypse. And I'm not sure that it's Jughead that the zombies are flocking around. Have you noticed that all of the zombies make a strange gurgling noise? Almost like a growl... Plus, check out this scene featuring a very buff Zombie Fred Andrews. He's tracking his prey through his sense of smell:

Not to mention the feral nature of these zombies. Mark my word: Zombie Hot Dog is the King of the Dead!

You heard it here first!

Updated Obama Stats

This has been circulating on Facebook amongst several of my friends. I thought it worth sharing here:

Riot Near Fairfield, IA, Following Removal from Pandit from Maharishi Vedic University

(Pandit Campus)
If you travel to Jefferson County, IA, you will discover a small community called Maharishi Vedic City. The city became incorporated in 2001. The community's stated goals are "protect, nourish, and satisfy everyone, upholding the different social, cultural, and religious traditions while maintaining the integrity and progress of the city as a whole." The community is known for its unique architecture and belief system. They're big into organic farming and they have their own unique currency -- though you can still use dollars and credit cards when visiting the community. But the community is probably best known for its Maharishi Vedic University, which promotes consciousness-based education that includes the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. The community boasts a population of just over 250 residents. However, that number does not include the roughly 1,000 pandits from India who live on campus on the edge of the community.

Maharishi Vedic City is in the news following a riot last night on the campus of Maharishi Vedic University. I have read several news stories about the riot, but there are still big question marks all over this story. This is what I know:

Jefferson County sheriff's deputies were called to the campus yesterday to remover one of the pandits from the campus. Reportedly, there were unspecified disciplinary issues surrounding this pandit. Before he could be removed from campus, approximately 60-70 other pandits became angered and began throwing rocks at campus security and sheriff deputies. The one pandit was removed from campus by the sheriff's deputies. However, the other pandits continued to riot, knocking down a gate and then blocking one of the streets.

Law enforcement tried redirecting the pandits back onto campus unsuccessfully. That prompted the pandits to surround the patrol vehicles and begin throwing rocks again at law enforcement officials. They also rocked the vehicle, kicked out the lights, and tried breaking the mirrors.

This behavior continued and eventually the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office was aided by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Reserve, the Fairfield Police Department, the Iowa State Patrol, the Iowa Department of Transportation, the Iowa DNR, the Wapello County Sheriff's Office, and the Fairfield Fire Department.

The rioters were eventually returned to campus. No arrests are pending due to an inability to identify anyone who specifically threw any of the rocks.

I want to know what this pandit was doing that got him booted from campus. He was obviously significant enough that a sizable portion of the campus population rose up in outcry following his removal.

I will post more as I learn more.

ARCHIE #653: Archie's Rockin' World Tour Concludes in Canada!

Archie's Rockin' World Tour made its final performance in ARCHIE #653. It's been a crazy four-part worldwide musical journey (previously covered here, here, and here) featuring the Archies, Josie & the Pussycats, the Bingos, the Madhouse Glads, the Bettys, Brigitte Reilly (now known as "Brigitte"!), Katy Keene, Cheryl Blossom & Alexandra Cabot, Raj Patel, and Marcy Lodge. It's been an amazing journey from Riverdale to India to China to Australia to Canada and circling back home!

My biggest regret is that Reggie barely had any lines! But here were some of the highlights:

This was a great ensemble effort. I mean, look at that list of characters above. Not only did we get to revisit old Archie Comics favorites like Katy Keene, the Bingos, the Pussycats, and the Glads, but we got appearances by Sabrina and Midge and Two-Fisted Toni Topaz and Trev. Brigitte surprised us with news of her musical success last issue. Even Kevin Keller made an appearance at the tail end of this book!

As hinted above, there were several main characters who didn't get much page-time, but those who did really got a chance to shine. And frankly, when was the last time that the Bingos and the Glads got any shine-time?

I wrote about this before, but there were two developments that I really dug that sprung from this storyline. I absolutely *LOVE* the Bettys!!! When do we get to see this band again in action -- possibly with Trev as their tour manager -- because I will definitely buy that comic book!

The other exciting new development for me? It's the creation of the Archie-->Valerie-->Amisha love triangle! I feared that this was a dropped concept last issue when Amisha disappeared from the storyline, seemingly to head back to India. But there was a great epilogue in ARCHIE #653, which brings Amisha Mehta permanently to Riverdale High! Archie had a hard time resisting his new Indian friend when Valerie was glowering at him from behind his shoulder. How's he gonna handle things when Valerie leaves Riverdale for her ongoing musical tours with the Pussycats?

"Archie's Rockin' World Tour" wrapped up on a high note, with promises for new excitement in the future. Which is all you can ask for in a comic book storyline!

"Close to the Borderline" is written and pencilled by Dan Parent and inked by Rich Koslowski.

Iowa City Struggles to Meet Storage Needs of Local Homeless Population

Last fall, the Iowa City City Council approved new regulation that were supposed to curb panhandling. The city was getting a lot of complaints about aggressive panhandling on the Iowa City Ped Mall last spring and summer. There was increased frequency of fighting and signs of overt drug use by local transients. Additionally, some guys were hanging out on the Ped Mall all day with shopping carts and electronics, which impeded the flow of foot traffic.

The City Council finally passed an ordinance last September, which banned the following behaviors:
* People will be banned from sleeping on planters or benches. Additionally, people will be banned from lying down on benches except for between 10:00 PM -- 5:00 AM.

* People will be banned from storing large items, such as shopping carts, on the Ped Mall for more than two hours. There will be an exception made for strollers, walkers, and other items needed for special events (such as the Friday Night Concerts).

* People will be banned from plugging electrical items, such as radios and televisions, into public outlets unless they have special permission from Iowa City.

* People will be banned from panhandling near parking meters and at all of the street entrances to the Ped Mall...

People caught violating this revised ordinance will have to pay a $65 fine, though they may be allowed to perform acts of community service if they cannot afford the fine.
However, this new ordinance created a problem for those in Iowa City who are homeless and who don't have anywhere to store their stuff during the daytime. Most of the time, they cannot keep their belongings at the Shelter House. There is really nowhere else that they can store their stuff.

So the Iowa City City Council asked city staff to explore storage options for people and families who lack permanent housing. City staff reached out to 36 different faith-based and nonprofit organizations in January to see if they could develop some sort of storage program for the community's homeless population. The city was even willing to help out financially.

Only one of those organizations -- Trinity Episcopal Church -- expressed any interest for this idea. However, they were unable to come up with enough space to securely contain and protect stored items. The city also looked at installing large lockers in one of the downtown parking ramps, but also decided that they didn't have the staff to oversee this project.

So the idea has been scrapped -- for now.
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