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Nero at the Hospital -- 07/24/13

Shortly after posting my previous blog article, I took Nero out for his evening walk. We were crossing at the intersection back home when a car made a right turn directly at us. He was at a stop light and paying attention to the traffic to his left instead of focusing on the pedestrians to his immediate right who were crossing with the "walk" light. Anyway, I barely missed getting hit. Nero wasn't so lucky.

Nero was fortunate (outside of the obvious). He didn't get run over. He just got sideswiped by the car. He had no broken bones. His back legs just got all torn up.

I rushed him to the emergency animal hospital. They cleaned out his injuries and gave us instructions for his aftercare. He's sore, but doing okay. He can walk. It's difficult for him to stand up right now. It's also hard to walk up the stairs. I'll probably need to get one of those neck-cones to stop him from licking at his sores. I'll need to have him checked out again today, but I'm hoping to see our regular vet for that.

So, no more daycare for at least a couple weeks. No more dog park. But lots of rest and gratitude that it didn't turn out worse for either of us.

"Young Avengers #8": Gay Love Triangle

I've written a handful of times about one of my favorite comics coming out of Marvel Comics these days: YOUNG AVENGERS! (here, here, and here) Back in early 2012, I noted that Marvel was hinting at the gay wedding of its top gay teens, Hulkling and Wiccan. One of the underlying sources of dramatic tension within the new YOUNG AVENGERS book centers around Hulkling's worrisome fear that Wiccan is subconsciously using magic to trick them into loving each other. It's one of those thoughts that Loki snuck into Hulkling's head and now it won't go away.

During the last couple issues, the Young Avengers and their new teammate Prodigy have been dimension-hopping in search of Wiccan's missing brother and a phantom thief who looks like one of the former Young Avengers. An unexpected hiccup at the end of YOUNG AVENGERS #8 left Hulkling and Prodigy stranded alone in a hostile dimension where the unexpected happened:

This is a shocking development! I never knew that Prodigy was gay or bi or ever sexually interested in guys. But I guess he has a thing for hulkish green brutes. I can see the allure!

Maybe this is true love. Maybe it's temporary lust. Maybe it's the result of mind-altering magic coming out of Wiccan or the evil Mother. Either way, this was a truly unexpected ending to an energetic issue! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Green Party Annual National Convention Held in Iowa City this Past Weekend

The Green Party held its annual national convention here in Iowa City this past weekend. Among those at the event included the 2012 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. There were local and statewide Democratic leaders scheduled to appear at this weekend's convention also, including Representative Mary Mascher and Senator Rob Hogg who were hosting a seminar on environmental policy.

The Green Party's message to progressives? Leave the Democratic Party and join a real progressive party:
The Green Party started as a collection of state organizations in the mid-1980s, aiming to promote progressive positions, especially on the environment, labor and foreign policy. The party got a boon in 2000 when candidate Ralph Nader earned almost 3 percent nationally in the presidential election, but the party hasn’t posted such high numbers in a national election since.

Still, Green Party organizers predict more voters will grow too frustrated with both major parties in coming years.

“As we know from the major dominant parties that are running the country, there’s very little difference between the politics of what one hand is doing and what another hand is doing,” said Darryl Moch, national co-chair of the Green Party. “What we’ve found, is all the people between those two hands are struggling and they’re suffering.”

The party’s name reflects its emphasis on environmental issues, but the Green Party has a broad platform on a slew of political and social issues. For instance, the party opposes the United States’ global military reach, supports broader rights for women and minorities, and pushes for harsher punishments against financial sector workers mixed up in potentially dangerous trading. 
The party also uses its network to advocate on local issues — even things like agricultural zoning changes.
I'm actually quite supportive to the Green Party and it's policy statements. I just don't know how to make the leap from the established party that actually has the power in this state to protect families like mine. Suggestions?

"It's Archie" Cartoon Being Produced!

Last October, Archie Comics announced at the New York Comic Con that they were working on a new cartoon series featuring Little Archie. Earlier today, Archie Comics and Moonscoop LLC officially announced this new animation project: "It's Archie:"
It’s Archie features Archie and pals as 12-year olds at Riverdale Junior High. Like most tweens, the group struggles with everyday issues like peer pressure, boy vs. girl competition, pie eating contests, chores and homework. However in this world they encounter loopy capers involving mad scientists, aliens in the janitor’s closet, pirates, lake monsters and more.
There has been a lot of discussion over on the Archie Comics Fan Forum about the artwork and the young ages of the characters. Personally, I'm glad to see the product out there for new viewers to enjoy.

No clue when It's Archie will air, though it's apparently debuting at Cannes this fall.

Man Eggs UCC Church Over Gay Marriage

I wrote earlier this month about Pilgrims United Church of Christ in Maple Grove, MN. The church has been repeatedly vandalized throughout the summer because of its gay-affirming beliefs. The local police installed cameras around the church in anticipation of the date when same-sex couples will begin legally marrying in that state. Those cameras caught this man egging Pilgrims UCC from his wheelchair. Now he is facing criminal charges. It is unclear if he is the one responsible for the earlier acts of vandalism at the church. Check out this screen shot of him tossing an egg at the church!:

This latest act of vandalism took place this past Sunday morning. The police had responded to new reports of eggs thrown at the church's front door and additional bits of written graffiti against homosexuality on the church building's siding.

What the following news footage for images of the suspect tossing eggs at the church. He's in a wheelchair, though police noted that he might be in the wheelchair in order to disguise his true identity and abilities:

"Life With Archie" #31: Gun Control and Relationship Woes!

I just finished reading LIFE WITH ARCHIE. It's a split title. Each half explores how life might have turned out differently had he married Veronica or had he married Betty. It's fairly unique for an Archie Comics book. It's magazine formatted. It's serialized. The main characters are in their mid-twenties. And while there is humor, there are also difficulties: marital strife, cancer, death, politics, etc.

I thought I should check in with my favorite Archie Comics title and share some of the aspects of issue 31 that interested me most:

* Senator Kevin Keller: Several issues ago, Dr. Clay Walker (Kevin Keller's husband) got shot while jogging. It was some stupid random shooting. He survived, but has spent the subsequent issues healing himself. Meanwhile, Kevin decided to do something about out-of-control societal gun violence and ran for Congress. And he won!

Now he's leaving for Washington DC and Clay is returning to work at the local medical clinic. This is one of his first patients upon returning to work:

This guy Ruben showed up at the clinic to check out Clay and obviously took off within seconds. Kind of creepy. What's more creepy is this scene from last issue:

It appears that Ruben is the shadowy gun-wielder from LIFE WITH ARCHIE #30. But who's he gunning for? Kevin or anyone connected to Kevin? Does it have to do with Kevin's gun control policies or is Ruben connected to the recent mass shooting at Riverdale's mall?

* Gun Control Discussions: Skipping over to the "Archie Marries Betty" universe, we are treated to ongoing discussions about the politics of gun ownership, gun control, and responsible back-ground checks. Everyone is talking about it. There's Archie, Jughead, and Ambrose:

And there's Kevin and Reggie:

Kevin and Reggie actually delve into Kevin's thoughts on responsible gun ownership and public policy quite a lot in this issue. Who knew that we'd hear some much about the politics of gun violence in an Archie Comics comic book?

* Jellybean: LIFE WITH ARCHIE #31 wasn't all about gun politics. Last issue, Jellybean learned that her boyfriend Davey was burglarizing all of the local businesses and had saved Jughead's diner for last. And he tried recruiting Jellybean for this final task. She ratted him out to the police and Davey found himself arrested. Now she's being cheered on by the adults in her life while feeling really rotted about having to betray the man she loves:

It's interesting that Jellybean ends up confiding to Midge. Let's face it. Jellybean was in an emotionally abusive -- at least exploitative -- relationship with Davey. After years of dating Moose Mason, Midge knows all about controlling and emotionally manipulative boyfriends!

I really like LIFE WITH ARCHIE's Jellybean. If Archie Comics ever did a LWA spin-off comic book, they'd be crazy to ignore Jellybean's potential.

* Betty and Archie on the rocks?: Lastly, things aren't looking too good these days for Archie and Betty. Betty is drowning herself in work and Archie's growing increasingly dissatisfied. The sad part is that Betty is completely oblivious to this problem.

Archie spends the entire "Archie Marries Betty" storyline moping around and feeling sorry for himself. He ends up going by himself to a movie: "Mighty Crusaders"! These guys look familiar!:

More seriously, we are reintroduced in this issue to the vampish Bella Beazley. She unsuccessfully tried seducing Archie a year or so ago. She wasn't very successful, but that was before Archie began feeling neglected by his wife. Now she's focused her attention on him and he's a bit more receptive to her attentions these days! By the way, check out that wedding ring!:

I'm curious if Archie and Betty will get their marriage back on-track soon. Archie and Veronica nearly saw their own marriage destroyed a while back and they managed to salvage things. But there wasn't any adultery at that time. I'm not saying that Archie will actually cheat on Betty, but he seems much more ambivalent about the state of his relationship with Betty right now than he did back when Veronica left him in 2011!

She Really Likes Rhubarb! (NSFW)

This great video is circulating the interwebs today. Here is the summary:
After a rash of rhubarb burglaries in a nondescript Iowa town, local residents set out to uncover the culprit — only to discover that the person behind the leafy larceny is exactly the kind of person you'd expect would steal someone else's hard-grown rhubarb.
What follows is four minutes of non-stop swearing and craziness.

Check this out:

I have no idea where in Iowa this took place -- but I really, really want to know!

Man Confesses to Vandalizing Gay-Friendly UCC Church

Earlier this summer, Pilgrims United Church of Christ of Maple Grove, MN, reported several incidents of vandalism due to its public affirmation of gay people and its support for same-sex marriage. Earlier this week, the Maple Grove Police Department released new video footage of a man egging and spray-painting the church.

Now Maple Grove Patch reports today that a culprit has been identified. Not only that, but he has publicly confessed!:
Maple Grove police tracked down Lonny Roseland at his home less than a mile from Pilgrims United Church of Christ, Fox 9 reported Wednesday, and they have turned his case over to prosecutors with gross misdemeanor charges for a bias-motivated property crime.

In an interview with the station, Roseland said he would like to be known as the "Right-wing Early-bird Vandal" and expressed views in line with the anti-gay messages he wrote on the side of the church in four separate incidents in recent months
City Pages shares:
Roseland admits he's the man caught on camera Sunday morning, and told Fox the "main reason" he keeps vandalizing the church is because "I am definitely against gay marriage, of course. Although, I know I can't change it."

"Show me in the Bible where gay persons can get married in the eyes of Yahweh," Roseland said. "If they were atheists, I would not have had a problem with them -- but they call themselves the United Church of Christ. They consider themselves a religious organization."

Roseland says he has no plans to vandalize the church again.
So it's okay to vandalize a church whose views you disagree with. That's what we call "religious liberty," I guess.

By the way, you can check out a bunch of Roseland's Facebook statuses here. I've included a couple of my favorites immediately below:

Archie 1's Untold Origin in "Archie" #646?

ARCHIE #646 was released this week. The solicitations indicated that the comic book would feature a space-based storyline on the planet Mars. I was hoping that we would get to see Archie & the Gang interacting with Cosmo the Merry Martian, but that didn't happen. Instead, we were treated to another unexpected character from Archie Comics' past: Archie 1!

One of the favorite concepts from Archie Comics' past is Archie 1. It's a pretty simple concept: Archie and the Gang are re-cast as cavemen. They run around in animal skins and learn about new concepts such as the wheel and jump-roping, but with a primitive flair!

Reprints featuring Archie 1 show up every so often in the various double digests, but we haven't seen any new stories featuring Archie 1 for quite a while. Until now!

But I'm digressing! We met Archie Andromeda in ARCHIE #646. He looks pretty familiar to regular readers of Archie Comics! He and his friends & family lived several thousand years ago on Mars. The Martians maintained a fairly high-tech society, complete with flying cars, robot maids, and futuristic architecture. At this point in Martian history, the planet was really cooking! It was getting so bad that Mars' leaders were plotting a mass exodus to another more habitable planet.

But the people of Mars weren't quite ready to abandon their home planet. The Martians boasted their own super-science teen and he happened to be named Dilton! He invented a school science project that would, when activated, created an artificial ozone layer that would bring down the temperature. His biggest mistake? Teaming up with Archie Andromeda!

I won't spoil too much about what happens afterwards on Mars, but Archie Andromeda manages to get himself and his family exiled to nearby planet Earth -- which happens to be undergoing a major Ice Age!

The family begins settling into their new home (a mammoth-proof cave!) when they look up and find four very familiar cavemen and women! The implication is that Archie Andromeda will adopt a new, yet familiar identity: Archie 1!

At least that's the implication...

Very fun issue, by the way!

Peter Capaldi is the New "Doctor Who"

It was announced a few months back that Matt Smith would be leaving the title role of the BBC science fiction program, Doctor Who. Fandom has been wondering ever since who would be the new Who. We got our answer a little while ago: Peter Capaldi!:

Capaldi was quoted: "Being asked to play The Doctor is an amazing privilege. Like the Doctor himself I find myself in a state of utter terror and delight."

He would not have been my first choice, but they certainly could have chosen much worse actors to play the role of the Doctor.

Police Investigating Two Separate Armed Robberies of Taxi Cabs in Iowa City

I was settling into bed last night when I was startled by the following Hawk Alert phone call:
HAWK ALERT: Armed robbery occurred 10:05 PM in area off Melrose on Samoa Drive with suspect displaying a handgun described as skinny black male mid 20s fled on foot.
Short and to the point.

This is the second armed robbery of a cab in that area of Iowa City within the past three days. In that block of Iowa City, actually.

Shortly after 10:00 PM last night, a Yellow Cab driver was called and asked to pick up passenger on Samoa Drive. The driver was approached by a black male in his mid-20s wearing a black-hooded sweatshirt. The suspect displayed a handgun and demanded cash. The gunman received an undisclosed amount of cash and then fled on foot.

As noted earlier, this is the second armed robbery of a cab driver in three day. The first robbery took place late Friday night and involved a cab driver from Five Star Cab. This driver reported being robbed at gunpoint in the parking lot of 2437 Petsel Place in Iowa City by two black men wearing dark clothing.

Anyone who knows anything about either of these armed robberies should contact Iowa City Area Crime Stoppers at 319-358-8477. Callers whose tips lead to the arrest of these suspects could receive awards of up to $1,000.

What's Wrong With Sugar Bear?

It's been a horrible year for Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." He's been in the hospital or assessed by EMT crews several times since last summer. Back in May, it was reported that Sugar Bear was undergoing "tests of his brains" following several incidents of dizziness and unconsciousness. He was hospitalized while tests were completed, but they ultimately did not reveal the results of those tests.

Unfortunately, it appears that Sugar Bear continues to undergo tests for these same symptoms except this time he's up at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, according to Facebook reports by the family. We first learned about Jacksonville from Mama June on Sunday afternoon:
Well everyone plz keep sugarbear in our thought as we r leaving mcintrye to head to Jacksonville to the mayo clinic to see what they will say in the am we r all nervous to c what will b done with everything will update when we hear something ‪#‎nervous‬ and ‪#‎hoping‬ for the best...
Uncle Poodle (Sugar Bear's younger brother) offered more details about why they were heading to Mayo:
Plz keep my brother Sugarbear in ur prayers... we r heading to the Mayo Clinic we've been waiting nts for this appt... he has episodes where he blacks out & meds aren't working so got to find the cause & solution, prayin it's nothing serious! Thanks in advance!
Then yesterday, Mama June posted a Facebook update essentially saying that they need to run more tests. Fortunately, Uncle Poodle gave us more information about where things currently stand:
Update on Shorty (Sugarbear, my brother): He's doing ok... had several test run after we saw the Neuro dr this AM. We got to go back for more test tomorrow... hoping for answers soon! Looks like we'll be here all week to run tests and more appts to get the right diagnosis and treatment sugarbear needs so will update more later when we actually know something. Thanks for all the thoughts/prayers/concerns!
So that's what I know. I will post more when I learn more. In the meantime, I offered my positive thoughts and prayers to Sugar Bear and his family as they figure out how to best help him get better.

Dan Parent, HuffPost Live, and Kevin Keller's Kiss

Comic book fans will be picking up their copy of KEVIN KELLER #10 later today. I haven't picked up my copy yet, but you can bet I'll write about Kevin's infamous first same-sex smooch later tonight.

In the meantime, check out this five-minute interview between Archie Comics writer/artist Dan Parent and HuffPost Live. They talk about Archie Comics' first gay character, his creation, his critics, and Parent's inspiration for this latest issue of the comic book:

"Kevin Keller #10": Kevin Keller's First Same-Sex Smooch

I just finished KEVIN KELLER #10, which featured the infamous first kiss between Kevin Keller and his boyfriend Devon. Here was the solicitation:
KEVIN KELLER #10: "A Kiss ISN'T Just a Kiss!" -- We've all heard of PDA (public displays of affection), and how sometimes it's appropriate, but other times it goes too far. When Kevin gives Devon a simple goodbye kiss, reactions ignite in peculiar fashion. And when one person overreacts, the debate begins: what's appropriate and what it not. What's even more surprising is who's on Kevin's side of the debate -- and it's not someone you would think! So pucker up, and enjoy the next chapter of Kevin's adventures in Riverdale!
Here's how it played out: Devon leaves Riverdale to reunite with his estranged father. He and Kevin kiss each other goodbye, which freaks out a passing mother. She lectures Kevin about inappropriate public displays of affection, which creates a stir within Pop Tate's restaurant. Veronica records the whole exchange on her cell phone and immediately posts it on YouTube. The video goes viral and everyone (including Ellen) throws in their two cents about whether or not its appropriate for gay teens to kiss in public.

I really liked the last couple issues, but I thought this issue was a bit heavy-handed. When I first read that original solicitation, I was hoping for more of a debate about the kiss. As it was, everyone turned out to support Kevin and tell Nora Felshop that she's a crazy bigot -- including her little girl! I think the story would have had more weight if we would've seen some of the Riverdale regulars made uncomfortable by Kevin's kiss. That said, it was funny to see Mr. Weatherbee and Miss Grundy wearing a pair of those red marriage equality t-shirts!

It was interesting to watch Devon reconnect with his father. It's clear that his father is uncomfortable with a gay son, but he's doing his best. Meanwhile, Devon's trying to maintain a media black-out at the house to prevent his dad from seeing any of the news footage of "The Kiss." Devon ends up returning to Veronica's home at the end of the issue, but it's clear that relations are improving for the pair!

It was an okay issue, just not one of my favorites. But it's good that we've finally crossed this threshold. Hopefully future kisses shouldn't be so controversial in the future.

Wedding Facility in Grimes, IA, Refuses to Work with Gay Couple

A gay couple from central Iowa is complaining after they were turned away by the owners of the Gortz House of Grimes, IA, for their wedding. Lee Stafford and his fiance Jared had one wedding venue planned, but that business closed down. They then toured the Gortz House, which advertises itself as "the perfect venue for your wedding ceremony, reception, rehearsal dinner, baby shower, anniversary or other special event." After the tour, one of the facilities owners asked the couple if this was being planned for a gay wedding. He then told them that he couldn't accept their money and that he wouldn't work for free. In other words, he wasn't going to work with them.

The owners of the Gortz House admit that they turned away the couple. They are Mennonites and believe that they have the right to turn away those who do not share their religious beliefs. It is unclear if they've ever turned away non-Mennonite, non-Christian, and/or non-religious heterosexual couples from their business before.

The couple has found another venue for their wedding, but they're still angry about getting turned away from the Gortz House and plan to file a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, since Iowa law clearly prohibits discrimination in public accommodations.

Check out a news story from KCCI here:

I'm always torn about these cases. Anti-discrimination laws exist for a reason. It's ridiculous to create them if people are going to flagrantly ignore them and get away with it. Plus, we've seen cake-makers who refuse on religious grounds to accept money from gay couples who then turn around and accept money for Winter Solstice parties and dog weddings, so I'm increasingly suspicious of religious claims by business owners.

But then I wonder why people would want to work with businesses who don't want to work with them -- especially on one of the most important days in their lives. Weddings are expensive. Why invest time and money into a business that will likely do the bare minimum that they are required to do on your wedding day. They don't respect your wedding. Invest in the business that does, y'know?

Interestingly, Grimes' motto is "Your hometown. Your lifestyle."

Nero at Daycare -- 08/08/13

Nero and Ms. Lion spent all day at doggy daycare yesterday while I was busy attending to some family business. Ms. Lion didn't make the Lucky Pawz blog, but Nero got his playtime activities highlighted. Check it out:

Iowa Lawmaker: "I'm Seventh Worst in the USA, but Want to Become Number One!"

The Marijuana Policy Project released its "8 Worst State Legislators of 2013" list earlier this week -- and one of Iowa's lawmakers made the cut. Representative Clel Baudler (R) of Greenfield, IA, was declared the Seventh Worst State Legislator, but it's not exactly what you might be thinking:
Baudler and seven other state legislators were selected based on their efforts to maintain or expand laws prohibiting the legal use of marijuana. Baudler made the list for his opposition to a bill to allow Iowans with serious illnesses to use medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it. Although an Iowa Poll found 58 percent of Iowans support such a law, Baudler said it would be the “top one or two or three stupidest bills” to pass the Legislature in more than 50 years.
Baudler is quite proud of this award and has already gone on record with his intent to eventually become the MPP's most worst state legislator at some point in the future.

Here is the complete list of legislators:

8. Rep. John Cebrowski (R) of New Hampshire.
7. Rep. Clel Baudler (R) of Iowa
6. Rep. David Howard (R) of Montana
5. Rep. Darryl Rouson (D) of Florida
4. Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam (R) of North Carolina
3. Rep. John Kavanagh (R) of Arizona
2. Rep. Luke Malek (R) of Idaho
1. Sen. John Morse (D) of Colorado

You can watch a video of the MPP's rankings and why each legislator made the list here:

It Gets Worse: 76 Countries with Horrible Anti-Gay Laws

Russia has been in the news a lot recently because of its horrible anti-gay anti-propaganda laws. But BuzzFeed noted yesterday that there are 76 other countries with anti-gay laws that are just as bad -- if not worse -- than Russia's anti-propaganda laws:
It is illegal to be gay in 76 countries. Punishments range from fines to short and lifelong prison sentences, hard labor, forced psychiatric treatment, banishment, whippings, and death by public stoning. The upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi have put Russia’s “gay propaganda” law and the international community on an unavoidable collision course, but whatever happens in February is only the beginning of a broader (and much more complicated) conversation about the status of LGBT rights around the world.
Check out this great graphic:

Jonathan & I Discuss Kevin Keller's First Same-Sex Smooch on The Riverdale Podcast #75!

I had the pleasure of chatting with Jonathan Merrifield of The Riverdale Podcast last night about KEVIN KELLER #10. We reviewed the comic book and shared our thoughts on a variety of topics, including Kevin Keller's first public kiss, Riverdale's angry moms, Jinx's lesbian mom, and Lady Gaga. It was a lot of fun!

You can download The Riverdale Podcast episode #75 in a variety of ways by following this link. You can check out this YouTube video, which carries the whole conversation! My phone reception was choppy at the beginning, but it gets much better as the program progresses:

This is the second time that I've appeared on The Riverdale Podcast. It's always a fun experience! Jonathan and I are already discussing future involvements with the program, which will hopefully materialize.


American Kennel Club Against 2016 World Dog Show in Russia Over Extreme Anti-Gay Legislation

I wrote a little about Russia's anti-gay/"anti-propaganda" law yesterday. There has been much written elsewhere about the 2014 Winter Olympics that's to be held in Sochi, Russia, and whether or not this should be boycotted or relocated in light of the human rights abuses against gay people. There are also concerns about how LGBT athletes and visitors will be treated once they arrive in Russia.

It looks like it's not just those associated with the Olympics who are concerned over Russia's "anti-propaganda" laws. Check out this letter by the America Kennel Club's current leadership:

One of the most compelling aspects of the human-canine bond – cherished internationally more than ever before – is the fact that our dogs love us unconditionally. Dogs do not discriminate. Gender, race, sexual orientation and other status do not enter the equation of responsible pet ownership. That is why the American Kennel Club and our constituency are puzzled and disappointed by the decision to allow Russia to host the 2016 World Dog Show. The proliferation of anti-gay and lesbian laws in Russia today is both disturbing and shocking to our community. The choice of this country as a venue for such a prestigious dog show flies in the face of the ideals of the human-canine bond.
On behalf of the American Kennel Club, our member clubs, and the American purebred dog fancy, we urge you to move the 2016 World Dog Show from Russia to a nation that respects and upholds human rights for all its citizens. The international dog community deserves to enjoy the World Dog Show in a place that stands for freedom and equal rights for all. AKC cannot and will not support participation in the 2016 World Dog Show if it is held in Russia.
As exhibitors, breeders, handlers and trainers, we teach our dogs many things. But there is no denying, they teach us too. Our bond with dogs is not defined by the type of person who holds the leash. We cannot support competition in an environment where tolerance does not exist.
This letter was sent late last month to President Rafael de Santiago of the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) by AKC Board Chairman Alan T. Kalter and AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung.
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