I'm not sure how I missed this one. Last month, Public Policy Polling polled a bunch of Iowa voters and found increased support for same-sex marriage. After five years of uneventful marriage equality within the state, a whopping 48% of Iowans in favor of gay marriage. 42% of Iowans are still opposed to gay marriage. 10% of Iowans still are not sure.
Meanwhile, 26% of Iowans think that marriages like mine have had a negative impact on their lives. I have that affect on people. 17% believe that gay marriage has had a positive impact on their lives and 57% of Iowans say it's had no impact on their lives at all. I would guess that most of those in the 17% camp are either gay or lesbian or related to somebody who is gay or lesbian.
Meanwhile, 26% of Iowans think that marriages like mine have had a negative impact on their lives. I have that affect on people. 17% believe that gay marriage has had a positive impact on their lives and 57% of Iowans say it's had no impact on their lives at all. I would guess that most of those in the 17% camp are either gay or lesbian or related to somebody who is gay or lesbian.