Linda Harvey is the founder of Mission: America, a Columbus, OH-based Christian group that follows and talks about cultural trends from from crazy religious perspective via its website. Harvey herself hosts a Ohio-based radio program, has a regular column with WorldNetDaily, and has written at least one book that I'm aware of. Neither Linda Harvey nor Mission: America are friends of the LGBT communities. In fact, Mission: America has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center because of its extreme anti-gay views and statement.
Jesus Christ was capable of all sorts of miracles. He fed hundreds with very little. He cured the blind and the ill. He walked through doors. He resurrected the dead. He resurrection Himself. Something tells me that he can figure out the way to marry the woman of his choice in a world where heterosexuals and homosexuals both possess equal rights, responsibilities, and protections.
Last month, Linda Harvey was upset over the 2012 elections -- particularly the votes in Washington state and other states that affirmed the ability of gay and lesbian couples to get legally married and the subsequent decision by that state to revise its form to allow marriage license applicants to check off "spouse" in additional to "bride" and "groom". She used this situation to rant about how heterosexuals are being impacted negatively by gay marriage -- even though they can still check off "bride" and "groom" should they prefer.
Worse yet, Linda Harvey is concerned that Jesus Christ -- upon his resurrection -- may be forced to marry another man if marriage equality is allowed to continue:
Keep in mind that Jesus never married a woman when he was on Earth the first time around (unless you count the revisionist idea that he was married to Mary Magdalene -- or that his beloved was one of my male Disciples -- both ideas are surely discarded by Linda Harvey as well as most others with a passing familiarity of the Bible).Speaking of brides and grooms, there's another Christian concept that illustrates the unchanging standard of man and woman as the model for marriage: in the New Testament, Jesus is referred to several times as the "bridegroom." And when he returns, he will return as a bridegroom seeking his bride: the church, which is the body of all believers, also called the Bride of Christ. It's a beautiful analogy.
What happens to such a concept in a same-sex marriage? Does Jesus as bridegroom seek another groom? No, that would be a twisted and frankly offensive spin on a profound and marvelous concept.
As Christians, we must never accept the idea of same-sex marriage. It certainly doesn't work as sound Christian doctrine and it will be shown before long not to work as revolutionary secular law either.
Jesus Christ was capable of all sorts of miracles. He fed hundreds with very little. He cured the blind and the ill. He walked through doors. He resurrected the dead. He resurrection Himself. Something tells me that he can figure out the way to marry the woman of his choice in a world where heterosexuals and homosexuals both possess equal rights, responsibilities, and protections.