Utah continues to appeal an earlier federal court decision overturning that state's same-sex marriage ban. The New York Times has a long article detailing the process and the court challenge. The three-judge panel seems divided. We shall see how this develops.
But what got my blood boiling were these paragraphs towards the end of the article:
Might I suggest one way that Mr. Reyes could alleviate the plaintiffs' pain: Stop leading the charge to maintain Utah's anti-gay family policies and stop trying to invalidate Utah's existing gay marriages.
But what got my blood boiling were these paragraphs towards the end of the article:
What the hell???As Mr. Kitchen and the other plaintiffs chatted and exchanged reassuring pats on the shoulder in the courtroom, they were approached by Utah’s attorney general, Sean Reyes, whose office has taken the lead role in defending the same-sex marriage ban. Shaking hands and greeting the plaintiffs, Mr. Reyes crouched down and told them: “I’m sorry that we’re causing you pain. Sometime after the case is over, I hope we can sit down.”After the hearing, Mr. Reyes said he had told the plaintiffs that the legal confrontation was not personal, and that he knew that the plaintiffs’ families were as important to them as his own was to him. But he said it was unclear what would happen to the unions and benefits of Utah’s newly married same-sex couples if the state prevailed in its appeals. Utah has previously raised the possibility that those marriages could be dissolved.
Might I suggest one way that Mr. Reyes could alleviate the plaintiffs' pain: Stop leading the charge to maintain Utah's anti-gay family policies and stop trying to invalidate Utah's existing gay marriages.