Rev. Jamie Coots of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name and "
Snake Salvation" was
bitten and killed a week ago yesterday by a rattlesnake. Fortunately for the rattler, Rev. Coots' congregation doesn't hold a grudge.
The church's new pastor -- Cody Coots AKA Rev. Jamie Coots' son -- brought the snake to church this weekend and included it during worship:
Cody Coots prayed over a bevy of snakes -- one of which was the rattler that killed Jamie. The video is insane ... it looks like a revival service with a live band and snakes and worshipers all flailing in the air. As we told you ... Cody made it clear to us ... if the rattler bit him he would refuse treatment ... just like his dad. But snakes weren't the only trick up Cody's sleeve. He also played with fire ... literally.
The younger Rev. Coots has already gone on record saying that
he will refuse medical treatment if he ever gets bitten by a snake. Hopefully, he will get life insurance -- unlike his father.