David Waddell did not want to serve on the council of Indian Trail, NC, any longer. Basically, he felt like he would be more effective at council meetings as a private citizen. Plus he wanted to have more time to help out with a statewide Constitution Party campaign. So Councilman Waddell submitted a letter of resignation to the community's mayor -- written in Klingonese!:
Waddell wrote his resignation letter in Klingonese as an "inside joke" to Mayor Michael Alvarez, but the mayor wasn't amused:
Waddell wrote his resignation letter in Klingonese as an "inside joke" to Mayor Michael Alvarez, but the mayor wasn't amused:
Alvarez called the letter childish and unprofessional. “It’s an embarrassment for Indian Trail, and it’s an embarrassment for North Carolina,” he said.Personally, I think Mayor Alvarez needs to lighten up a bit!