Back in July, Archie Comics began a new four-issue digital mini-series titled DILTON featuring Riverdale's resident genius, Dilton Doiley! I wrote about the first two issues here and here. Here's the nutshell so far: A busybody guidance counselor named Mr. Pigeonhole decides that Dilton Doiley is wasting his talents by remaining as a student at Riverdale High School. Dilton initially sought out a nearby private school for geniuses called Brainard University, but instead agreed to drop-out of school altogether and become a project supervisor for Snarley Tech.
Did I mention that Dilton's new underlings don't appreciate having a new supervisor who's not even out of his teens! The first several pages of the third digital issue of this book have Dilton suffering the cold shoulder from his co-workers. In fact, his only ally at work seems to be the Josie-like red-head in the office, Tessla! Dilton tries defrosting his staff with motivational donuts, but ends up with sticky buns instead:
Meanwhile, the Riverdale student body can't stop talking about Dilton dropping out of school. Archie, Betty, Jughead, and the others spend time discussing the pro's and con's of dropping out with a bunch of random students. Most of the kids think there must be something to it if someone as smart as Dilton Doiley opts out of learning:
Meanwhile, Mr. Pigeonhole makes one brief appearance in the hallways of Riverdale High School... eavesdropping on the students! I haven't figured him out yet. Maybe he's simply a busy-body guidance counselor. Maybe he'll realize next issue that he instigated the situation for Dilton to drop out of school and will try to redeem things. I don't know, but hopefully Archie keeps away from Mr. P. He seems to got his eye on him!!:
Lastly, the issue ends with Archie and Jughead realizing that special technology invented by Dilton has ended up in a newly released Snarley Tech video game. They show this to Dilton, who confirms that he never gave permission for his new employer to use this software. Unfortunately (as you can see from the cover to DILTON #3), Dilton doesn't have a lot of options. His employment contract was sufficiently solid and thorough. Snarley Tech is free and clear to use Dilton's special inventions however it wants!:
The issue ends with Dilton feeling defeated and demoralized. Next issue is the final one. A lot has been set up that needs to be resolved in that issue? Presumably, Dilton will leave Snarley Tech and return to Riverdale High. The big question is how will he do it? What's up with Mr. Pigeonhole? And will Dilton's parents ever forgive themselves for letting their son leave school for temporary financial gain?
All this should be resolved before the end of 2013!
Did I mention that Dilton's new underlings don't appreciate having a new supervisor who's not even out of his teens! The first several pages of the third digital issue of this book have Dilton suffering the cold shoulder from his co-workers. In fact, his only ally at work seems to be the Josie-like red-head in the office, Tessla! Dilton tries defrosting his staff with motivational donuts, but ends up with sticky buns instead:
Meanwhile, the Riverdale student body can't stop talking about Dilton dropping out of school. Archie, Betty, Jughead, and the others spend time discussing the pro's and con's of dropping out with a bunch of random students. Most of the kids think there must be something to it if someone as smart as Dilton Doiley opts out of learning:
Meanwhile, Mr. Pigeonhole makes one brief appearance in the hallways of Riverdale High School... eavesdropping on the students! I haven't figured him out yet. Maybe he's simply a busy-body guidance counselor. Maybe he'll realize next issue that he instigated the situation for Dilton to drop out of school and will try to redeem things. I don't know, but hopefully Archie keeps away from Mr. P. He seems to got his eye on him!!:
Lastly, the issue ends with Archie and Jughead realizing that special technology invented by Dilton has ended up in a newly released Snarley Tech video game. They show this to Dilton, who confirms that he never gave permission for his new employer to use this software. Unfortunately (as you can see from the cover to DILTON #3), Dilton doesn't have a lot of options. His employment contract was sufficiently solid and thorough. Snarley Tech is free and clear to use Dilton's special inventions however it wants!:
The issue ends with Dilton feeling defeated and demoralized. Next issue is the final one. A lot has been set up that needs to be resolved in that issue? Presumably, Dilton will leave Snarley Tech and return to Riverdale High. The big question is how will he do it? What's up with Mr. Pigeonhole? And will Dilton's parents ever forgive themselves for letting their son leave school for temporary financial gain?
All this should be resolved before the end of 2013!