Maggie Gallagher (formerly of the National Organization for Marriage) added to Supreme Court/gay marriage discussion in the comments of this blog post. This is what she predicts will be the results on the U.S. Supreme Court's review of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the strike down of Proposition 8:
To strike down Prop 8 on "narrow grounds" proposed by the 9th Circuit is so intellectually dishonest that if that is what the Court wished to do I think they would have refused to hear the case.Frankly, I think Maggie's predictions would be the best-case scenario for marriage equality supporters.
I think Kennedy will overturn DOMA (perhaps joined by Roberts) and then uphold the right of states to refuse to accept gay marriage (i.e. uphold Prop 8).
The victories this November for gay marriage at the polls make that outcome more likely. Justice Kennedy will likely see it as not at all unlikely voters will overturn Prop 8 soon and see that as a much better outcome than constitutionalizing gay marriage.