Public Policy Polling has some encouraging poll results posted for supporters of gay and lesbian families and marriage equality.
From Illinois:
From Illinois:
In Illinois even though there's only narrow overall support for same sex marriage the numbers are 58% for and 37% against among voters under 45, another sign that it's just a matter of time given the big generational divide on the issue. Black voters, perhaps following the lead of President Obama, think it should be legal by a 60/16 spread. That's a much wider margin than we see with them nationally... Illinois voters believe it should be permitted by a 47/42 spread.From New Jersey:
New Jersey voters think same sex marriage should be allowed in their state by a 53/36 margin... A few things stand out on the New Jersey numbers. There are more Republicans (21%) who support same sex marriage than Democrats (19%) who oppose it. There's also 54/36 favor for it among independents. 72% of voters in the state think they should be allowed to vote on the issue.And from Oregon:
Oregon voters are ready to legalize same sex marriage. 77% think they should be able to have a say on the issue, and 54% say they would vote to legalize it with 40% opposed. Independents support it by a 64/33 margin and there are more Republicans (17%) ready to make it legal than there are Democrats (15%) who aren't. Voters under 45 support it by a 68/30 spread.All three states currently offer comprehensive civil union or domestic partnership recognition to its gay and lesbian couples, but do not recognize marriages performed in other states.