Marvel Comics recognized the Lunar New Year earlier today by matching various Marvel Comics heroes with each of the years. They posted this image of this hero zodiac onto Instagram with the following caption: "Happy #LunarNewYear! What's your hero zodiac?"
2020 is the Year of the Rat and according to Marvel Comics' hero zodiac, this year's hero is Detroit Steel (AKA Sasha Hammer). Here are the other hero zodiacs: Year of the Ox = Shang Chi. Year of the Tiger = Colleen Wing. Year of the Rabbit = Wong. Year of the Dragon = Bengal. Year of the Snake = Jubilee. Year of the Horse = Silk. Year of the Goat = White Fox. Year of the Monkey = Jimmy Woo. Year of the Rooster = Amadeus Cho (AKA Brawn & FKA Hulk). Year of the Dog = Sway. Year of the Pig = Aero.
I looked it up and determined that my zodiac hero is Aero and Husband Mark's zodiac hero is Jimmy Woo.
Who is your Marvel Comics zodiac hero?
2020 is the Year of the Rat and according to Marvel Comics' hero zodiac, this year's hero is Detroit Steel (AKA Sasha Hammer). Here are the other hero zodiacs: Year of the Ox = Shang Chi. Year of the Tiger = Colleen Wing. Year of the Rabbit = Wong. Year of the Dragon = Bengal. Year of the Snake = Jubilee. Year of the Horse = Silk. Year of the Goat = White Fox. Year of the Monkey = Jimmy Woo. Year of the Rooster = Amadeus Cho (AKA Brawn & FKA Hulk). Year of the Dog = Sway. Year of the Pig = Aero.
I looked it up and determined that my zodiac hero is Aero and Husband Mark's zodiac hero is Jimmy Woo.
Who is your Marvel Comics zodiac hero?