Last November, 154 Samoyeds and four cats were removed from an overcrowded and filthy kennels near Manly, IA, in North Central Iowa. According to media reports at the time, the floors and walls of the kennels and barn where the animals lived were caked in mud, feces, and urine. The kennels lacked food and what water they had was frozen solid. Most of the animals were in bad condition -- emaciated, fur matted with feces, skin ailments, intestinal parasite, and painful wounds. A few of the dogs had to be euthanized due to their severely poor health. All of the others were surrendered by the kennel's owner, Barbara Kavars.
Kavars initially sued Worth County officials to regain custody of nine of the Samoyeds and her four cats. Worth County countered by charging Kavars with several counts of animal neglect.
Kavars never did regain custody of her animals. And now a jury has found her guilty of fourteen counts of animal neglect.
Kavars initially sued Worth County officials to regain custody of nine of the Samoyeds and her four cats. Worth County countered by charging Kavars with several counts of animal neglect.
Kavars never did regain custody of her animals. And now a jury has found her guilty of fourteen counts of animal neglect.