Originally written on 09/09/19: Remember the Hula Hoop Tree in Amber, IA? It's hard to believe that it's been plugging along gathering fans over the past few years!
Except that it might not be plugging along much longer if the Jones County Board of Supervisors has its way! The main concern is that it's a very old tree. In fact, it's a dead tree that once caught on fire. And it's covered by hundreds of hula hoops. Which makes the Supervisors wonder how long the old tree will continue to stand upright!
And then there's the tree's location. The Hula Hoop is on E23 County Home Road, which is in a 55 miles per hour speed zone. And it's also set in between two s-curves. So there's a concern about car accidents as people stop to take pictures or check out the tree.
So the question is whether or not the county should chop down the Hula Hoop Tree. And if it should find a new Hula Hoop Tree -- one that's more sturdy and that's placed in a safer location!
Of course, the people of Amber love their Hula Hoop Tree so they're working to get the County Supervisors to lay off their tree!
The Jones County Board of Supervisors plans on beginning discussions tomorrow to review potential options.
Updated on 09/11/19: The people behind Amber's Hula Hoop Tree Facebook page noted that the Jones County BOS discuss liability concerns surrounding the Hula Hoop Tree. But there "was no talk of '...cutting Her down.'"
Sure enough, KCRG reports that Jones County's engineer has been instructed to survey the area around the Hula Hoop Tree and then report back to the Board of Supervisors. But otherwise, no further actions have been undertaken.
Except that it might not be plugging along much longer if the Jones County Board of Supervisors has its way! The main concern is that it's a very old tree. In fact, it's a dead tree that once caught on fire. And it's covered by hundreds of hula hoops. Which makes the Supervisors wonder how long the old tree will continue to stand upright!
And then there's the tree's location. The Hula Hoop is on E23 County Home Road, which is in a 55 miles per hour speed zone. And it's also set in between two s-curves. So there's a concern about car accidents as people stop to take pictures or check out the tree.
So the question is whether or not the county should chop down the Hula Hoop Tree. And if it should find a new Hula Hoop Tree -- one that's more sturdy and that's placed in a safer location!
Of course, the people of Amber love their Hula Hoop Tree so they're working to get the County Supervisors to lay off their tree!
The Jones County Board of Supervisors plans on beginning discussions tomorrow to review potential options.
Updated on 09/11/19: The people behind Amber's Hula Hoop Tree Facebook page noted that the Jones County BOS discuss liability concerns surrounding the Hula Hoop Tree. But there "was no talk of '...cutting Her down.'"
Sure enough, KCRG reports that Jones County's engineer has been instructed to survey the area around the Hula Hoop Tree and then report back to the Board of Supervisors. But otherwise, no further actions have been undertaken.