Neil Cavuto brought Phil Robertson from "Duck Dynasty" onto Fox Business today, apparently to stump for a new book (which I won't buy). Somehow, they got to about Kamala Harris and access to more affordable healthcare. This led to the roll-out of Phil Robertson's own healthcare plan: Jesus Christ:
Phil Robertson: Contrary to what Kamala Harris said, she says "Elect me and everything's free. Look, everybody can have their own healthcare. The government's going to finance the whole thing. It's not gonna cost but $30 trillion. I'm offering you the greatest deal you ever had. Elect me and everything will be free."So don't see a doctor, I guess, because you're gonna die anyway.
Neil Cavuto: But she's saying that other people have been getting away with financial murder will pay for it, the rich -- guys like you.
Robertson: What I'm saying, Kamala, I already have healthcare. It's given to me by God, eternal healthcare. I'm guaranteed to be raised from the dead. I have life and immortality given to me by God through Jesus Christ.
Cavuto: But people get sick on Earth in their human form, so would you advise...
Robertson: The temporary reprieve is not wort it. I'm telling her, I have eternal healthcare and it's free. Doctors can give you a temporary reprieve, but they cannot save you from physical death. The doctor who treat you, they die too.
Cavuto: But you're not dismissing that people need healthcare, right?
Robertson: I didn't have healthcare for 50 years and someone says, now I'm rich and famous, so I said Miss K. you can buy every kind of insurance known to man if you want to but I've never needed it for 50 years, so there ya go.
Cavuto: Well, it's done ya some good.