There has been a fresh wave of complaints against the Kinnick House in Iowa City. This house sits on nearly 7500 square feet of property and has been modeled on the actual Kinnick Football Stadium.
Neighbors have been fighting against the house's construction for nearly two years, arguing that its style doesn't fit in with the neighborhood, not to mention that it is causing a challenging amount of traffic congestion and that it's introducing a party house to a family neighborhood.
The Kinnick House's construction is nearly completed, which should settle some of the ongoing road and noise complaints. But neighbors will likely continue to file complaints against the property's owners for every infraction, both legitimate and otherwise.
I finally decided to check out the Kinnick House earlier this afternoon. I can see why the neighbors are concerned about road congestion. Those streets around there are very narrow, especially on a game day like today where every bit of street-side parking is filled up.
But the house itself was tucked away and largely out of sight. I would have easily driven past it if I hadn't had the address for the property.
It's likely the people will be at the Kinnick House on game weekends and other special events. Just like people were visiting other houses in the neighborhood today. I'm hoping that the people in this neighborhood learn how to coexist and stop looking for ways to get rid of a building that's already been constructed.
Neighbors have been fighting against the house's construction for nearly two years, arguing that its style doesn't fit in with the neighborhood, not to mention that it is causing a challenging amount of traffic congestion and that it's introducing a party house to a family neighborhood.
The Kinnick House's construction is nearly completed, which should settle some of the ongoing road and noise complaints. But neighbors will likely continue to file complaints against the property's owners for every infraction, both legitimate and otherwise.
I finally decided to check out the Kinnick House earlier this afternoon. I can see why the neighbors are concerned about road congestion. Those streets around there are very narrow, especially on a game day like today where every bit of street-side parking is filled up.
But the house itself was tucked away and largely out of sight. I would have easily driven past it if I hadn't had the address for the property.
It's likely the people will be at the Kinnick House on game weekends and other special events. Just like people were visiting other houses in the neighborhood today. I'm hoping that the people in this neighborhood learn how to coexist and stop looking for ways to get rid of a building that's already been constructed.