THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #25 was just published this week. It wrapped up a three-part story where Doreen and her friend Nancy were chosen to be part of an international effort by computer programmers to repair the Savage Land's giant computer and thereby save the dinosaurs from a horribly cold death. We eventually found out that an Ultron Dinosaur was dismantling the alien computer for spare parts. We also learned that he plans to kill humanity. Overall, I didn't enjoy this story. It dragged on for way too long, in my opinion. But that's just me.
I wouldn't have written about this issue at all except that we learned about a never-before revealed Squirrel Girl power: knuckle spikes!
You heard that correctly. Squirrel Girl has knuckle spikes that pop out of her hands. Because... I mean, don't all squirrels have knuckle spikes??
Even Marvel Comics admits that this came out of nowhere with those little jokey statements under each page that I normally don't read because I'm old and have poor eyesight:
So Doreen Green (AKA Squirrel Girl) has knuckle spikes along with her other powers and uses them to stab opponents -- though she almost never uses them. Partially because she doesn't have a mutant healing factor and you never know what kinds of bloodborne diseases you might infect yourself with once you retract those spikes! But she's always had them and she's just been waiting for the right moment over the past 25 years to unveil them to her adoring fans!
I wouldn't have written about this issue at all except that we learned about a never-before revealed Squirrel Girl power: knuckle spikes!
You heard that correctly. Squirrel Girl has knuckle spikes that pop out of her hands. Because... I mean, don't all squirrels have knuckle spikes??
Even Marvel Comics admits that this came out of nowhere with those little jokey statements under each page that I normally don't read because I'm old and have poor eyesight:
So Doreen Green (AKA Squirrel Girl) has knuckle spikes along with her other powers and uses them to stab opponents -- though she almost never uses them. Partially because she doesn't have a mutant healing factor and you never know what kinds of bloodborne diseases you might infect yourself with once you retract those spikes! But she's always had them and she's just been waiting for the right moment over the past 25 years to unveil them to her adoring fans!
THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #25 features story by Ryan North, art by Erica Henderson, colors by Rico Renzi, and letters by Travis Lanham.