Check out this description:
KEVIN KELLER #10: "A Kiss ISN'T Just a Kiss!"-- We've all heard of PDA (public displays of affection), and how sometimes it's appropriate, but other times it goes too far. When Kevin gives Devon a simple goodbye kiss, reactions ignite in peculiar fashion. And when one person overreacts, the debate begins: what's appropriate and what it not. What's even more surprising is who's on Kevin's side of the debate -- and it's not someone you would think! So pucker up, and enjoy the next chapter of Kevin's adventures in Riverdale!Who do you think is the one who sides with Jughead? And who freaks out? I'm guessing that Kev's BFF Veronica is going to be one of those who overreacts. Just a hunch. Hopefully, she'll get over it pretty quickly. I just think her negative reaction would affect Kevin the most given their close friendship, if nothing else.
As for the one who sides with Kevin? My initial thought was Jughead. After all, he's the one who first connected as a friend with Kevin. But I'm really starting to lean towards Reggie. The bad boys (and girls) of Riverdale always seem to relate to Kevin. Wouldn't it be a hoot if Reggie backed Kevin when all the more open-minded kids turned away from Riverdale's first gay teen?
Who do you think will react negatively to Riverdale's first gay kiss? And who do you think will take it all in stride?
KEVIN KELLER #10 is scheduled to come out in later July/early August.