It looks like the undead have invaded portions of the Quad Cities -- they appear to be focused this time on a bunch of runners in the Quad Cities. You would think that the shambling masses would seek out more sedentary targets, but that's not what I'm reading off the KWQC website. Check this out:
Quad City runners are going to have the brain hungry undead chasing after them during the 5k Zombie Run. It's a race that's brand new to the Quad Cities and it's for a good cause.The zombies are everywhere. Maybe they are warning us that we can run for the muddy hills, but they will be there and they will eat our brains. What a horrifying development. I will keep the people of Davenport, as well as the rest of the Quad Cities in my prayers.
Zombies are everywhere, they're on TV, they're in the movies and now they're coming to the Quad Cities.
"It will take place through the woods, the mud and all the nice, creepy places they have here at Credit Island," says race organizer Rod Keding.