Early this year, Marvel Comics relaunched its YOUNG AVENGERS title, which features young adults who are not quite members for the (older) Avengers. The team started out as a quasi-legacy team, but has since grown into its own team. It started out with Patriot, Iron Lad, Wiccan (FKA Asgardian), Hulkling, Stature, and Hawkeye II. Vision and Speed eventually joined the fun. Unfortunately, a couple members died and another couple retired and the team went away for a while.
But the Young Avengers are now back with a slightly new (and still evolving) team membership: Wiccan, Hulkling, Hawkeye II, Loki, Marvel Boy, and... Miss America.
I don't know much about this latest Miss America. I know that she debuted in VENGEANCE #1 and that her full name is America Chavez. She is apparently an interdimensional traveler who fled from some sort of utopia. She's super-tough and flies. And she apparently has two moms... who've been transformed into undead mind-controlled slaves of Hulkling's recently resurrected mom!
Check this out:
Move over, Heather!
But the Young Avengers are now back with a slightly new (and still evolving) team membership: Wiccan, Hulkling, Hawkeye II, Loki, Marvel Boy, and... Miss America.
I don't know much about this latest Miss America. I know that she debuted in VENGEANCE #1 and that her full name is America Chavez. She is apparently an interdimensional traveler who fled from some sort of utopia. She's super-tough and flies. And she apparently has two moms... who've been transformed into undead mind-controlled slaves of Hulkling's recently resurrected mom!
Check this out:
Move over, Heather!