Has gay marriage negatively affected your traditional message? That was the question being bandied about yesterday, at the NOM Anti-Gay Family March in Washington DC, as well as at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Bob Vander Plaats of The FAMiLY Leader, an Iowa-based marriage inequality activist group, was once asked a variation of that question. The following was his reply:
Think Progress asked a bunch of anti-equality folks if their marriages had been negatively affected by 10 years of marriage equality in this country. We heard similar replies:
One guy in particular found his marriage strengthened, specifically because of the unity he and his wife achieved by opposing my marriage and others like it!
And then at the U.S. Supreme Court, the pro-Prop 8 attorney Charles Cooper conceded the point that same-sex couples are not a threat to heterosexual marriages.
Which once again makes me wonder why exactly people are so dead-set against my marriage and other like it!
Bob Vander Plaats of The FAMiLY Leader, an Iowa-based marriage inequality activist group, was once asked a variation of that question. The following was his reply:
Think Progress asked a bunch of anti-equality folks if their marriages had been negatively affected by 10 years of marriage equality in this country. We heard similar replies:
One guy in particular found his marriage strengthened, specifically because of the unity he and his wife achieved by opposing my marriage and others like it!
And then at the U.S. Supreme Court, the pro-Prop 8 attorney Charles Cooper conceded the point that same-sex couples are not a threat to heterosexual marriages.
Which once again makes me wonder why exactly people are so dead-set against my marriage and other like it!