Nancy Silberkleit is the co-CEO of Archie Comics. But she also runs a non-profit organization called Rise Above Social Issues Foundation. This group addresses challenging social issues that affect the lives of young people through comic books and speaking events. I had already heard of RISE ABOVE!, which explored bullying and steps that students can take when they witness bullying. But I just learned of some other really interesting comics that address getting in shape, celiac disease & going gluten free, Crohn's disease, and wellness.
Silberkleit's latest project is called SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING and it addressed the issue of gun violence in school:
Silberkleit's latest project is called SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING and it addressed the issue of gun violence in school:
Nancy Silberkleit, co-CEO of Archie Comics, said she has been shaken by recent shootings and fast-tracked the launch a new eight-page comic book, “See Something, Say Something.”
“This escalation in folks going out and shooting one another has left us all saying it must stop. I feel conversation in an education environment may just plant the seed for one to handle their internal conflicts in a peace manner,” said Silberkleit, who has visited Haverhill twice in recent months. A four-page teaching guide is in development and will be offered free to teachers with the $1.99 purchase of the comic book. Proceeds benefit Silberkleit’s non-profit Rise Above Social Issues Foundation...I first learned of SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING from a gun advocate who believes that this book is all about implementing gun control. But it really seems to be offering advise for students who learn of potential shooting situations at school or elsewhere.
The comic book tells the story of a new student who is shunned and bullied at school. “He struggles with the turmoil and cannot find inner peace, which causes him to bring disharmony to the school. He tells another student of his plan to get even, which involves violence to others,” a statement said.