Earlier this week, I vented quite a bit (mostly on Twitter) about Kim Davis' claim that she has a gay friend and that this gay friend supports her. Well, color me surprised but some gay guy who claims to be Kim Davis' gay friend has come forward -- except that she has gravely disappointed him:
Dallas Black of Morehead, Kentucky, called The Daily Beast after the anti-gay marriage clerk said in an interview on Good Morning America that she had gay friends.
Black said he’s known Davis his whole life—her first husband is even a distant cousin of his—but said he and Davis became close after she helped him with paperwork at the Rowan County clerk’s office after his mother died. While he said Davis wasn’t someone he “would get lunch with,” she would give him advice. Black even had her home phone number.
“Even after this all started, I went in a few days later and we spoke,” he said. “We talked about how each other were feeling, and how we’re gonna be friends even after all this.”
Now he said he doesn’t recognize her.
“I really don’t know who Kim is at the moment. I really want to believe that the kind, sweet person who was there when my mom passed away is still there,” he said. “I was friends with Kim in the past, but I don’t know this woman I’ve been seeing.”
Black said he was surprised just how hard she’s fought against gays getting married.
“I somewhat feel like she is taking this to an extreme, because she didn’t become a Christian until four years ago,” Black said of the “media fiasco” she created...
But if she came to him for support, Black says he would be there for her just like she was there for him in his time of need. “Morehead is like a big family, a big community,” he said.Meanwhile, Kim Davis has left the Democratic Party and joined the GOP. It seems that she no longer finds a place with the Democrats for government workers who want to avoid doing their job and serving their constituents:
She wouldn’t be on his wedding guest list, though—he’d keep it small, to close friends, and ones who support same-sex marriage wholeheartedly.
A county clerk in Kentucky who was briefly jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples said on Friday that she and her family have switched to the Republican Party because the Democrats no longer represented them.Meanwhile, Kim Davis will be winning an award this weekend at the Value Voters Summit.
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, 50, who has said her beliefs as an Apostolic Christian prevent her from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, said they had changed parties last week. She was a long-time Democrat in eastern Kentucky.
"My husband and I had talked about it for quite a while and we came to the conclusion that the Democratic Party left us a long time ago, so why were we hanging on?" she told Reuters in an interview at a hotel in Washington, where she has traveled to be feted at a Family Research Council event later on Friday.