(Originally written on 11/14/12): Good news for Iowa City residents who dream of keeping chickens within the city limits: Iowa City's City Council voted last night 5-2 in favor of two ordinances that could lead to the legalization of urban chicken farms within city limits! The first zoning amendment regulates the buildings used to keep chickens within city limits and the second zoning amendment establishes a permit process for keeping a chicken in Iowa City. The City Council will have to successfully vote on the ordinances two more times in order to get passed. A third resolution establishing the specific rules for keeping chickens within the city has not yet been voted on.
The current proposal would allow Iowa City residents to keep up to four hens. They would be required to file a $100 initial permit and $75 for annual renewals (I'm not clear if this is per property or per chicken). Residents are required to notify neighbors of their intent to raise chickens at least 10 days before the permit would be issued. Urban chicken farmers cannot keep roosters, they cannot slaughter their chickens, they cannot sell chickens or eggs, and they will be in violation of the law if their chickens get loose outside their coops.
Terry Dickens and Michelle Payne are the two City Councilors who opposed last nights proposed ordinances. Mayor Matt Hayek continues to push for a process for allowing neighbors to file objections to urban chickens. In other words, this could still crash and burn.
Updated on 11/28/12: Good news for advocates of urban chickens within the city limits of Iowa City. Iowa City's City Council continues to move forward with zoning changes that, if ultimately approved, will allow citizens the ability to raise up to four hens in town:
I got into a minor back-and-forth over on the Iowa City Patch website with another person on this subject. Actually, as Internet back-and-forths go, this one was downright civilized. She was concerned about crowing roosters and smelly chicken coops. I pointed out that roosters won't be allowed in Iowa City and zoning changes will specifically address the keeping of coops, so there should be a remedy for addressing fowl foul-keepers. Who knows? Maybe I changed a mind or two...
The current proposal would allow Iowa City residents to keep up to four hens. They would be required to file a $100 initial permit and $75 for annual renewals (I'm not clear if this is per property or per chicken). Residents are required to notify neighbors of their intent to raise chickens at least 10 days before the permit would be issued. Urban chicken farmers cannot keep roosters, they cannot slaughter their chickens, they cannot sell chickens or eggs, and they will be in violation of the law if their chickens get loose outside their coops.
Terry Dickens and Michelle Payne are the two City Councilors who opposed last nights proposed ordinances. Mayor Matt Hayek continues to push for a process for allowing neighbors to file objections to urban chickens. In other words, this could still crash and burn.
Updated on 11/28/12: Good news for advocates of urban chickens within the city limits of Iowa City. Iowa City's City Council continues to move forward with zoning changes that, if ultimately approved, will allow citizens the ability to raise up to four hens in town:
In another vote, councilors voted 5-2, with Mims and Dickens opposing, on a second reading to allow people to keep chickens at their homes within city limits. The final vote on the matter, which could come Dec. 4, is not a guarantee. A sticking point appears to be a request to notify neighbors, which will be discussed.I'm not sure whether or not it's worth stalling this zoning change over the issue of notifying neighbors. Just tell your neighbors and promise to keep your urban chicken farm clean and tidy and then actually keep your urban chicken farm clean and tidy.
I got into a minor back-and-forth over on the Iowa City Patch website with another person on this subject. Actually, as Internet back-and-forths go, this one was downright civilized. She was concerned about crowing roosters and smelly chicken coops. I pointed out that roosters won't be allowed in Iowa City and zoning changes will specifically address the keeping of coops, so there should be a remedy for addressing fowl foul-keepers. Who knows? Maybe I changed a mind or two...