Iowa's residential care facilities keep getting closed. I could go on and on about the need for residential services for the state's most severely mentally ill residents, but that just gets me steamed. Fortunately, Iowa has found a better use for these buildings: paranormal investigations!
Case in point, it was reported yesterday that Linn County's Abbe Center residential care facility -- which closed back in 2013 -- was recently accessed by the Johnson County Paranormal Team last month, with plans for future paranormal training opportunities:
Case in point, it was reported yesterday that Linn County's Abbe Center residential care facility -- which closed back in 2013 -- was recently accessed by the Johnson County Paranormal Team last month, with plans for future paranormal training opportunities:
The group was first granted access to the facility in April. That visit resulted in a single piece of evidence, an audio clip known as an Electronic Voice Phenomenon or EVP. These are sounds typically not heard in real time by people on site, but present on electronic recordings. According to Reisner, the captured EVP was short and clear but otherwise benign.The Johnson County Paranormal Team is using the Abbe Center as a training opportunity for new investigators.
“This facility is an unknown, a curiosity,” he said. “We don’t know a great deal about its history and it hasn’t been thoroughly investigated. So, getting the one EVP makes it all the more interesting to go back again.”
Built in 1976, the structure has long been used as a residential treatment facility. It was originally built to replace the Linn County Home, which sheltered people with no other options. County homes were known earlier in history as poor farms, but were given a more politically correct name as society’s thinking changed in relation to the population they served.