Yesterday, the Department of Defense issued a memorandum for how the various branches of the military should treat the families of America's gay and lesbian service members. Think Progress listed a variety of these new benefits, which included access to service members group life insurance, casualty notification, hospital visitation privileges, access to Dependent ID cards, commissary privileges, child care, and joint duty assignments (among other benefits).
Later in the day, the American Family Association issued a member alert, expressing concern that the partners of America's gay and lesbian service members might sit next to the families of America's heterosexual service members at on-base movie theaters, for example. They were particularly concerned that gay partners might be buried at Arlington National Cemetery:
Later in the day, the American Family Association issued a member alert, expressing concern that the partners of America's gay and lesbian service members might sit next to the families of America's heterosexual service members at on-base movie theaters, for example. They were particularly concerned that gay partners might be buried at Arlington National Cemetery:
Among sweeping changes just signed by the departing Panetta are the issuing of military ID cards, which will give same-sex spouses and partners access to on-based commissaries, movie theaters and gyms.Keep in mind that the military has continually noted no negative response to the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (here, here, here, and here) and they have so far continued to meet all of their recruitment goals since DADT's repeal, despite predictions to the contrary. There have been a few hiccups and a few GOP politicians who have continued to rail against America's gay and lesbian service members, but really all of this blather about problems with morale and discipline and ailing unit cohesion have amounted to nothing. So I have no doubt that our combat troops will continue to remain ready even if the partners of our gay soldiers are allowed hospital visitation or casualty notification.
Other changes Panetta is pushing for are prohibited by the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which Panetta and the Obama administration have asked the Supreme Court to overturn.
This means the military will recognize homosexual loves as "married" and will give a full slate of benefits, including burial in Arlington National Cemetery.
Panetta, at every turn, has exposed the military to open homosexuality, which presents an unacceptable risk to good order, discipline, morale and unit cohesion -- qualities essential for combat readiness.