Faith UCC's Ann Zerkel / WAGE THEFT |
I totally missed it, but Faith Works -- Faith UCC's committee is charge of programming specifically related to our Economic Justice covenant -- led a shared ministry worship service on January 11, 2015. This is how it was reported on the Economic Justice section of Faith UCC's website:
Following an Economic Justice worship service led by Faith Works on January 11, at which Ann Zerkel presented ideas from the newly formed UCC Economic Justice League, Faith Works hosted an Adult Education discussion featuring a Wage Theft Comic Book produced by Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ), the national organization with which Center for Worker Justice (CWJ) is affiliated.
When talk turned to tipping in restaurants, the discussion became quite alive. DON’T TIP ON YOUR CREDIT CARD (IT MAY GO STRAIGHT TO THE OWNERS!) GIVE THE SERVER CASH AS A TIP, AND ASK WHETHER S(HE) IS ALLOWED TO KEEP IT!
When Ann Zerkel ordered the comic books she was quizzed by IWJ staff on how she would use them. She wrote a report, was interviewed by phone, and Faith UCC will be featured in the next IWJ quarterly newsletter. Copies will be sent to Faith for us to see.Note the final paragraph, because Faith United Church of Christ did indeed receive a copy of the "Your Faith Works" newsletter from the Interfaith Worker Justice recently and they featured an article about Ann and our church congregation's study of the WAGE THEFT comic books: