Rockne Cole has announced his candidacy for the Iowa City City Council during the upcoming November 2015 election:
Here is what he had to say minutes ago on Facebook about his candidacy:
Cole said a portion of his platform is based on not compromising citizens well being for economic growth.Cole is a local attorney and ran unsuccessfully for the city council during the November 2013 election. In fact, I voted for him.
Here is what he had to say minutes ago on Facebook about his candidacy:
As noted above, you can meet Candidate Cole at the Iowa City Public Library at 12:00 PM on Friday, 02/06/15.On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 12:00 pm at the Iowa City Public Library, I will be announcing my candidacy for the 2015 Iowa City Council at-large seat. Nearly 15 months ago, we didn't achieve our goal of a progressive majority for our City Council, but we planted seeds for future growth.
Since then, we have worked hard to protect our historic places.
We have collaborated with city officials to ensure access for dynamic young entrepreneurs through the Food Truck Pilot Project.
We have outlined our vision for making the Riverfront Crossing Park into our very first Eco-District.
We have exchanged ideas about how to ensure that every resident in Iowa City can access a place to grow healthy food.
We have partnered with community groups to ensure that our talented young people can connect with all of the opportunities that this town provides.
But challenges remain... our historic places are at risk. We lack low cost office space for start ups of all kinds. Too many remain locked out of affordable places to live. Seniors are concerned about the future of their Senior Center. The prospect of a safe, bikable downtown for families seems to always lie just beyond our grasp. And many members of our community of color feel their government doesn't listen, and are frustrated that we remain poised yet again to convene another task force without addressing the recommendations made in the first one.
We can solve these problems, but only through working together towards our shared vision of a more progressive, and a more inclusive Iowa City where every voice is heard. We want to make it a place where every resident has an opportunity to live, work, and grow.